FailedConsole Output

Skipping 117 KB.. Full Log
ontrol engine. [87.39 sec, 14.52 MB]                   [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Loading package_handler engine. [87.39 sec, 14.52 MB]                   [notice]
==> default: Loading release_info engine. [87.39 sec, 14.52 MB]                      [notice]
==> default: Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [87.39 sec, 14.52
==> default: MB]
==> default: Loading apache driver for the http service [87.39 sec, 14.52 MB]        [notice]
==> default: Including phar:///usr/local/bin/drush/commands/pm/    [bootstrap]
==> default: [87.39 sec, 14.53 MB]
==> default: Calling hook drush_pm_download_validate [87.4 sec, 14.53 MB]             [debug]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_pm_download_validate [87.4 sec, 14.53 MB]       [debug]
==> default: Calling hook drush_pm_download [87.4 sec, 14.53 MB]                      [debug]
==> default: Downloading release history from                                        [notice]
==> default: [87.4
==> default: sec, 14.53 MB]
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/cache/download/   [notice]
==> default: retrieved from cache. [87.4 sec, 14.53 MB]
==> default: Downloading project overlay_paths ... [87.4 sec, 14.53 MB]              [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Downloading overlay_paths-7.x-1.3.tar.gz was successful. [87.4 sec,     [notice]
==> default: 14.54 MB]
==> default: Md5 checksum of overlay_paths-7.x-1.3.tar.gz verified. [87.4 sec,       [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: 14.54 MB]
==> default: Verifying signature for svn version control engine. [87.4 sec, 14.54     [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: MB]
==> default: Verifying signature for bzr version control engine. [87.4 sec, 14.54     [debug]
==> default: MB]
==> default: Project overlay_paths (7.x-1.3) downloaded to                          [success]
==> default: /tmp/make_tmp_1487159310_58a4400e0f8f2/__build__/profiles/hostmaster/modules/contrib/overlay_paths.
==> default: [87.4 sec, 14.54 MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_pm_download [87.4 sec, 14.54 MB]                [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: Command dispatch complete [87.4 sec, 14.54 MB]                          [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: overlay_paths-7.x-1.3 downloaded. [87.4 sec, 14.54 MB]                      [ok]
==> default: Backend invoke: /usr/local/bin/drush  --backend=2 --yes --root=        [command]
==> default: 
==> default: --uri=  pm-download r4032login-7.x-1.8  
==> default: --destination=/tmp/make_tmp_1487159310_58a4400e0f8f2/__build__/profiles/hostmaster/modules/contrib
==> default: --package-handler=wget
==> default: --source=
==> default: --variant=profile-only --cache 2>&1 [87.4 sec, 14.54 MB]
==> default: /usr/local/bin/drush  --backend=2 --yes --root= --uri=  pm-download     [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: r4032login-7.x-1.8  
==> default: --destination=/tmp/make_tmp_1487159310_58a4400e0f8f2/__build__/profiles/hostmaster/modules/contrib
==> default: --package-handler=wget
==> default: --source=
==> default: --variant=profile-only --cache 2>&1 [87.4 sec, 14.54 MB]
==> default: Bootstrap to phase 0. [87.4 sec, 14.54 MB]                           [bootstrap]
==> default: 
==> default: Trying to bootstrap as far as we can. [87.4 sec, 14.54 MB]               [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: Found command: pm-download (commandfile=pm) [87.4 sec, 14.55 MB]     [bootstrap]
==> default: 
==> default: Loading version_control engine. [87.4 sec, 14.55 MB]                    [notice]
==> default: Loading package_handler engine. [87.4 sec, 14.55 MB]                    [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Loading release_info engine. [87.4 sec, 14.55 MB]                       [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [87.4 sec, 14.55
==> default: MB]
==> default: Loading apache driver for the http service [87.4 sec, 14.55 MB]         [notice]
==> default: Including phar:///usr/local/bin/drush/commands/pm/    [bootstrap]
==> default: 
==> default: [87.4 sec, 14.55 MB]
==> default: Calling hook drush_pm_download_validate [87.4 sec, 14.55 MB]             [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: Returned from hook drush_pm_download_validate [87.4 sec, 14.55 MB]       [debug]
==> default: Calling hook drush_pm_download [87.4 sec, 14.55 MB]                      [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: Downloading release history from                                        [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: [87.4 sec,
==> default: 14.55 MB]
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/cache/download/   [notice]
==> default: retrieved from cache. [87.4 sec, 14.56 MB]
==> default: Downloading project r4032login ... [87.4 sec, 14.56 MB]                 [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Downloading r4032login-7.x-1.8.tar.gz was successful. [87.4 sec,        [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: 14.56 MB]
==> default: Md5 checksum of r4032login-7.x-1.8.tar.gz verified. [87.4 sec, 14.56    [notice]
==> default: MB]
==> default: 
==> default: Verifying signature for svn version control engine. [87.4 sec, 14.56     [debug]
==> default: MB]
==> default: Verifying signature for bzr version control engine. [87.4 sec, 14.56     [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: MB]
==> default: Project r4032login (7.x-1.8) downloaded to                             [success]
==> default: 
==> default: /tmp/make_tmp_1487159310_58a4400e0f8f2/__build__/profiles/hostmaster/modules/contrib/r4032login.
==> default: [87.4 sec, 14.56 MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_pm_download [87.4 sec, 14.56 MB]                [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: Command dispatch complete [87.4 sec, 14.56 MB]                          [notice]
==> default: r4032login-7.x-1.8 downloaded. [87.4 sec, 14.56 MB]                         [ok]
==> default: 
==> default: Backend invoke: /usr/local/bin/drush  --backend=2 --yes --root=        [command]
==> default: 
==> default: --uri=  pm-download views-7.x-3.14  
==> default: --destination=/tmp/make_tmp_1487159310_58a4400e0f8f2/__build__/profiles/hostmaster/modules/contrib
==> default: --package-handler=wget
==> default: --source=
==> default: --variant=profile-only --cache 2>&1 [87.4 sec, 14.56 MB]
==> default: /usr/local/bin/drush  --backend=2 --yes --root= --uri=  pm-download     [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: views-7.x-3.14  
==> default: --destination=/tmp/make_tmp_1487159310_58a4400e0f8f2/__build__/profiles/hostmaster/modules/contrib
==> default: --package-handler=wget
==> default: --source=
==> default: --variant=profile-only --cache 2>&1 [87.41 sec, 14.56 MB]
==> default: Bootstrap to phase 0. [87.41 sec, 14.57 MB]                          [bootstrap]
==> default: 
==> default: Trying to bootstrap as far as we can. [87.41 sec, 14.57 MB]              [debug]
==> default: Found command: pm-download (commandfile=pm) [87.41 sec, 14.57 MB]    [bootstrap]
==> default: 
==> default: Loading version_control engine. [87.41 sec, 14.57 MB]                   [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Loading package_handler engine. [87.41 sec, 14.57 MB]                   [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Loading release_info engine. [87.41 sec, 14.57 MB]                      [notice]
==> default: Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [87.41 sec, 14.57
==> default: MB]
==> default: Loading apache driver for the http service [87.41 sec, 14.57 MB]        [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Including phar:///usr/local/bin/drush/commands/pm/    [bootstrap]
==> default: 
==> default: [87.41 sec, 14.57 MB]
==> default: Calling hook drush_pm_download_validate [87.41 sec, 14.57 MB]            [debug]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_pm_download_validate [87.41 sec, 14.57 MB]      [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: Calling hook drush_pm_download [87.41 sec, 14.57 MB]                     [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: Downloading release history from                                        [notice]
==> default: [87.41 sec,
==> default: 14.58 MB]
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/cache/download/   [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: retrieved from cache. [87.41 sec, 14.58 MB]
==> default: Downloading project views ... [87.41 sec, 14.58 MB]                     [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Downloading views-7.x-3.14.tar.gz was successful. [87.41 sec, 14.58     [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: MB]
==> default: Md5 checksum of views-7.x-3.14.tar.gz verified. [87.41 sec, 14.58 MB]   [notice]
==> default: Verifying signature for svn version control engine. [87.41 sec, 14.58    [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: MB]
==> default: Verifying signature for bzr version control engine. [87.41 sec, 14.58    [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: MB]
==> default: Project views (7.x-3.14) downloaded to                                 [success]
==> default: 
==> default: /tmp/make_tmp_1487159310_58a4400e0f8f2/__build__/profiles/hostmaster/modules/contrib/views.
==> default: [87.41 sec, 14.58 MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_pm_download [87.41 sec, 14.58 MB]               [debug]
==> default: Command dispatch complete [87.41 sec, 14.58 MB]                         [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: views-7.x-3.14 downloaded. [87.41 sec, 14.58 MB]                            [ok]
==> default: Backend invoke: /usr/local/bin/drush  --backend=2 --yes --root=        [command]
==> default: 
==> default: --uri=  pm-download views_bulk_operations-7.x-3.3  
==> default: --destination=/tmp/make_tmp_1487159310_58a4400e0f8f2/__build__/profiles/hostmaster/modules/contrib
==> default: --package-handler=wget
==> default: --source=
==> default: --variant=profile-only --cache 2>&1 [87.41 sec, 14.58 MB]
==> default: /usr/local/bin/drush  --backend=2 --yes --root= --uri=  pm-download     [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: views_bulk_operations-7.x-3.3  
==> default: --destination=/tmp/make_tmp_1487159310_58a4400e0f8f2/__build__/profiles/hostmaster/modules/contrib
==> default: --package-handler=wget
==> default: --source=
==> default: --variant=profile-only --cache 2>&1 [87.41 sec, 14.59 MB]
==> default: Bootstrap to phase 0. [87.41 sec, 14.59 MB]                          [bootstrap]
==> default: 
==> default: Trying to bootstrap as far as we can. [87.41 sec, 14.59 MB]              [debug]
==> default: Found command: pm-download (commandfile=pm) [87.41 sec, 14.59 MB]    [bootstrap]
==> default: 
==> default: Loading version_control engine. [87.41 sec, 14.59 MB]                   [notice]
==> default: Loading package_handler engine. [87.41 sec, 14.59 MB]                   [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Loading release_info engine. [87.41 sec, 14.59 MB]                      [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [87.41 sec, 14.59
==> default: MB]
==> default: Loading apache driver for the http service [87.41 sec, 14.59 MB]        [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Including phar:///usr/local/bin/drush/commands/pm/    [bootstrap]
==> default: 
==> default: [87.41 sec, 14.59 MB]
==> default: Calling hook drush_pm_download_validate [87.41 sec, 14.59 MB]            [debug]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_pm_download_validate [87.41 sec, 14.59 MB]      [debug]
==> default: Calling hook drush_pm_download [87.41 sec, 14.6 MB]                      [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: Downloading release history from                                        [notice]
==> default: 
==> default:
==> default: [87.41 sec, 14.6 MB]
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/cache/download/   [notice]
==> default: retrieved from cache. [87.41 sec, 14.6 MB]
==> default: 
==> default: Downloading project views_bulk_operations ... [87.41 sec, 14.6 MB]      [notice]
==> default: Downloading views_bulk_operations-7.x-3.3.tar.gz was successful.        [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: [87.41 sec, 14.6 MB]
==> default: Md5 checksum of views_bulk_operations-7.x-3.3.tar.gz verified. [87.41   [notice]
==> default: sec, 14.6 MB]
==> default: Verifying signature for svn version control engine. [87.41 sec, 14.6     [debug]
==> default: MB]
==> default: Verifying signature for bzr version control engine. [87.41 sec, 14.6     [debug]
==> default: MB]
==> default: Project views_bulk_operations (7.x-3.3) downloaded to                  [success]
==> default: 
==> default: /tmp/make_tmp_1487159310_58a4400e0f8f2/__build__/profiles/hostmaster/modules/contrib/views_bulk_operations.
