Started 5 yr 1 mo ago
Took 20 sec

Success Build #11 (Feb 8, 2012 9:45:58 PM)

  1. copy the cluster class into a new dumbcluster class (detail)
  2. first implementation of the dumbcluster, pretty dumb, based on cluster.php (detail)
  3. rename the dumbcluster module to pack (detail)
  4. really allow multiple master_web_servers (detail)
  5. describe why this is named 'pack' (detail)
  6. fix typo (detail)
  7. also sync configs to slave server, which means we *can't* mount /var/aegir as a whole anymore (detail)
  8. fix another typo (detail)
  9. properly pass configs around (detail)

Started by an SCM change

Revision: 8514e3df93084bcc44e9fdba5d118f9c624888cf
  • provision/6.x-2.x
Checkstyle: 735 warnings from one analysis.