Started 9 mo 13 days ago
Took 19 sec

Success Build #20 (Jun 23, 2016 10:04:53 AM)

Build Artifacts
aegir3-cluster-slave_3.6_all.deb11.02 KB view
aegir3-hostmaster_3.6_all.deb14.62 KB view
aegir3-provision_3.6_all.deb115.94 KB view
aegir3_3.6_all.deb7.94 KB view


  1. Issue #2729891 by helmo: Fix Debian upgrade error 3.4 to 3.5 (with hosting_git enabled) (detail)
  2. Update debian/changelog for 3.5.1 mini release (detail)
  3. Bump default Drush version in manual upgrade script (detail)
  4. Nginx: Fix for /.well-known/acme-challenge in subdir sites (detail)
  5. Issue #2730977 by mpv: 403 Forbidden for hosting_le acme challenges (detail)
  6. Issue #2731471 by Jon Pugh: Provision backup-delete command is too strict if it doesn't have "backups" passed to it (detail)
  7. Issue #2731605 by gboudrias - Hardcoded hosting_le code limits behavior with regards to the .well-known directory (detail)
  8. exmplain new steps (detail)
  9. Fixing docblock for d() function.  You can now CTRL-click methods like d()->get_services() to go to the definition. (detail)
  10. Revert "Issue #2731471 by Jon Pugh: Provision backup-delete command is too strict if it doesn't have "backups" passed to it" (detail)
  11. Fix hook documentation. (detail)
  12. Fix more hook docs. (detail)
  13. Revert "Issue #2729891 by helmo: Fix Debian upgrade error 3.4 to 3.5 (with hosting_git enabled)" (detail)
  14. Issue #2754309: Add option to ignore drush version during deb install (detail)
  15. Issue #2754309: Re-indent (detail)
  16. change version information for release 3.6 (detail)
  17. Revert "change version information for release 3.6" (detail)

Started by user Herman van Rink

Revision: 3e06c5dfcce5f4b491c833fa86a2b77142f59a76 from SCM: aegir_jenkins_scripts
  • origin/master
Revision: 1aaee66414e6c8a9919c02e870616c2ec5dfae06 from SCM: provision
  • origin/7.x-3.x