Started 1 yr 2 mo ago
Took 18 sec

Success Build #16 (Jan 28, 2016 2:25:30 PM)

Build Artifacts
aegir3-cluster-slave_3.3_all.deb15.26 KB view
aegir3-hostmaster_3.3_all.deb14.41 KB view
aegir3-provision_3.3_all.deb117.67 KB view
aegir3_3.3_all.deb7.76 KB view


  1. Issue #2617718 by npacker, gboudrias: Renaming site through Migrate doesn't remove old vhost or site folder (detail)
  2. Issue #2613716 by captainack, ergonlogic: Cluster SSL not working for 2 apache-ssl servers (detail)
  3. Issue #2595809 by helmo: Find (d8) profiles without a .profile (detail)
  4. Revert "Issue #2595809 by helmo: Find (d8) profiles without a .profile" (detail)
  5. Issue #2619158: Create debconf var for Drush version, as preparation for Drush 8 (detail)
  6. Issue #2619158: Switch to Drush 8 by default (detail)
  7. Fix typo in (detail)
  8. Add override_slave_authority option to provision-verify command (detail)
  9. Nginx: Remove duplicate $args on redirects (detail)
  10. Issue #2619158: Let work with Drush 8 (detail)
  11. Comment improvement (detail)
  12. Add a Vagrant file for testing debian packages (detail)
  13. fix urls (detail)
  14. change version information for release 3.3 (detail)
  15. Revert "change version information for release 3.3" (detail)

Started by user Herman van Rink

Revision: 3e06c5dfcce5f4b491c833fa86a2b77142f59a76 from SCM: aegir_jenkins_scripts
  • origin/master
Revision: 80b704fe27517a04e0a954e61c1cc5fa345c84e1 from SCM: provision
  • origin/7.x-3.x