==> default: [87.41 sec, 14.6 MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_pm_download [87.42 sec, 14.6 MB]                [debug]
==> default: Command dispatch complete [87.42 sec, 14.6 MB]                          [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: views_bulk_operations-7.x-3.3 downloaded. [87.42 sec, 14.61 MB]             [ok]
==> default: 
==> default: Backend invoke: /usr/local/bin/drush  --backend=2 --yes --root=        [command]
==> default: 
==> default: --uri=  pm-download libraries-7.x-2.3  
==> default: --destination=/tmp/make_tmp_1487159310_58a4400e0f8f2/__build__/profiles/hostmaster/modules/contrib
==> default: --package-handler=wget
==> default: --source=
==> default: --variant=profile-only --cache 2>&1 [87.42 sec, 14.61 MB]
==> default: /usr/local/bin/drush  --backend=2 --yes --root= --uri=  pm-download     [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: libraries-7.x-2.3  
==> default: --destination=/tmp/make_tmp_1487159310_58a4400e0f8f2/__build__/profiles/hostmaster/modules/contrib
==> default: --package-handler=wget
==> default: --source=
==> default: --variant=profile-only --cache 2>&1 [87.42 sec, 14.61 MB]
==> default: Bootstrap to phase 0. [87.42 sec, 14.61 MB]                          [bootstrap]
==> default: Trying to bootstrap as far as we can. [87.42 sec, 14.61 MB]              [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: Found command: pm-download (commandfile=pm) [87.42 sec, 14.61 MB]    [bootstrap]
==> default: Loading version_control engine. [87.42 sec, 14.61 MB]                   [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Loading package_handler engine. [87.42 sec, 14.61 MB]                   [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Loading release_info engine. [87.42 sec, 14.61 MB]                      [notice]
==> default: Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [87.42 sec, 14.61
==> default: MB]
==> default: Loading apache driver for the http service [87.42 sec, 14.61 MB]        [notice]
==> default: Including phar:///usr/local/bin/drush/commands/pm/    [bootstrap]
==> default: 
==> default: [87.42 sec, 14.61 MB]
==> default: Calling hook drush_pm_download_validate [87.42 sec, 14.62 MB]            [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: Returned from hook drush_pm_download_validate [87.42 sec, 14.62 MB]      [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: Calling hook drush_pm_download [87.42 sec, 14.62 MB]                     [debug]
==> default: Downloading release history from                                        [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: [87.42 sec,
==> default: 14.62 MB]
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/cache/download/   [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: retrieved from cache. [87.42 sec, 14.62 MB]
==> default: Downloading project libraries ... [87.42 sec, 14.62 MB]                 [notice]
==> default: Downloading libraries-7.x-2.3.tar.gz was successful. [87.42 sec,        [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: 14.62 MB]
==> default: Md5 checksum of libraries-7.x-2.3.tar.gz verified. [87.42 sec, 14.62    [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: MB]
==> default: Verifying signature for svn version control engine. [87.42 sec, 14.62    [debug]
==> default: MB]
==> default: Verifying signature for bzr version control engine. [87.42 sec, 14.62    [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: MB]
==> default: Project libraries (7.x-2.3) downloaded to                              [success]
==> default: 
==> default: /tmp/make_tmp_1487159310_58a4400e0f8f2/__build__/profiles/hostmaster/modules/contrib/libraries.
==> default: [87.42 sec, 14.62 MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_pm_download [87.42 sec, 14.62 MB]               [debug]
==> default: Command dispatch complete [87.42 sec, 14.63 MB]                         [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: libraries-7.x-2.3 downloaded. [87.42 sec, 14.63 MB]                         [ok]
==> default: Backend invoke: /usr/local/bin/drush  --backend=2 --yes --root=        [command]
==> default: 
==> default: --uri=  pm-download tfa-7.x-2.0  
==> default: --destination=/tmp/make_tmp_1487159310_58a4400e0f8f2/__build__/profiles/hostmaster/modules/contrib
==> default: --package-handler=wget
==> default: --source=
==> default: --variant=profile-only --cache 2>&1 [87.42 sec, 14.63 MB]
==> default: /usr/local/bin/drush  --backend=2 --yes --root= --uri=  pm-download     [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: tfa-7.x-2.0  
==> default: --destination=/tmp/make_tmp_1487159310_58a4400e0f8f2/__build__/profiles/hostmaster/modules/contrib
==> default: --package-handler=wget
==> default: --source=
==> default: --variant=profile-only --cache 2>&1 [87.42 sec, 14.63 MB]
==> default: Bootstrap to phase 0. [87.42 sec, 14.63 MB]                          [bootstrap]
==> default: Trying to bootstrap as far as we can. [87.42 sec, 14.63 MB]              [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: Found command: pm-download (commandfile=pm) [87.42 sec, 14.63 MB]    [bootstrap]
==> default: 
==> default: Loading version_control engine. [87.42 sec, 14.63 MB]                   [notice]
==> default: Loading package_handler engine. [87.42 sec, 14.63 MB]                   [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Loading release_info engine. [87.42 sec, 14.63 MB]                      [notice]
==> default: Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [87.42 sec, 14.63
==> default: MB]
==> default: Loading apache driver for the http service [87.42 sec, 14.63 MB]        [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Including phar:///usr/local/bin/drush/commands/pm/    [bootstrap]
==> default: [87.42 sec, 14.64 MB]
==> default: Calling hook drush_pm_download_validate [87.42 sec, 14.64 MB]            [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: Returned from hook drush_pm_download_validate [87.42 sec, 14.64 MB]      [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: Calling hook drush_pm_download [87.42 sec, 14.64 MB]                     [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: Downloading release history from                                        [notice]
==> default: [87.42 sec, 14.64
==> default: MB]
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/cache/download/   [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: retrieved from cache. [87.42 sec, 14.64 MB]
==> default: Downloading project tfa ... [87.42 sec, 14.64 MB]                       [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Downloading tfa-7.x-2.0.tar.gz was successful. [87.42 sec, 14.64 MB]    [notice]
==> default: Md5 checksum of tfa-7.x-2.0.tar.gz verified. [87.43 sec, 14.64 MB]      [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Verifying signature for svn version control engine. [87.43 sec, 14.64    [debug]
==> default: MB]
==> default: 
==> default: Verifying signature for bzr version control engine. [87.43 sec, 14.64    [debug]
==> default: MB]
==> default: Project tfa (7.x-2.0) downloaded to                                    [success]
==> default: 
==> default: /tmp/make_tmp_1487159310_58a4400e0f8f2/__build__/profiles/hostmaster/modules/contrib/tfa.
==> default: [87.43 sec, 14.64 MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_pm_download [87.43 sec, 14.65 MB]               [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: Command dispatch complete [87.43 sec, 14.65 MB]                         [notice]
==> default: tfa-7.x-2.0 downloaded. [87.43 sec, 14.65 MB]                               [ok]
==> default: Backend invoke: /usr/local/bin/drush  --backend=2 --yes --root=        [command]
==> default: --uri=  pm-download tfa_basic-7.x-1.0  
==> default: --destination=/tmp/make_tmp_1487159310_58a4400e0f8f2/__build__/profiles/hostmaster/modules/contrib
==> default: --package-handler=wget
==> default: --source=
==> default: --variant=profile-only --cache 2>&1 [87.43 sec, 14.65 MB]
==> default: /usr/local/bin/drush  --backend=2 --yes --root= --uri=  pm-download     [notice]
==> default: tfa_basic-7.x-1.0  
==> default: --destination=/tmp/make_tmp_1487159310_58a4400e0f8f2/__build__/profiles/hostmaster/modules/contrib
==> default: --package-handler=wget
==> default: --source=
==> default: --variant=profile-only --cache 2>&1 [87.43 sec, 14.65 MB]
==> default: Bootstrap to phase 0. [87.43 sec, 14.65 MB]                          [bootstrap]
==> default: 
==> default: Trying to bootstrap as far as we can. [87.43 sec, 14.65 MB]              [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: Found command: pm-download (commandfile=pm) [87.43 sec, 14.65 MB]    [bootstrap]
==> default: Loading version_control engine. [87.43 sec, 14.65 MB]                   [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Loading package_handler engine. [87.43 sec, 14.65 MB]                   [notice]
==> default: Loading release_info engine. [87.43 sec, 14.65 MB]                      [notice]
==> default: Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [87.43 sec, 14.65
==> default: MB]
==> default: Loading apache driver for the http service [87.43 sec, 14.66 MB]        [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Including phar:///usr/local/bin/drush/commands/pm/    [bootstrap]
==> default: [87.43 sec, 14.66 MB]
==> default: Calling hook drush_pm_download_validate [87.43 sec, 14.66 MB]            [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: Returned from hook drush_pm_download_validate [87.43 sec, 14.66 MB]      [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: Calling hook drush_pm_download [87.43 sec, 14.66 MB]                     [debug]
==> default: Downloading release history from                                        [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: [87.43 sec,
==> default: 14.66 MB]
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/cache/download/   [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: retrieved from cache. [87.43 sec, 14.66 MB]
==> default: Downloading project tfa_basic ... [87.43 sec, 14.66 MB]                 [notice]
==> default: Downloading tfa_basic-7.x-1.0.tar.gz was successful. [87.43 sec,        [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: 14.66 MB]
==> default: Md5 checksum of tfa_basic-7.x-1.0.tar.gz verified. [87.43 sec, 14.66    [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: MB]
==> default: Verifying signature for svn version control engine. [87.43 sec, 14.66    [debug]
==> default: MB]
==> default: 
==> default: Verifying signature for bzr version control engine. [87.43 sec, 14.67    [debug]
==> default: MB]
==> default: Project tfa_basic (7.x-1.0) downloaded to                              [success]
==> default: 
==> default: /tmp/make_tmp_1487159310_58a4400e0f8f2/__build__/profiles/hostmaster/modules/contrib/tfa_basic.
==> default: [87.43 sec, 14.67 MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_pm_download [87.43 sec, 14.67 MB]               [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: Command dispatch complete [87.43 sec, 14.67 MB]                         [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: tfa_basic-7.x-1.0 downloaded. [87.43 sec, 14.67 MB]                         [ok]
==> default: Checking patch includes/                                 [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Checking patch
==> default: Checking patch tfa_basic.module...
==> default: Applied patch includes/ cleanly.
==> default: Applied patch cleanly.
