Started 4 yr 9 mo ago
Took 27 sec

Success Build #32 (Jun 29, 2012 7:01:22 PM)

  1. run the daemon niced (detail)
  2. implement reload command, which sends a sighup to the daemon (detail)
  3. remove useless comment (detail)
  4. Revert "remove useless comment" (detail)
  5. check the pidfile instead of the process name in status (detail)
  6. make init script OS-agnostic, POSIX-sh compatible (detail)
  7. fix status, remove old logging message (detail)
  8. fix logging in init script (detail)
  9. fix syntax errors, make status silent (detail)

Started by an SCM change

Revision: 527bc31d1e9bb8bba14dbdd98275072940d6cdd4
  • provision/6.x-2.x
Checkstyle: 296 warnings from one analysis.