

  1. Issue #1437386 by Steven Jones: Fixed Notices from hosting_package.module. (details)
  2. Clean line endings in hosting_package module. (details)
Commit d03dba329e1871a3a821011f76bb6bded927f7be by Steven Jones
Issue #1437386 by Steven Jones: Fixed Notices from hosting_package.module.
The file was modifiedmodules/hosting/package/hosting_package.module
Commit f2a89698918181f3b1e2b9df2873eeb0a619cb0a by Steven Jones
Clean line endings in hosting_package module.
The file was modifiedmodules/hosting/package/
The file was modifiedmodules/hosting/package/hosting_package.install
The file was modifiedmodules/hosting/package/
The file was modifiedmodules/hosting/package/
The file was modifiedmodules/hosting/package/hosting_package.module