==> default: Applied patch tfa_basic.module cleanly. [87.43 sec, 14.67 MB]
==> default: tfa_basic patched with use_libraries_module-2807953-8.patch. [87.43         [ok]
==> default: 
==> default: sec, 14.67 MB]
==> default: Generated PATCHES.txt file for tfa_basic [87.43 sec, 14.67 MB]              [ok]
==> default: 
==> default: Backend invoke: /usr/local/bin/drush  --backend=2 --yes --root=        [command]
==> default: 
==> default: --uri=  pm-download devel-7.x-1.5  
==> default: --destination=/tmp/make_tmp_1487159310_58a4400e0f8f2/__build__/profiles/hostmaster/modules/developer
==> default: --package-handler=wget
==> default: --source=
==> default: --variant=profile-only --cache 2>&1 [87.43 sec, 14.67 MB]
==> default: /usr/local/bin/drush  --backend=2 --yes --root= --uri=  pm-download     [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: devel-7.x-1.5  
==> default: --destination=/tmp/make_tmp_1487159310_58a4400e0f8f2/__build__/profiles/hostmaster/modules/developer
==> default: --package-handler=wget
==> default: --source=
==> default: --variant=profile-only --cache 2>&1 [87.43 sec, 14.67 MB]
==> default: Bootstrap to phase 0. [87.43 sec, 14.67 MB]                          [bootstrap]
==> default: Trying to bootstrap as far as we can. [87.43 sec, 14.67 MB]              [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: Found command: pm-download (commandfile=pm) [87.43 sec, 14.68 MB]    [bootstrap]
==> default: 
==> default: Loading version_control engine. [87.43 sec, 14.68 MB]                   [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Loading package_handler engine. [87.43 sec, 14.68 MB]                   [notice]
==> default: Loading release_info engine. [87.43 sec, 14.68 MB]                      [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [87.43 sec, 14.68
==> default: 
==> default: MB]
==> default: Loading apache driver for the http service [87.44 sec, 14.68 MB]        [notice]
==> default: Including phar:///usr/local/bin/drush/commands/pm/    [bootstrap]
==> default: 
==> default: [87.44 sec, 14.68 MB]
==> default: Calling hook drush_pm_download_validate [87.44 sec, 14.68 MB]            [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: Returned from hook drush_pm_download_validate [87.44 sec, 14.68 MB]      [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: Calling hook drush_pm_download [87.44 sec, 14.68 MB]                     [debug]
==> default: Downloading release history from                                        [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: [87.44 sec,
==> default: 14.68 MB]
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/cache/download/   [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: retrieved from cache. [87.44 sec, 14.68 MB]
==> default: Downloading project devel ... [87.44 sec, 14.69 MB]                     [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Downloading devel-7.x-1.5.tar.gz was successful. [87.44 sec, 14.69      [notice]
==> default: MB]
==> default: Md5 checksum of devel-7.x-1.5.tar.gz verified. [87.44 sec, 14.69 MB]    [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Verifying signature for svn version control engine. [87.44 sec, 14.69    [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: MB]
==> default: Verifying signature for bzr version control engine. [87.44 sec, 14.69    [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: MB]
==> default: Project devel (7.x-1.5) downloaded to                                  [success]
==> default: 
==> default: /tmp/make_tmp_1487159310_58a4400e0f8f2/__build__/profiles/hostmaster/modules/developer/devel.
==> default: [87.44 sec, 14.69 MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_pm_download [87.44 sec, 14.69 MB]               [debug]
==> default: Command dispatch complete [87.44 sec, 14.69 MB]                         [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: devel-7.x-1.5 downloaded. [87.44 sec, 14.69 MB]                             [ok]
==> default: Backend invoke: /usr/local/bin/drush  --backend=2 --yes --root=        [command]
==> default: --uri=  pm-download devel_debug_log-7.x-1.2  
==> default: --destination=/tmp/make_tmp_1487159310_58a4400e0f8f2/__build__/profiles/hostmaster/modules/developer
==> default: --package-handler=wget
==> default: --source=
==> default: --variant=profile-only --cache 2>&1 [87.44 sec, 14.69 MB]
==> default: /usr/local/bin/drush  --backend=2 --yes --root= --uri=  pm-download     [notice]
==> default: devel_debug_log-7.x-1.2  
==> default: 
==> default: --destination=/tmp/make_tmp_1487159310_58a4400e0f8f2/__build__/profiles/hostmaster/modules/developer
==> default: --package-handler=wget
==> default: --source=
==> default: --variant=profile-only --cache 2>&1 [87.44 sec, 14.69 MB]
==> default: Bootstrap to phase 0. [87.44 sec, 14.69 MB]                          [bootstrap]
==> default: Trying to bootstrap as far as we can. [87.44 sec, 14.7 MB]               [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: Found command: pm-download (commandfile=pm) [87.44 sec, 14.7 MB]     [bootstrap]
==> default: 
==> default: Loading version_control engine. [87.44 sec, 14.7 MB]                    [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Loading package_handler engine. [87.44 sec, 14.7 MB]                    [notice]
==> default: Loading release_info engine. [87.44 sec, 14.7 MB]                       [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [87.44 sec, 14.7
==> default: MB]
==> default: Loading apache driver for the http service [87.44 sec, 14.7 MB]         [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Including phar:///usr/local/bin/drush/commands/pm/    [bootstrap]
==> default: [87.44 sec, 14.7 MB]
==> default: 
==> default: Calling hook drush_pm_download_validate [87.44 sec, 14.7 MB]             [debug]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_pm_download_validate [87.44 sec, 14.7 MB]       [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: Calling hook drush_pm_download [87.44 sec, 14.7 MB]                      [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: Downloading release history from                                        [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: [87.44
==> default: sec, 14.7 MB]
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/cache/download/   [notice]
==> default: retrieved from cache. [87.44 sec, 14.71 MB]
==> default: Downloading project devel_debug_log ... [87.44 sec, 14.71 MB]           [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Downloading devel_debug_log-7.x-1.2.tar.gz was successful. [87.44       [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: sec, 14.71 MB]
==> default: Md5 checksum of devel_debug_log-7.x-1.2.tar.gz verified. [87.44 sec,    [notice]
==> default: 14.71 MB]
==> default: Verifying signature for svn version control engine. [87.44 sec, 14.71    [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: MB]
==> default: Verifying signature for bzr version control engine. [87.44 sec, 14.71    [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: MB]
==> default: Project devel_debug_log (7.x-1.2) downloaded to                        [success]
==> default: /tmp/make_tmp_1487159310_58a4400e0f8f2/__build__/profiles/hostmaster/modules/developer/devel_debug_log.
==> default: 
==> default: [87.44 sec, 14.71 MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_pm_download [87.44 sec, 14.71 MB]               [debug]
==> default: Command dispatch complete [87.44 sec, 14.71 MB]                         [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: devel_debug_log-7.x-1.2 downloaded. [87.44 sec, 14.71 MB]                   [ok]
==> default: 
==> default: Returned from hook drush_make_process [87.44 sec, 14.71 MB]              [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: Command dispatch complete [87.44 sec, 14.72 MB]                         [notice]
==> default: Undefined property: DrushMakeProject_Library::$type                     [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: [87.44 sec, 14.72 MB]
==> default: qrcodejs cloned from           [ok]
==> default: 
==> default: [87.44 sec, 14.72 MB]
==> default: Checked out revision 04f46c6a0708418cb7b96fc563eacae0fbf77674. [87.44       [ok]
==> default: sec, 14.72 MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_make_process [87.44 sec, 14.72 MB]              [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: Command dispatch complete [87.45 sec, 14.72 MB]                         [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Calling is_readable(/tmp/make_tmp_1487159310_58a4400e0f8f2/__build__)    [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: [87.45 sec, 14.72 MB]
==> default: Calling is_writable(/tmp/make_tmp_1487159310_58a4400e0f8f2) [87.45       [debug]
==> default: sec, 14.72 MB]
==> default: Calling rename(/tmp/make_tmp_1487159310_58a4400e0f8f2/__build__,         [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: /tmp/make_tmp_1487159310_58a4400e0f8f2/hostmaster-7.x-3.x) [87.45
==> default: sec, 14.72 MB]
==> default: Calling                                                                  [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: _drush_recursive_copy(/tmp/make_tmp_1487159310_58a4400e0f8f2/hostmaster-7.x-3.x,
==> default: /var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x) [87.45 sec, 14.72 MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_make [87.45 sec, 14.72 MB]                      [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: Command dispatch complete [87.45 sec, 14.72 MB]                         [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_root() [87.45 sec, 14.73 MB][bootstrap]
==> default: Initialized Drupal 7.54 root directory at                            [bootstrap]
==> default: 
==> default: /var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x [87.45 sec, 14.73 MB]
==> default: Find command files for phase 1 (max=) [87.45 sec, 14.73 MB]              [debug]
==> default: Cache MISS cid: 8.1.9-commandfiles-1-a023a35c126b8cf2bdb3f76a83a2a543    [debug]
==> default: [87.45 sec, 14.73 MB]
==> default: Cache SET cid: 8.1.9-commandfiles-1-a023a35c126b8cf2bdb3f76a83a2a543     [debug]
==> default: [87.45 sec, 14.73 MB]
==> default: Cache MISS cid:                                                          [debug]
==> default: 8.1.9-annotationfiles-1-d77ecfa976263ac65d4ec71dfaafe693 [87.45 sec,
==> default: 14.73 MB]
==> default: Cache SET cid:                                                           [debug]
==> default: 8.1.9-annotationfiles-1-d77ecfa976263ac65d4ec71dfaafe693 [87.45 sec,
==> default: 14.73 MB]
==> default: Drupal sites directory /var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites is          [success]
==> default: writable by the provisioning script [87.45 sec, 14.73 MB]
==> default: This platform is running drupal 7.54 [87.45 sec, 14.73 MB]              [notice]
==> default: Found 44 modules in base [87.45 sec, 14.73 MB]                          [notice]
==> default: Found 4 themes in base [87.45 sec, 14.73 MB]                            [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Found install profile <em class="placeholder">standard</em> [87.45      [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: sec, 14.73 MB]
==> default: Found install profile <em class="placeholder">hostmaster</em> [87.45    [notice]
==> default: sec, 14.74 MB]
==> default: Found install profile <em class="placeholder">minimal</em> [87.45       [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: sec, 14.74 MB]
==> default: Found 74 modules in profiles/hostmaster [87.45 sec, 14.74 MB]           [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Found 1 themes in profiles/hostmaster [87.45 sec, 14.74 MB]             [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms has been created. [87.45 sec,      [success]
==> default: 14.74 MB]
==> default: Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
==> default: 
==> default: aegir. [87.45 sec, 14.74 MB]
==> default: Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
==> default: 
==> default: 755. [87.45 sec, 14.74 MB]
==> default: Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable. [87.45 sec, 14.74     [success]
==> default: 
==> default: MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_provision_drupal_pre_provision_verify [87.45    [debug]
==> default: sec, 14.74 MB]
==> default: Calling hook drush_provision_verify [87.45 sec, 14.74 MB]                [debug]
==> default: Backend invoke: /usr/local/bin/drush  --backend=2 --verbose --debug    [command]
==> default: 
==> default: --yes @platform_hostmaster provision-save 2>&1 [87.45 sec, 14.74 MB]
==> default: /usr/local/bin/drush  --backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes               [notice]
==> default: @platform_hostmaster provision-save 2>&1 [87.45 sec, 14.74 MB]
==> default: Bootstrap to phase 0. [87.45 sec, 14.75 MB]                          [bootstrap]
==> default: 
==> default: Bootstrap to phase 0. [87.45 sec, 14.75 MB]                          [bootstrap]
==> default: 
==> default: Found command: provision-save (commandfile=provision) [87.45 sec,    [bootstrap]
==> default: 
==> default: 14.75 MB]
==> default: Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [87.45 sec, 14.75
==> default: MB]
