Started 3 yr 3 mo ago
Took 21 min

Success Build #17 (Dec 19, 2013 10:41:30 AM)

  1. Add scripts for mysql password creation, setting and preseeding. (detail)
  2. Add mysql classes. (detail)
  3. Switch 'aegirvps' to 'aegir' throughout. (detail)
  4. Add missing template. (detail)
  5. Add apt and mysql smoke tests. (detail)
  6. Fix mysql class names in tests. (detail)
  7. Fix dependency errors in preseed class. (detail)
  8. Fix unqualified command and try to work around external dependency. (detail)
  9. Fix attribute adding syntax. (detail)

Started by user Christopher Gervais

Revision: da32c2c2c641ef63d721fc7f382b981042bf7a6c
  • origin/new