Started 3 yr 4 mo ago
Took 21 min

Success Build #16 (Nov 14, 2013 3:46:59 PM)

  1. Update debian packaging key from (detail)
  2. Sync up with aegir2-dev/ (detail)
  3. Fixed mysql_secure_installation (detail)
  4. Duplicate script from aegir2-dev (detail)
  5. Fixed mysql_secure_installation ( also for aegir2-dev) (detail)
  6. Set default secure_mysql = true (detail)
  7. Issue #1380354 by ergonlogic, helmo: Add tests/.ci/ to setup smoke-test workspace (detail)
  8. Quote SCRIPT_DIR to account for spaces (detail)
  9. Don't hide errors in the bitbucket (detail)

Started by user Christopher Gervais

Revision: 1f709b0fa5be8bafbd6c40c13e7e51386c8bd216
  • origin/new