==> default: Loading apache driver for the http service [87.45 sec, 14.75 MB]        [notice]
==> default: Calling hook drush_provision_save [87.45 sec, 14.75 MB]                  [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: Template loaded from Provision Config class                             [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Provision_Config_Drushrc_Alias:
==> default: /usr/share/drush/commands/provision/Provision/Config/Drushrc/provision_drushrc_alias.tpl.php
==> default: [87.45 sec, 14.75 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
==> default: 
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/platform_hostmaster.alias.drushrc.php to 640 [87.45
==> default: sec, 14.75 MB]
==> default: Generated config in write(): Drush configuration file                  [success]
==> default: (/var/aegir/.drush/platform_hostmaster.alias.drushrc.php) [87.45 sec,
==> default: 14.75 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
==> default: 
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/platform_hostmaster.alias.drushrc.php to 440 [87.45
==> default: sec, 14.75 MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_provision_save [87.45 sec, 14.75 MB]            [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: Command dispatch complete [87.45 sec, 14.75 MB]                         [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Template loaded from Provision Config class <em                         [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: class="placeholder">Provision_Config_Apache_Platform</em>: <em
==> default: class="placeholder">/usr/share/drush/commands/provision/http/Provision/Config/Apache/platform.tpl.php</em>
==> default: [87.45 sec, 14.76 MB]
==> default: Generated config in write(): platform configuration file               [success]
==> default: 
==> default: (/var/aegir/config/server_master/apache/platform.d/platform_hostmaster.conf)
==> default: [87.45 sec, 14.76 MB]
==> default: <em class="placeholder">apache</em> on <em                              [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: class="placeholder">aegir3-deb-unstable-no-puppet.test</em> has been
==> default: restarted [87.45 sec, 14.76 MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_provision_verify [87.45 sec, 14.76 MB]          [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: Calling hook drush_provision_drupal_post_provision_verify [87.46 sec,    [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: 14.76 MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_provision_drupal_post_provision_verify          [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: [87.46 sec, 14.76 MB]
==> default: Created directory /var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/all/drush.       [success]
==> default: [87.46 sec, 14.76 MB]
==> default: Template loaded from Provision Config class <em                         [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: class="placeholder">Provision_Config_Drushrc</em>: <em
==> default: class="placeholder">/usr/share/drush/commands/provision/Provision/Config/provision_drushrc.tpl.php</em>
==> default: [87.46 sec, 14.76 MB]
==> default: Generated config in write(): Platform Drush configuration file         [success]
==> default: 
==> default: (/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php) [87.46
==> default: sec, 14.76 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
==> default: 
==> default: /var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php to 444
==> default: [87.46 sec, 14.76 MB]
==> default: Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists. [87.46 sec, 14.76 MB]      [success]
==> default: 
==> default: Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
==> default: 
==> default: aegir. [87.46 sec, 14.77 MB]
==> default: Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
==> default: 755. [87.46 sec, 14.77 MB]
==> default: Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable. [87.46 sec, 14.77     [success]
==> default: 
==> default: MB]
==> default: Command dispatch complete [87.46 sec, 14.77 MB]                         [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Backend invoke: /usr/local/bin/drush  --backend=2                      [command]
==> default: 
==> default: --verbose --debug --yes --root= 
==> default: provision-save '@hostmaster'   --context_type=site
==> default: --platform='@platform_hostmaster' --db_server='@server_localhost'
==> default: --client_name=admin --client_email=''
==> default: --profile=hostmaster --drush_aliases=hm 2>&1 [87.46 sec, 14.77 MB]
==> default: /usr/local/bin/drush  --backend=2 --verbose     [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: --debug --yes --root=  provision-save '@hostmaster'  
==> default: --context_type=site --platform='@platform_hostmaster'
==> default: --db_server='@server_localhost' --client_name=admin --client_email='
==> default:' --profile=hostmaster --drush_aliases=hm 2>&1
==> default: [87.46 sec, 14.77 MB]
==> default: Bootstrap to phase 0. [87.46 sec, 14.77 MB]                          [bootstrap]
==> default: Bootstrap to phase 0. [87.46 sec, 14.77 MB]                          [bootstrap]
==> default: Found command: provision-save (commandfile=provision) [87.46 sec,    [bootstrap]
==> default: 
==> default: 14.77 MB]
==> default: Loaded alias @server_localhost from file                                [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/server_localhost.alias.drushrc.php [87.46 sec,
==> default: 14.77 MB]
==> default: Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [87.46 sec, 14.77
==> default: MB]
==> default: Loading apache driver for the http service [87.46 sec, 14.77 MB]        [notice]
==> default: Loading mysql driver for the db service [87.46 sec, 14.78 MB]           [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Loaded alias @platform_hostmaster from file                             [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/platform_hostmaster.alias.drushrc.php [87.46 sec,
==> default: 14.78 MB]
==> default: Calling hook drush_provision_save [87.46 sec, 14.78 MB]                  [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: Template loaded from Provision Config class                             [notice]
==> default: Provision_Config_Drushrc_Alias:
==> default: /usr/share/drush/commands/provision/Provision/Config/Drushrc/provision_drushrc_alias.tpl.php
==> default: [87.46 sec, 14.78 MB]
==> default: Generated config in write(): Drush configuration file                  [success]
==> default: (/var/aegir/.drush/hostmaster.alias.drushrc.php) [87.46 sec, 14.78
==> default: MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of /var/aegir/.drush/hostmaster.alias.drushrc.php  [success]
==> default: 
==> default: to 440 [87.46 sec, 14.78 MB]
==> default: Template loaded from Provision Config class                             [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Provision_Config_Drushrc_Alias:
==> default: /usr/share/drush/commands/provision/Provision/Config/Drushrc/provision_drushrc_alias.tpl.php
==> default: [87.46 sec, 14.78 MB]
==> default: Generated config in write(): Drush configuration file                  [success]
==> default: 
==> default: (/var/aegir/.drush/hm.alias.drushrc.php) [87.46 sec, 14.78 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of /var/aegir/.drush/hm.alias.drushrc.php to 440   [success]
==> default: 
==> default: [87.46 sec, 14.78 MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_provision_save [87.46 sec, 14.78 MB]            [debug]
==> default: Command dispatch complete [87.46 sec, 14.78 MB]                         [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Starting with the hostmaster frontend installation. [87.46 sec, 14.78   [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: MB]
==> default: Loaded alias @hostmaster from file                                      [notice]
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/hostmaster.alias.drushrc.php [87.46 sec, 14.8 MB]
==> default: Backend invoke: /usr/local/bin/drush  --backend=2 --verbose --debug    [command]
==> default: 
==> default: --yes @hostmaster provision-install   --client_email='
==> default:' 2>&1 [87.46 sec, 14.8 MB]
==> default: /usr/local/bin/drush  --backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes @hostmaster   [notice]
==> default: provision-install   --client_email='' 2>&1 [87.46
==> default: sec, 14.8 MB]
==> default: Bootstrap to phase 0. [87.46 sec, 14.8 MB]                           [bootstrap]
==> default: 
==> default: Bootstrap to phase 1. [87.46 sec, 14.8 MB]                           [bootstrap]
==> default: 
==> default: Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_root() [87.46 sec, 14.8 MB] [bootstrap]
==> default: 
==> default: Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
==> default: "/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
==> default: "drupal" scope. [87.46 sec, 14.8 MB]
==> default: 
==> default: Initialized Drupal 7.54 root directory at                            [bootstrap]
==> default: /var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x [87.46 sec, 14.8 MB]
==> default: Find command files for phase 1 (max=1) [87.46 sec, 14.8 MB]              [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: Cache HIT cid: 8.1.9-commandfiles-1-a023a35c126b8cf2bdb3f76a83a2a543     [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: [87.46 sec, 14.8 MB]
==> default: Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: 8.1.9-annotationfiles-1-d77ecfa976263ac65d4ec71dfaafe693 [87.46 sec,
==> default: 14.81 MB]
==> default: Found command: provision-install (commandfile=provision) [87.47 sec, [bootstrap]
==> default: 14.81 MB]
==> default: Loaded alias @server_localhost from file                                [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/server_localhost.alias.drushrc.php [87.47 sec,
==> default: 14.81 MB]
==> default: Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [87.47 sec, 14.81
==> default: MB]
==> default: Loading apache driver for the http service [87.47 sec, 14.81 MB]        [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: Loading mysql driver for the db service [87.47 sec, 14.81 MB]           [notice]
==> default: Loaded alias @platform_hostmaster from file                             [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/platform_hostmaster.alias.drushrc.php [87.47 sec,
==> default: 14.81 MB]
==> default: Including                                                            [bootstrap]
==> default: /usr/share/drush/commands/provision/db/ [87.47
==> default: sec, 14.81 MB]
==> default: Including                                                            [bootstrap]
==> default: 
==> default: /usr/share/drush/commands/provision/http/ [87.47
==> default: sec, 14.81 MB]
==> default: Including                                                            [bootstrap]
==> default: 
==> default: /usr/share/drush/commands/provision/platform/
==> default: [87.47 sec, 14.81 MB]
==> default: Calling hook drush_db_provision_install_validate [87.47 sec, 14.81       [debug]
==> default: MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_db_provision_install_validate [87.47 sec,       [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: 14.82 MB]
==> default: Calling hook drush_provision_drupal_provision_install_validate [87.47    [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: sec, 14.82 MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_provision_drupal_provision_install_validate     [debug]
==> default: [87.47 sec, 14.82 MB]
==> default: Calling hook drush_db_pre_provision_install [87.47 sec, 14.82 MB]        [debug]
==> default: Granting privileges to <em                                              [notice]
==> default: 
==> default: class="placeholder">aegirexamplecom</em>@<em
==> default: class="placeholder">localhost</em> on <em
==> default: class="placeholder">aegirexamplecom</em> [87.47 sec, 14.82 MB]
==> default: Created aegirexamplecom database [87.47 sec, 14.82 MB]                 [success]
==> default: 
==> default: Returned from hook drush_db_pre_provision_install [87.47 sec, 14.82      [debug]
==> default: 
==> default: MB]
==> default: Calling hook drush_provision_drupal_pre_provision_install [87.47 sec,    [debug]
==> default: 14.82 MB]
==> default: Created <code>sites/</code> [87.47 sec, 14.82 MB]     [success]
==> default: 
==> default: Changed permissions of <code>sites/</code> to 755     [success]
==> default: 
==> default: [87.47 sec, 14.82 MB]
==> default: Created <code>sites/</code> [87.47 sec, 14.82  [success]
==> default: 
==> default: MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of <code>sites/</code> to  [success]
==> default: 
==> default: 2775 [87.47 sec, 14.82 MB]
==> default: Created <code>sites/</code> [87.47 sec,       [success]
==> default: 14.83 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of <code>sites/</code>    [success]
==> default: 
==> default: to 2775 [87.47 sec, 14.83 MB]
==> default: Created <code>sites/</code> [87.47 sec,     [success]
==> default: 14.83 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of <code>sites/</code>  [success]
==> default: 
==> default: to 2775 [87.47 sec, 14.83 MB]
==> default: Created <code>sites/</code> [87.47 sec, 14.83   [success]
