Started 10 mo ago
Took 18 sec

Success Build #18 (May 19, 2016 3:19:20 PM)

Build Artifacts
aegir3-cluster-slave_3.5_all.deb10.93 KB view
aegir3-hostmaster_3.5_all.deb14.53 KB view
aegir3-provision_3.5_all.deb115.96 KB view
aegir3_3.5_all.deb7.85 KB view


  1. Issue #2661124 by kristofferwiklund: D8 Site fails verification after db restore. (But site is working fine) (detail)
  2. Issue #2666926: Test the hosting tasks queue (detail)
  3. Issue #2666926: Document the force option (detail)
  4. Issue #2666926: Syntax fixes (detail)
  5. Satisfy coder module (detail)
  6. Compare versions before attempting to update drush (detail)
  7. Issue #2666926 by helmo: Add a test to create a custom verify task for the hostmaster site and place it in the queue. (detail)
  8. Issue #2667210 by bgm -- Nginx: Use $args sec filtering only in the extended config (detail)
  9. Add explicit test to avoid needless error (detail)
  10. Nginx: Workaround for broken autocomplete (detail)
  11. Nginx: error_page directive is not allowed in pseudo-location (detail)
  12. Issue #2557025 by tom_spiers: Fix `Unknown option: --profile.` errors. (detail)
  13. Add more debug info when recursive file functions fail. (detail)
  14. Resolve the VERSION constant used in Git checkouts (detail)
  15. Fix notice (detail)
  16. Code style + comments (detail)
  17. Issue #2685575 by NWOM -- Nginx: whitelist xmlrpc.php when /etc/nginx/basic_nginx.conf ctrl file is present (detail)
  18. Nginx: Add letsencrypt support (work in progress) (detail)
  19. Remove the back-end components of example modules, as they've now been added to the front-end repos. (detail)
  20. Fix build after example files were removed (detail)
  21. Remove failing D6 test ... since D6 is EOL (detail)
  22. Update links (detail)
  23. Add variable to (detail)
  24. Issue #2667194 by helmo: Update to use phars for drush (detail)
  25. Bump Drush version to 8.0.5 (detail)
  26. Nginx: Use $status in fastcgi_cache_key (detail)
  27. Download Drush directly to the desired location. (detail)
  28. Issue #2701145 by JamesAn: Add support for Drush 9.x (detail)
  29. Issue #2698125 by Jon Pugh: Report the expected service class in the drush errors when it is missing (detail)
  30. Silence logging about service_type being NULL, can be intended (detail)
  31. Nginx: Do not silence cron requests in the access.log (detail)
  32. Issue #2704291 by Jon Pugh: Verify of a site with function "hosting_get_features" overwrites the `~/.drush/drushrc.php` file (detail)
  33. Code cleanup (detail)
  34. Issue #2718567 by fabsor: Subdirectory records aren't generated properly in sites.php (detail)
  35. Issue #2715599 by colan: Add experimental support for PHP 7 (detail)
  36. Code style (detail)
  37. Issue #2718711 by fabsor, omega8cc: Allow sites to be put in multi-level sub directories (detail)
  38. Nginx: Set HTTP_HOST with $this->uri to avoid reverse order with multi-level subdirs (detail)
  39. Issue #2720159 by Thomas Bosviel: Nginx SSL service doesn't generate vhost include file (detail)
  40. Nginx: Sync regex for protected paths with Drupal core (detail)
  41. Nginx: Enable fastcgi_cache_lock (detail)
  42. Nginx: Allow site specific PHP-FPM socket/version (BOA) (detail)
  43. Nginx: Sync subdirs config tpl (detail)
  44. Issue #2723075: Skip hidden D8 profiles (detail)
  45. Issue #2718437 by Steven Jones: Options is always isset on a context (detail)
  46. Issue #2724273: Disabled Nginx sites return 404 instead of "Disabled" message (detail)
  47. Issue #2724273: Nginx -- Use 302 tmp redirect for web_disable_url (detail)
  48. Nginx: Use faster 301/302 redirects (detail)
  49. Nginx: Fix for broken aliases redirects (detail)
  50. Issue #2725771 by auth: nginx 1.10 does not return nginx_is_modern == TRUE (detail)
  51. Apache: Print redirect comments in vhosts to support SAN compatibility detection and autoconfiguration in hosting_le (detail)
  52. Whitespace cleanup (detail)
  53. Nginx: Add HTTP/2 support detection (detail)
  54. Nginx: Use HTTP/2 if detected as supported (detail)
  55. Nginx: Use ssl_chain_cert if available (via hosting_le) (detail)
  56. Nginx: Use ssl_chain_cert if available (via hosting_le) (detail)
  57. Nginx: Add recommended HTTP headers (detail)
  58. Nginx: Map /.well-known/acme-challenge to support hosting_le (detail)
  59. Nginx: Use $aegir_root variable in templates (detail)
  60. Nginx: Sync subdir.tpl.php (detail)
  61. Nginx: Sync variables (detail)
  62. Nginx: Sync custom SSL settings for BOA(unfork) (detail)
  63. Nginx: Update crawlers regex (detail)
  64. Apache: Add Alias directive for /.well-known/acme-challenge for hosting_le support (detail)
  65. change version information for release 3.5 (detail)
  66. Revert "change version information for release 3.5" (detail)

Started by user Herman van Rink

Revision: 3e06c5dfcce5f4b491c833fa86a2b77142f59a76 from SCM: aegir_jenkins_scripts
  • origin/master
Revision: 81664e6dd7647401922383f8a50336fc6984b70e from SCM: provision
  • origin/7.x-3.x