==> default: 
==> default: MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of <code>sites/</code> to   [success]
==> default: 
==> default: 2770 [87.47 sec, 14.83 MB]
==> default: Created <code>sites/</code> [87.47 sec,     [success]
==> default: 14.83 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of <code>sites/</code>  [success]
==> default: 
==> default: to 2770 [87.47 sec, 14.83 MB]
==> default: Created <code>sites/</code> [87.47 sec,  [success]
==> default: 
==> default: 14.83 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
==> default: 
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to 2770 [87.47 sec,
==> default: 14.83 MB]
==> default: Created <code>sites/</code> [87.47     [success]
==> default: 
==> default: sec, 14.83 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to 2770 [87.47
==> default: sec, 14.83 MB]
==> default: Created <code>sites/</code> [87.47 sec,     [success]
==> default: 14.84 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of <code>sites/</code>  [success]
==> default: 
==> default: to 2770 [87.47 sec, 14.84 MB]
==> default: Created <code>sites/</code> [87.47 sec,      [success]
==> default: 
==> default: 14.84 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of <code>sites/</code>   [success]
==> default: 
==> default: to 2770 [87.47 sec, 14.84 MB]
==> default: Created <code>sites/</code> [87.47 sec,  [success]
==> default: 14.84 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to 2770 [87.47 sec,
==> default: 14.84 MB]
==> default: Created <code>sites/</code> [87.47   [success]
==> default: sec, 14.84 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to 2770 [87.47
==> default: sec, 14.84 MB]
==> default: Created <code>sites/</code> [87.47    [success]
==> default: sec, 14.84 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to 2770 [87.47
==> default: sec, 14.84 MB]
==> default: Created <code>sites/</code> [87.47 sec,       [success]
==> default: 14.84 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of <code>sites/</code>    [success]
==> default: to 2770 [87.47 sec, 14.84 MB]
==> default: Created <code>sites/</code> [87.47      [success]
==> default: sec, 14.85 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to 2770 [87.48
==> default: sec, 14.85 MB]
==> default: Created <code>sites/</code> [87.48 sec,  [success]
==> default: 14.85 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to 2770 [87.48 sec,
==> default: 14.85 MB]
==> default: Created <code>sites/</code> [87.48 sec,  [success]
==> default: 14.85 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to 2770 [87.48 sec,
==> default: 14.85 MB]
==> default: Created <code>sites/</code> [87.48     [success]
==> default: sec, 14.85 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to 2770 [87.48
==> default: sec, 14.85 MB]
==> default: Created <code>sites/</code>       [success]
==> default: [87.48 sec, 14.85 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to 2770
==> default: [87.48 sec, 14.85 MB]
==> default: Changed group ownership of <code>sites/</code>  [success]
==> default: to www-data [87.48 sec, 14.85 MB]
==> default: Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to www-data [87.48
==> default: sec, 14.85 MB]
==> default: Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to www-data [87.48
==> default: sec, 14.86 MB]
==> default: Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to www-data
==> default: [87.48 sec, 14.86 MB]
==> default: Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to www-data [87.48
==> default: sec, 14.86 MB]
==> default: Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to www-data [87.48 sec,
==> default: 14.86 MB]
==> default: Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to www-data [87.48
==> default: sec, 14.86 MB]
==> default: Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to www-data
==> default: [87.48 sec, 14.86 MB]
==> default: Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to www-data
==> default: [87.48 sec, 14.86 MB]
==> default: Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to www-data [87.48 sec,
==> default: 14.86 MB]
==> default: Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to www-data [87.48
==> default: sec, 14.86 MB]
==> default: Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to www-data [87.48
==> default: sec, 14.86 MB]
==> default: Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to www-data [87.48
==> default: sec, 14.86 MB]
==> default: Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to www-data
==> default: [87.48 sec, 14.87 MB]
==> default: Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to www-data
==> default: [87.48 sec, 14.87 MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_provision_drupal_pre_provision_install          [debug]
==> default: [87.48 sec, 14.87 MB]
==> default: Calling hook drush_http_provision_install [87.48 sec, 14.87 MB]          [debug]
==> default: Template loaded from Provision Config class <em                         [notice]
==> default: class="placeholder">Provision_Config_Apache_Site</em>: <em
==> default: class="placeholder">/usr/share/drush/commands/provision/http/Provision/Config/Apache/vhost.tpl.php</em>
==> default: [87.48 sec, 14.87 MB]
==> default: Generated config in write(): virtual host configuration file           [success]
==> default: (/var/aegir/config/server_master/apache/vhost.d/
==> default: [87.48 sec, 14.87 MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_http_provision_install [87.48 sec, 14.87 MB]    [debug]
==> default: Calling hook drush_provision_drupal_provision_install [87.48 sec,        [debug]
==> default: 14.87 MB]
==> default: Generated blank Drupal local.settings.php file [87.48 sec, 14.87 MB]   [success]
==> default: Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
==> default: <code>/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/</code>
==> default: to www-data [87.48 sec, 14.87 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
==> default: <code>/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/</code>
==> default: to 440 [87.48 sec, 14.87 MB]
==> default: Template loaded from Provision Config class <em                         [notice]
==> default: class="placeholder">Provision_Config_Drupal_Settings</em>: <em
==> default: class="placeholder">/usr/share/drush/commands/provision/Provision/Config/Drupal/provision_drupal_settings_7.tpl.php</em>
==> default: [87.48 sec, 14.87 MB]
==> default: Generated config in write(): Drupal settings.php file                  [success]
==> default: (/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/
==> default: [87.48 sec, 14.88 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
==> default: /var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/ to
==> default: 440 [87.48 sec, 14.88 MB]
==> default: Change group ownership of                                              [success]
==> default: /var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/ to
==> default: www-data [87.48 sec, 14.88 MB]
==> default: Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists. [87.48 sec, 14.88 MB]      [success]
==> default: Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
==> default: aegir. [87.48 sec, 14.88 MB]
==> default: Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
==> default: 755. [87.48 sec, 14.88 MB]
==> default: Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable. [87.48 sec, 14.88     [success]
==> default: MB]
==> default: Template loaded from Provision Config class <em                         [notice]
==> default: class="placeholder">Provision_Config_Drushrc_Site</em>: <em
==> default: class="placeholder">/usr/share/drush/commands/provision/Provision/Config/Drushrc/provision_drushrc_site.tpl.php</em>
==> default: [87.48 sec, 14.88 MB]
==> default: Generated config in write(): Site Drush configuration file             [success]
==> default: (/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/
==> default: [87.48 sec, 14.88 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
==> default: /var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/ to
==> default: 440 [87.48 sec, 14.88 MB]
==> default: Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists. [87.48 sec, 14.88 MB]      [success]
==> default: Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
==> default: aegir. [87.48 sec, 14.88 MB]
==> default: Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
==> default: 755. [87.48 sec, 14.89 MB]
==> default: Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable. [87.48 sec, 14.89     [success]
==> default: MB]
==> default: Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_site() [87.48 sec, 14.89 MB][bootstrap]
==> default: Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
==> default: "/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/"
==> default: into "site" scope. [87.48 sec, 14.89 MB]
==> default: Initialized Drupal site at sites/ [bootstrap]
==> default: [87.48 sec, 14.89 MB]
==> default: Find command files for phase 2 (max=) [87.48 sec, 14.89 MB]              [debug]
==> default: Cache MISS cid:                                                          [debug]
==> default: 8.1.9-install_profile-c6cdcf4422b121f3d1c20f2de96f0ebe [87.48 sec,
==> default: 14.89 MB]
==> default: Cache MISS cid: 8.1.9-commandfiles-2-e3f0904542232c4096549f0d06143b37    [debug]
==> default: [87.48 sec, 14.89 MB]
==> default: Cache SET cid: 8.1.9-commandfiles-2-e3f0904542232c4096549f0d06143b37     [debug]
==> default: [87.48 sec, 14.89 MB]
==> default: Cache MISS cid:                                                          [debug]
==> default: 8.1.9-annotationfiles-2-6d5cf19e66c4340d1e9daa6ee1b7e1f1 [87.48 sec,
==> default: 14.89 MB]
==> default: Cache SET cid:                                                           [debug]
==> default: 8.1.9-annotationfiles-2-6d5cf19e66c4340d1e9daa6ee1b7e1f1 [87.48 sec,
==> default: 14.89 MB]
==> default: Backend invoke: /usr/local/bin/drush  --backend=2 --verbose --debug    [command]
==> default: --yes @hostmaster provision-install-backend   --client_email='
==> default:' 2>&1 [87.48 sec, 14.89 MB]
==> default: /usr/local/bin/drush  --backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes @hostmaster   [notice]
==> default: provision-install-backend   --client_email='' 2>&1
==> default: [87.48 sec, 14.9 MB]
==> default: Bootstrap to phase 0. [87.48 sec, 14.9 MB]                           [bootstrap]
==> default: Bootstrap to phase 2. [87.48 sec, 14.9 MB]                           [bootstrap]
==> default: Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_root() [87.48 sec, 14.9 MB] [bootstrap]
==> default: Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
==> default: "/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
==> default: "drupal" scope. [87.48 sec, 14.9 MB]
==> default: Initialized Drupal 7.54 root directory at                            [bootstrap]
==> default: /var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x [87.48 sec, 14.9 MB]
==> default: Find command files for phase 1 (max=2) [87.48 sec, 14.9 MB]              [debug]
==> default: Cache HIT cid: 8.1.9-commandfiles-1-a023a35c126b8cf2bdb3f76a83a2a543     [debug]
==> default: [87.48 sec, 14.9 MB]
==> default: Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
==> default: 8.1.9-annotationfiles-1-d77ecfa976263ac65d4ec71dfaafe693 [87.48 sec,
==> default: 14.9 MB]
==> default: Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_site() [87.48 sec, 14.9 MB] [bootstrap]
==> default: Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
==> default: "/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/"
==> default: into "site" scope. [87.48 sec, 14.9 MB]
==> default: Initialized Drupal site at sites/ [bootstrap]
==> default: [87.48 sec, 14.9 MB]
==> default: Find command files for phase 2 (max=2) [87.48 sec, 14.91 MB]             [debug]
==> default: Cache MISS cid:                                                          [debug]
==> default: 8.1.9-install_profile-c6cdcf4422b121f3d1c20f2de96f0ebe [87.48 sec,
==> default: 14.91 MB]
==> default: Cache HIT cid: 8.1.9-commandfiles-2-e3f0904542232c4096549f0d06143b37     [debug]
==> default: [87.48 sec, 14.91 MB]
==> default: Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
==> default: 8.1.9-annotationfiles-2-6d5cf19e66c4340d1e9daa6ee1b7e1f1 [87.48 sec,
==> default: 14.91 MB]
==> default: Found command: provision-install-backend (commandfile=provision)     [bootstrap]
==> default: [87.48 sec, 14.91 MB]
==> default: Loaded alias @server_localhost from file                                [notice]
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/server_localhost.alias.drushrc.php [87.48 sec,
==> default: 14.91 MB]
==> default: Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [87.48 sec, 14.91
==> default: MB]
==> default: Loading apache driver for the http service [87.48 sec, 14.91 MB]        [notice]
==> default: Loading mysql driver for the db service [87.48 sec, 14.91 MB]           [notice]
==> default: Loaded alias @platform_hostmaster from file                             [notice]
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/platform_hostmaster.alias.drushrc.php [87.48 sec,
==> default: 14.91 MB]
==> default: Calling hook drush_provision_drupal_provision_install_backend [87.48     [debug]
==> default: sec, 14.91 MB]
==> default: Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_configuration() [87.48 sec, [bootstrap]
==> default: 14.91 MB]
==> default: Find command files for phase 3 (max=) [87.48 sec, 14.92 MB]              [debug]
==> default: Error validating client email ``. Please check your  [warning]
==> default: user account email. To allow the site installation to proceed, the
==> default: email `` has been used instead. Please use the
==> default: `login` link to change the site admin email to a proper valid
==> default: address. [87.49 sec, 14.92 MB]
==> default: WD system: user module installed. [87.49 sec, 14.92 MB]                   [info]
==> default: WD system: user module enabled. [87.49 sec, 14.92 MB]                     [info]
==> default: WD system: field_sql_storage module installed. [87.49 sec, 14.92 MB]      [info]
==> default: WD system: field_sql_storage module enabled. [87.49 sec, 14.92 MB]        [info]
==> default: WD system: field module installed. [87.49 sec, 14.92 MB]                  [info]
==> default: WD system: field module enabled. [87.49 sec, 14.92 MB]                    [info]
==> default: WD system: text module installed. [87.49 sec, 14.92 MB]                   [info]
==> default: WD system: text module enabled. [87.49 sec, 14.92 MB]                     [info]
==> default: WD system: filter module installed. [87.49 sec, 14.92 MB]                 [info]
==> default: WD system: filter module enabled. [87.49 sec, 14.93 MB]                   [info]
==> default: WD system: node module installed. [87.49 sec, 14.93 MB]                   [info]
==> default: WD system: node module enabled. [87.49 sec, 14.93 MB]                     [info]
==> default: WD system: actions_permissions module installed. [87.49 sec, 14.93        [info]
==> default: MB]
==> default: WD system: actions_permissions module enabled. [87.49 sec, 14.93 MB]      [info]
==> default: WD system: admin_menu module installed. [87.49 sec, 14.93 MB]             [info]
==> default: WD system: admin_menu module enabled. [87.49 sec, 14.93 MB]               [info]
==> default: WD system: betterlogin module installed. [87.49 sec, 14.93 MB]            [info]
==> default: WD system: betterlogin module enabled. [87.49 sec, 14.93 MB]              [info]
==> default: WD system: block module installed. [87.49 sec, 14.93 MB]                  [info]
==> default: WD system: block module enabled. [87.49 sec, 14.93 MB]                    [info]
==> default: WD system: ctools module installed. [87.49 sec, 14.93 MB]                 [info]
==> default: WD system: ctools module enabled. [87.49 sec, 14.94 MB]                   [info]
==> default: WD system: color module installed. [87.49 sec, 14.94 MB]                  [info]
==> default: WD system: color module enabled. [87.49 sec, 14.94 MB]                    [info]
==> default: WD system: menu module installed. [87.49 sec, 14.94 MB]                   [info]
==> default: WD system: menu module enabled. [87.49 sec, 14.94 MB]                     [info]
==> default: WD system: entity module installed. [87.49 sec, 14.94 MB]                 [info]
==> default: WD system: entity module enabled. [87.49 sec, 14.94 MB]                   [info]
==> default: WD system: views module installed. [87.49 sec, 14.94 MB]                  [info]
==> default: WD system: views module enabled. [87.49 sec, 14.94 MB]                    [info]
==> default: WD system: views_bulk_operations module installed. [87.49 sec, 14.94      [info]
==> default: MB]
==> default: WD system: views_bulk_operations module enabled. [87.49 sec, 14.94        [info]
==> default: MB]
==> default: WD system: hosting module installed. [87.49 sec, 14.94 MB]                [info]
==> default: WD system: hosting module enabled. [87.49 sec, 14.95 MB]                  [info]
==> default: WD system: hosting_client module installed. [87.49 sec, 14.95 MB]         [info]
==> default: WD system: hosting_client module enabled. [87.49 sec, 14.95 MB]           [info]
==> default: WD system: hosting_site module installed. [87.49 sec, 14.95 MB]           [info]
==> default: WD system: hosting_site module enabled. [87.49 sec, 14.95 MB]             [info]
==> default: WD system: help module installed. [87.49 sec, 14.95 MB]                   [info]
==> default: WD system: help module enabled. [87.49 sec, 14.95 MB]                     [info]
==> default: WD system: hosting_task module installed. [87.49 sec, 14.95 MB]       
==> default:     [info]
==> default: WD system: hosting_task module enabled. [87.49 sec, 14.95 MB]             [info]
==> default: WD system: hosting_db_server module installed. [87.49 sec, 14.95 MB]      [info]
==> default: WD system: hosting_db_server module enabled. [87.49 sec, 14.95 MB]        [info]
==> default: WD system: hosting_web_server module installed. [87.49 sec, 14.95 MB]     [info]
==> default: WD system: hosting_web_server module enabled. [87.49 sec, 14.96 MB]       [info]
==> default: WD system: hosting_package module installed. [87.49 sec, 14.96 MB]        [info]
==> default: WD system: hosting_package module enabled. [87.49 sec, 14.96 MB]          [info]
==> default: WD system: hosting_platform module installed. [87.49 sec, 14.96 MB]       [info]
==> default: WD system: hosting_platform module enabled. [87.49 sec, 14.96 MB]         [info]
==> default: WD system: hosting_server module installed. [87.49 sec, 14.96 MB]         [info]
==> default: WD system: hosting_server module enabled. [87.49 sec, 14.96 MB]           [info]
==> default: WD system: overlay module installed. [87.49 sec, 14.96 MB]                [info]
==> default: WD system: overlay module enabled. [87.49 sec, 14.96 MB]                  [info]
==> default: WD system: overlay_paths module installed. [87.49 sec, 14.96 MB]          [info]
==> default: WD system: overlay_paths module enabled. [87.49 sec, 14.96 MB]            [info]
==> default: WD system: r4032login module installed. [87.49 sec, 14.96 MB]             [info]
==> default: WD system: r4032login module enabled. [87.49 sec, 14.97 MB]               [info]
==> default: Trying to get property of non-object [87.49 sec,        [notice]
==> default: 14.97 MB]
==> default: Undefined index: server hosting_task.module:851 [87.49 sec, 14.98 MB]   [notice]
==> default: Undefined index: server hosting_task.module:851 [87.49 sec, 14.98 MB]   [notice]
==> default: Undefined index: platform hosting_task.module:851 [87.49 sec, 14.98     [notice]
==> default: MB]
==> default: WD system: hostmaster module installed. [87.49 sec, 14.98 MB]             [info]
==> default: WD system: hostmaster module enabled. [87.49 sec, 14.98 MB]               [info]
==> default: WD actions: Action 'Site: Backup' added. [87.49 sec, 14.98 MB]          [notice]
==> default: WD actions: Action 'Site: Verify' added. [87.49 sec, 14.98 MB]          [notice]
==> default: WD actions: Action 'Site: Disable' added. [87.49 sec, 14.98 MB]         [notice]
==> default: WD actions: Action 'Site: Enable' added. [87.49 sec, 14.98 MB]          [notice]
==> default: WD actions: Action 'Publish content' added. [87.49 sec, 14.98 MB]       [notice]
==> default: WD actions: Action 'Unpublish content' added. [87.49 sec, 14.98 MB]     [notice]
==> default: WD actions: Action 'Make content sticky' added. [87.49 sec, 14.98 MB]   [notice]
==> default: WD actions: Action 'Make content unsticky' added. [87.49 sec, 14.99     [notice]
==> default: MB]
==> default: WD actions: Action 'Promote content to front page' added. [87.49 sec,   [notice]
==> default: 14.99 MB]
==> default: WD actions: Action 'Remove content from front page' added. [87.49       [notice]
==> default: sec, 14.99 MB]
==> default: WD actions: Action 'Save content' added. [87.49 sec, 14.99 MB]          [notice]
==> default: WD actions: Action 'Ban IP address of current user' added. [87.49       [notice]
==> default: sec, 14.99 MB]
==> default: WD actions: Action 'Block current user' added. [87.49 sec, 14.99 MB]    [notice]
==> default: WD actions: Action 'Create an archive of selected files' added.         [notice]
==> default: [87.49 sec, 14.99 MB]
==> default: WD actions: Action 'Pass ids as arguments to a page' added. [87.49      [notice]
==> default: sec, 14.99 MB]
==> default: WD actions: Action 'Delete item' added. [87.49 sec, 14.99 MB]           [notice]
==> default: WD actions: Action 'Delete revision' added. [87.49 sec, 14.99 MB]       [notice]
==> default: WD actions: Action 'Modify entity values' added. [87.49 sec, 14.99      [notice]
==> default: MB]
==> default: WD system: update module installed. [87.49 sec, 14.99 MB]                 [info]
==> default: WD system: update module enabled. [87.49 sec, 15 MB]                      [info]
==> default: WD user: Session opened for admin. [87.49 sec, 15 MB]                   [notice]
==> default: WD cron: Cron run completed. [87.49 sec, 15 MB]                         [notice]
==> default: Changed permissions of <code>sites/</code> to 755     [success]
==> default: [87.49 sec, 15 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of <code>sites/</code> to  [success]
==> default: 2775 [87.49 sec, 15 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of <code>sites/</code>    [success]
==> default: to 2775 [87.49 sec, 15 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of <code>sites/</code>  [success]
==> default: to 2775 [87.49 sec, 15 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of <code>sites/</code> to   [success]
==> default: 2770 [87.49 sec, 15 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of <code>sites/</code>  [success]
==> default: to 2770 [87.49 sec, 15 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to 2770 [87.49 sec,
==> default: 15 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to 2770 [87.49
==> default: sec, 15 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of <code>sites/</code>  [success]
==> default: to 2770 [87.49 sec, 15 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of <code>sites/</code>   [success]
==> default: to 2770 [87.49 sec, 15.01 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to 2770 [87.49 sec,
==> default: 15.01 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to 2770 [87.49
==> default: sec, 15.01 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to 2770 [87.49
==> default: sec, 15.01 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of <code>sites/</code>    [success]
==> default: to 2770 [87.49 sec, 15.01 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to 2770 [87.49
==> default: sec, 15.01 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to 2770 [87.49 sec,
==> default: 15.01 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to 2770 [87.49 sec,
==> default: 15.01 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to 2770 [87.49
==> default: sec, 15.01 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to 2770
==> default: [87.49 sec, 15.01 MB]
==> default: Changed group ownership of <code>sites/</code>  [success]
==> default: to www-data [87.49 sec, 15.01 MB]
==> default: Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to www-data [87.49
==> default: sec, 15.02 MB]
==> default: Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to www-data [87.49
==> default: sec, 15.02 MB]
==> default: Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to www-data
==> default: [87.49 sec, 15.02 MB]
==> default: Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to www-data [87.49
==> default: sec, 15.02 MB]
==> default: Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to www-data [87.49 sec,
==> default: 15.02 MB]
==> default: Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to www-data [87.49
==> default: sec, 15.02 MB]
==> default: Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to www-data
==> default: [87.49 sec, 15.02 MB]
==> default: Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to www-data
==> default: [87.49 sec, 15.02 MB]
==> default: Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to www-data [87.49 sec,
==> default: 15.02 MB]
==> default: Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to www-data [87.49
==> default: sec, 15.02 MB]
==> default: Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to www-data [87.49
==> default: sec, 15.02 MB]
==> default: Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to www-data [87.49
==> default: sec, 15.02 MB]
==> default: Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to www-data
==> default: [87.49 sec, 15.03 MB]
==> default: Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
==> default: <code>sites/</code> to www-data
==> default: [87.49 sec, 15.03 MB]
==> default: Login url:                                                             [success]
==> default:
==> default: [87.49 sec, 15.03 MB]
==> default: Sent welcome mail to [87.49 sec, 15.03 MB]       [success]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_provision_drupal_provision_install_backend      [debug]
==> default: [87.49 sec, 15.03 MB]
==> default: Content permissions have been rebuilt. [87.49 sec, 15.03 MB]            [status]
==> default: Enabling Hosting system feature. [87.49 sec, 15.03 MB]                  [status]
==> default: The 'aegir client' role was assigned the following permissions:         [status]
==> default: 'access content&#039;, &#039;view revisions'. [87.49 sec, 15.03 MB]
==> default: The 'aegir account manager' role was assigned the following             [status]
==> default: permissions: 'access content&#039;, &#039;access user profiles'.
==> default: [87.49 sec, 15.03 MB]
==> default: The 'aegir platform manager' role was assigned the following            [status]
==> default: permissions: 'access content&#039;, &#039;view revisions'. [87.49
==> default: sec, 15.03 MB]
==> default: The 'aegir administrator' role was assigned the following               [status]
==> default: permissions: 'access administration menu&#039;, &#039;access
==> default: content&#039;, &#039;view revisions&#039;, &#039;access user
==> default: profiles'. [87.49 sec, 15.03 MB]
==> default: Enabling Clients feature. [87.49 sec, 15.03 MB]                         [status]
==> default: The 'aegir client' role was assigned the following permissions: 'edit   [status]
==> default: own client&#039;, &#039;view client'. [87.49 sec, 15.04 MB]
==> default: The 'aegir account manager' role was assigned the following             [status]
==> default: permissions: 'administer clients&#039;, &#039;create client&#039;,
==> default: &#039;edit client users&#039;, &#039;view client&#039;, &#039;edit
==> default: client uname'. [87.49 sec, 15.04 MB]
==> default: The 'aegir platform manager' role was assigned the following            [status]
==> default: permission: 'administer clients'. [87.49 sec, 15.04 MB]
==> default: Enabling Site administration feature. [87.49 sec, 15.04 MB]             [status]
==> default: The 'aegir client' role was assigned the following permissions:         [status]
==> default: 'create site&#039;, &#039;delete site&#039;, &#039;view site&#039;,
==> default: &#039;edit site'. [87.49 sec, 15.04 MB]
==> default: The 'aegir account manager' role was assigned the following             [status]
==> default: permission: 'view site'. [87.49 sec, 15.04 MB]
==> default: The 'aegir platform manager' role was assigned the following            [status]
==> default: permissions: 'administer sites&#039;, &#039;create site&#039;,
==> default: &#039;delete site&#039;, &#039;edit site&#039;, &#039;view site'.
==> default: [87.49 sec, 15.04 MB]
==> default: Enabling Tasks feature. [87.49 sec, 15.04 MB]                           [status]
==> default: The 'aegir client' role was assigned the following permissions:         [status]
==> default: 'create backup task&#039;, &#039;create delete task&#039;,
==> default: &#039;create disable task&#039;, &#039;create enable task&#039;,
==> default: &#039;create restore task&#039;, &#039;create verify task&#039;,
==> default: &#039;access task logs&#039;, &#039;view own tasks&#039;, &#039;view
==> default: task&#039;, &#039;cancel own tasks'. [87.49 sec, 15.04 MB]
==> default: The 'aegir platform manager' role was assigned the following            [status]
==> default: permissions: 'administer tasks&#039;, &#039;create lock task&#039;,
==> default: &#039;create unlock task&#039;, &#039;create verify task&#039;,
==> default: &#039;access task logs&#039;, &#039;cancel own tasks&#039;,
==> default: &#039;view own tasks&#039;, &#039;retry failed tasks&#039;,
==> default: &#039;view task'. [87.49 sec, 15.04 MB]
==> default: Enabling Database servers feature. [87.49 sec, 15.04 MB]                [status]
==> default: Enabling Web servers feature. [87.49 sec, 15.04 MB]                     [status]
==> default: Enabling Package management feature. [87.5 sec, 15.05 MB]               [status]
==> default: The 'aegir client' role was assigned the following permission: 'view    [status]
==> default: package'. [87.5 sec, 15.05 MB]
==> default: The 'aegir platform manager' role was assigned the following            [status]
==> default: permission: 'view package'. [87.5 sec, 15.05 MB]
==> default: Enabling Platform administration feature. [87.5 sec, 15.05 MB]          [status]
==> default: The 'aegir client' role was assigned the following permission: 'view    [status]
==> default: platform'. [87.5 sec, 15.05 MB]
==> default: The 'aegir platform manager' role was assigned the following            [status]
==> default: permissions: 'administer platforms&#039;, &#039;create
==> default: platform&#039;, &#039;delete platform&#039;, &#039;edit
==> default: platform&#039;, &#039;view locked platforms&#039;, &#039;view
==> default: platform&#039;, &#039;create sites on locked platforms'. [87.5 sec,
==> default: 15.05 MB]
==> default: Enabling Server administration feature. [87.5 sec, 15.05 MB]            [status]
==> default: Creating master server node [87.5 sec, 15.05 MB]                        [status]
==> default: Creating db server node [87.5 sec, 15.05 MB]                            [status]
==> default: Enabling Web servers, Database servers, Platform administration,        [status]
==> default: Clients, Tasks, Server administration, Package management, Site
==> default: administration, Hosting system features. [87.5 sec, 15.05 MB]
==> default: The 'aegir client' role was assigned the following permission: 'view    [status]
==> default: platform'. [87.5 sec, 15.05 MB]
==> default: The 'aegir platform manager' role was assigned the following            [status]
==> default: permissions: 'administer platforms&#039;, &#039;create
==> default: platform&#039;, &#039;delete platform&#039;, &#039;edit
==> default: platform&#039;, &#039;view locked platforms&#039;, &#039;view
==> default: platform&#039;, &#039;create sites on locked platforms'. [87.5 sec,
==> default: 15.05 MB]
==> default: The 'aegir client' role was assigned the following permissions: 'edit   [status]
==> default: own client&#039;, &#039;view client'. [87.5 sec, 15.06 MB]
==> default: The 'aegir account manager' role was assigned the following             [status]
==> default: permissions: 'administer clients&#039;, &#039;create client&#039;,
==> default: &#039;edit client users&#039;, &#039;view client&#039;, &#039;edit
==> default: client uname'. [87.5 sec, 15.06 MB]
==> default: The 'aegir platform manager' role was assigned the following            [status]
==> default: permission: 'administer clients'. [87.5 sec, 15.06 MB]
==> default: The 'aegir client' role was assigned the following permissions:         [status]
==> default: 'create backup task&#039;, &#039;create delete task&#039;,
==> default: &#039;create disable task&#039;, &#039;create enable task&#039;,
==> default: &#039;create restore task&#039;, &#039;create verify task&#039;,
==> default: &#039;access task logs&#039;, &#039;view own tasks&#039;, &#039;view
==> default: task&#039;, &#039;cancel own tasks'. [87.5 sec, 15.06 MB]
==> default: The 'aegir platform manager' role was assigned the following            [status]
==> default: permissions: 'administer tasks&#039;, &#039;create lock task&#039;,
==> default: &#039;create unlock task&#039;, &#039;create verify task&#039;,
==> default: &#039;access task logs&#039;, &#039;cancel own tasks&#039;,
==> default: &#039;view own tasks&#039;, &#039;retry failed tasks&#039;,
==> default: &#039;view task'. [87.5 sec, 15.06 MB]
==> default: The 'aegir client' role was assigned the following permission: 'view    [status]
==> default: package'. [87.5 sec, 15.06 MB]
==> default: The 'aegir platform manager' role was assigned the following            [status]
==> default: permission: 'view package'. [87.5 sec, 15.06 MB]
==> default: The 'aegir client' role was assigned the following permissions:         [status]
==> default: 'create site&#039;, &#039;delete site&#039;, &#039;view site&#039;,
==> default: &#039;edit site'. [87.5 sec, 15.06 MB]
==> default: The 'aegir account manager' role was assigned the following             [status]
==> default: permission: 'view site'. [87.5 sec, 15.06 MB]
==> default: The 'aegir platform manager' role was assigned the following            [status]
==> default: permissions: 'administer sites&#039;, &#039;create site&#039;,
==> default: &#039;delete site&#039;, &#039;edit site&#039;, &#039;view site'.
==> default: [87.5 sec, 15.06 MB]
==> default: The '
==> default: aegir client' role was assigned the following permissions:         [status]
==> default: 'access content&#039;, &#039;view revisions'. [87.5 sec, 15.06 MB]
==> default: The 'aegir account manager' role was assigned the following             [status]
==> default: permissions: 'access content&#039;, &#039;access user profiles'.
==> default: [87.5 sec, 15.07 MB]
==> default: The 'aegir platform manager' role was assigned the following            [status]
==> default: permissions: 'access content&#039;, &#039;view revisions'. [87.5 sec,
==> default: 15.07 MB]
==> default: The 'aegir administrator' role was assigned the following               [status]
==> default: permissions: 'access administration menu&#039;, &#039;access
==> default: content&#039;, &#039;view revisions&#039;, &#039;access user
==> default: profiles'. [87.5 sec, 15.07 MB]
==> default: Configuring default blocks [87.5 sec, 15.07 MB]                         [status]
==> default: Content permissions have been rebuilt. [87.5 sec, 15.07 MB]             [status]
==> default: No IP addresses provided for server. We guess the IP is      [message]
==> default: based on hostname aegir3-deb-unstable-no-puppet. You should set IP
==> default: addreses in the server node unless you are ready to use SNI (Server
==> default: Name Indication) which is incompatible with IE and Safari on Windows
==> default: XP. [87.5 sec, 15.07 MB]
==> default: No IP addresses provided for server. We guess the IP is                [message]
==> default:, based on hostname localhost. You should set IP
==> default: addreses in the server node unless you are ready to use SNI (Server
==> default: Name Indication) which is incompatible with IE and Safari on Windows
==> default: XP. [87.5 sec, 15.07 MB]
==> default: Command dispatch complete [87.5 sec, 15.07 MB]                          [notice]
==> default: Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_configuration() [87.5 sec,  [bootstrap]
==> default: 15.07 MB]
==> default: Find command files for phase 3 (max=) [87.5 sec, 15.07 MB]               [debug]
==> default: sql-query: SELECT 1; [87.5 sec, 15.07 MB]                               [notice]
==> default: sql-query: SHOW TABLES; [87.5 sec, 15.07 MB]                            [notice]
==> default: Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_database() [87.5 sec, 15.08 [bootstrap]
==> default: MB]
==> default: Successfully connected to the Drupal database. [87.5 sec, 15.08 MB]  [bootstrap]
==> default: Find command files for phase 4 (max=) [87.5 sec, 15.08 MB]               [debug]
==> default: Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_full() [87.5 sec, 15.08 MB] [bootstrap]
==> default: Cache MISS cid:                                                          [debug]
==> default: 8.1.9-install_profile-c6cdcf4422b121f3d1c20f2de96f0ebe [87.5 sec,
==> default: 15.08 MB]
==> default: Cache SET cid: 8.1.9-install_profile-c6cdcf4422b121f3d1c20f2de96f0ebe    [debug]
==> default: [87.5 sec, 15.08 MB]
==> default: Find command files for phase 5 (max=) [87.5 sec, 15.08 MB]               [debug]
==> default: Cache HIT cid: 8.1.9-install_profile-c6cdcf4422b121f3d1c20f2de96f0ebe    [debug]
==> default: [87.5 sec, 15.08 MB]
==> default: Cache MISS cid: 8.1.9-commandfiles-5-c578520176739d7f859ee351ea965df2    [debug]
==> default: [87.5 sec, 15.08 MB]
==> default: Cache SET cid: 8.1.9-commandfiles-5-c578520176739d7f859ee351ea965df2     [debug]
==> default: [87.5 sec, 15.08 MB]
==> default: Cache MISS cid:                                                          [debug]
==> default: 8.1.9-annotationfiles-5-f889260044802601cdd1289e980c5455 [87.5 sec,
==> default: 15.08 MB]
==> default: Cache SET cid:                                                           [debug]
==> default: 8.1.9-annotationfiles-5-f889260044802601cdd1289e980c5455 [87.5 sec,
==> default: 15.08 MB]
==> default: Template loaded from Provision Config class <em                         [notice]
==> default: class="placeholder">Provision_Config_Drupal_Alias_Store</em>: <em
==> default: class="placeholder">/usr/share/drush/commands/provision/Provision/Config/Drupal/Alias/provision_drupal_sites.tpl.php</em>
==> default: [87.5 sec, 15.09 MB]
==> default: Generated config in write(): Drupal sites.php file                     [success]
==> default: (/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/sites.php) [87.5 sec, 15.09 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of /var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/sites.php   [success]
==> default: to 644 [87.5 sec, 15.09 MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_provision_drupal_provision_install [87.5        [debug]
==> default: sec, 15.09 MB]
==> default: Calling hook drush_http_post_provision_install [87.5 sec, 15.09 MB]      [debug]
==> default: <em class="placeholder">apache</em> on <em                              [notice]
==> default: class="placeholder">aegir3-deb-unstable-no-puppet.test</em> has been
==> default: restarted [87.5 sec, 15.09 MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_http_post_provision_install [87.5 sec, 15.09    [debug]
==> default: MB]
==> default: Calling hook drush_provision_civicrm_post_provision_install [87.5        [debug]
==> default: sec, 15.09 MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_provision_civicrm_post_provision_install        [debug]
==> default: [87.5 sec, 15.09 MB]
==> default: Calling hook drush_provision_drupal_post_provision_install [87.5 sec,    [debug]
==> default: 15.09 MB]
==> default: WD actions: Action 'Platform: Verify' added. [87.5 sec, 15.09 MB]       [notice]
==> default: WD actions: Action 'Platform: Delete' added. [87.5 sec, 15.09 MB]       [notice]
==> default: WD actions: Action 'Platform: Lock' added. [87.5 sec, 15.1 MB]          [notice]
==> default: WD actions: Action 'Platform: Unlock' added. [87.5 sec, 15.1 MB]        [notice]
==> default: All caches flushed [87.5 sec, 15.1 MB]                                  [notice]
==> default: Found install profile <em class="placeholder">standard</em> [87.5       [notice]
==> default: sec, 15.1 MB]
==> default: Found install profile <em class="placeholder">hostmaster</em> [87.5     [notice]
==> default: sec, 15.1 MB]
==> default: Found install profile <em class="placeholder">minimal</em> [87.5 sec,   [notice]
==> default: 15.1 MB]
==> default: Found 118 modules [87.5 sec, 15.1 MB]                                   [notice]
==> default: Found 5 themes [87.5 sec, 15.1 MB]                                      [notice]
==> default: Client home directory for admin path /var/aegir/clients/admin has      [success]
==> default: been created. [87.5 sec, 15.1 MB]
==> default: Client home directory for admin ownership of /var/aegir/clients/admin  [success]
==> default: has been changed to aegir. [87.5 sec, 15.1 MB]
==> default: Client home directory for admin permissions of                         [success]
==> default: /var/aegir/clients/admin have been changed to 750. [87.5 sec, 15.1
==> default: MB]
==> default: Client home directory for admin path /var/aegir/clients/admin is       [success]
==> default: writable. [87.51 sec, 15.1 MB]
==> default: couldn't find previous client symlink, iterating through all sites      [notice]
==> default: [87.51 sec, 15.11 MB]
==> default: Created symlink /var/aegir/clients/admin/ to          [success]
==> default: /var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/ [87.51 sec,
==> default: 15.11 MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_provision_drupal_post_provision_install         [debug]
==> default: [87.51 sec, 15.11 MB]
==> default: Calling hook drush_server_data_post_provision_install [87.51 sec,        [debug]
==> default: 15.11 MB]
==> default: server_data received from the frontend (d()->server_data):  [87.51      [notice]
==> default: sec, 15.11 MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_server_data_post_provision_install [87.51       [debug]
==> default: sec, 15.11 MB]
==> default: Calling hook drush_site_data_post_provision_install [87.51 sec, 15.11    [debug]
==> default: MB]
==> default: site_data received from the frontend (d()->site_data):  [87.51 sec,     [notice]
==> default: 15.11 MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_site_data_post_provision_install [87.51 sec,    [debug]
==> default: 15.11 MB]
==> default: Template loaded from Provision Config class <em                         [notice]
==> default: class="placeholder">Provision_Config_Drushrc_Site</em>: <em
==> default: class="placeholder">/usr/share/drush/commands/provision/Provision/Config/Drushrc/provision_drushrc_site.tpl.php</em>
==> default: [87.51 sec, 15.11 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
==> default: /var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/ to
==> default: 640 [87.51 sec, 15.11 MB]
==> default: Generated config in write(): Site Drush configuration file             [success]
==> default: (/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/
==> default: [87.51 sec, 15.12 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
==> default: /var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/ to
==> default: 440 [87.51 sec, 15.12 MB]
==> default: Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists. [87.51 sec, 15.12 MB]      [success]
==> default: Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
==> default: aegir. [87.51 sec, 15.12 MB]
==> default: Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
==> default: 755. [87.51 sec, 15.12 MB]
==> default: Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable. [87.51 sec, 15.12     [success]
==> default: MB]
==> default: Command dispatch complete [87.51 sec, 15.12 MB]                         [notice]
==> default: Backend invoke: /usr/local/bin/drush  --backend=2 --verbose --debug    [command]
==> default: --yes @hostmaster provision-verify 2>&1 [87.51 sec, 15.12 MB]
==> default: /usr/local/bin/drush  --backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes @hostmaster   [notice]
==> default: provision-verify 2>&1 [87.51 sec, 15.12 MB]
==> default: Bootstrap to phase 0. [87.51 sec, 15.12 MB]                          [bootstrap]
==> default: Bootstrap to phase 0. [87.51 sec, 15.12 MB]                          [bootstrap]
==> default: Found command: provision-verify (commandfile=provision) [87.51 sec,  [bootstrap]
==> default: 15.12 MB]
==> default: Loaded alias @server_localhost from file                                [notice]
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/server_localhost.alias.drushrc.php [87.51 sec,
==> default: 15.13 MB]
==> default: Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [87.51 sec, 15.13
==> default: MB]
==> default: Loading apache driver for the http service [87.51 sec, 15.13 MB]        [notice]
==> default: Loading mysql driver for the db service [87.51 sec, 15.13 MB]           [notice]
==> default: Loaded alias @platform_hostmaster from file                             [notice]
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/platform_hostmaster.alias.drushrc.php [87.51 sec,
==> default: 15.13 MB]
==> default: Including                                                            [bootstrap]
==> default: /usr/share/drush/commands/provision/platform/backupmigrate/
==> default: [87.51 sec, 15.13 MB]
==> default: Including                                                            [bootstrap]
==> default: /usr/share/drush/commands/provision/platform/
==> default: [87.51 sec, 15.13 MB]
==> default: Calling hook drush_provision_drupal_provision_verify_validate [87.51     [debug]
==> default: sec, 15.13 MB]
==> default: Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_root() [87.51 sec, 15.13 MB][bootstrap]
==> default: Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
==> default: "/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
==> default: "drupal" scope. [87.51 sec, 15.13 MB]
==> default: Initialized Drupal 7.54 root directory at                            [bootstrap]
==> default: /var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x [87.51 sec, 15.13 MB]
==> default: Find command files for phase 1 (max=) [87.51 sec, 15.13 MB]              [debug]
==> default: Cache HIT cid: 8.1.9-commandfiles-1-a023a35c126b8cf2bdb3f76a83a2a543     [debug]
==> default: [87.51 sec, 15.14 MB]
==> default: Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
==> default: 8.1.9-annotationfiles-1-d77ecfa976263ac65d4ec71dfaafe693 [87.51 sec,
==> default: 15.14 MB]
==> default: Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_site() [87.51 sec, 15.14 MB][bootstrap]
==> default: Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
==> default: "/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/"
==> default: into "site" scope. [87.51 sec, 15.14 MB]
==> default: Initialized Drupal site at sites/ [bootstrap]
==> default: [87.51 sec, 15.14 MB]
==> default: Find command files for phase 2 (max=) [87.51 sec, 15.14 MB]              [debug]
==> default: Cache HIT cid: 8.1.9-install_profile-c6cdcf4422b121f3d1c20f2de96f0ebe    [debug]
==> default: [87.51 sec, 15.14 MB]
==> default: Cache MISS cid: 8.1.9-commandfiles-2-7688a8e753eb5338cfcd03a1d611abb0    [debug]
==> default: [87.51 sec, 15.14 MB]
==> default: Cache SET cid: 8.1.9-commandfiles-2-7688a8e753eb5338cfcd03a1d611abb0     [debug]
==> default: [87.51 sec, 15.14 MB]
==> default: Cache MISS cid:                                                          [debug]
==> default: 8.1.9-annotationfiles-2-f5b5daa2cb4ed83ce819bbf9326496a6 [87.51 sec,
==> default: 15.14 MB]
==> default: Cache SET cid:                                                           [debug]
==> default: 8.1.9-annotationfiles-2-f5b5daa2cb4ed83ce819bbf9326496a6 [87.51 sec,
==> default: 15.14 MB]
==> default: Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
==> default: <code>/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/</code>
==> default: to www-data [87.51 sec, 15.14 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
==> default: <code>/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/</code>
==> default: to 440 [87.51 sec, 15.15 MB]
==> default: Template loaded from Provision Config class <em                         [notice]
==> default: class="placeholder">Provision_Config_Drupal_Settings</em>: <em
==> default: class="placeholder">/usr/share/drush/commands/provision/Provision/Config/Drupal/provision_drupal_settings_7.tpl.php</em>
==> default: [87.51 sec, 15.15 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
==> default: /var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/ to
==> default: 640 [87.51 sec, 15.15 MB]
==> default: Generated config in write(): Drupal settings.php file                  [success]
==> default: (/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/
==> default: [87.51 sec, 15.15 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
==> default: /var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/ to
==> default: 440 [87.51 sec, 15.15 MB]
==> default: Change group ownership of                                              [success]
==> default: /var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/ to
==> default: www-data [87.51 sec, 15.15 MB]
==> default: Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists. [87.51 sec, 15.15 MB]      [success]
==> default: Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
==> default: aegir. [87.51 sec, 15.15 MB]
==> default: Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
==> default: 755. [87.51 sec, 15.15 MB]
==> default: Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable. [87.51 sec, 15.15     [success]
==> default: MB]
==> default: Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_configuration() [87.51 sec, [bootstrap]
==> default: 15.15 MB]
==> default: Find command files for phase 3 (max=) [87.51 sec, 15.15 MB]              [debug]
==> default: sql-query: SELECT 1; [87.51 sec, 15.16 MB]                              [notice]
==> default: sql-query: SHOW TABLES; [87.51 sec, 15.16 MB]                           [notice]
==> default: Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_database() [87.51 sec, 15.16[bootstrap]
==> default: MB]
==> default: Successfully connected to the Drupal database. [87.51 sec, 15.16 MB] [bootstrap]
==> default: Find command files for phase 4 (max=) [87.51 sec, 15.16 MB]              [debug]
==> default: Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_full() [87.51 sec, 15.16 MB][bootstrap]
==> default: Cache HIT cid: 8.1.9-install_profile-c6cdcf4422b121f3d1c20f2de96f0ebe    [debug]
==> default: [87.51 sec, 15.16 MB]
==> default: Find command files for phase 5 (max=) [87.51 sec, 15.16 MB]              [debug]
==> default: Cache HIT cid: 8.1.9-install_profile-c6cdcf4422b121f3d1c20f2de96f0ebe    [debug]
==> default: [87.51 sec, 15.16 MB]
==> default: Cache HIT cid: 8.1.9-commandfiles-5-c578520176739d7f859ee351ea965df2     [debug]
==> default: [87.51 sec, 15.16 MB]
==> default: Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
==> default: 8.1.9-annotationfiles-5-f889260044802601cdd1289e980c5455 [87.51 sec,
==> default: 15.16 MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_provision_drupal_provision_verify_validate      [debug]
==> default: [87.51 sec, 15.16 MB]
==> default: Calling hook drush_provision_civicrm_pre_provision_verify [87.51 sec,    [debug]
==> default: 15.17 MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_provision_civicrm_pre_provision_verify          [debug]
==> default: [87.52 sec, 15.17 MB]
==> default: Calling hook drush_provision_drupal_pre_provision_verify [87.52 sec,     [debug]
==> default: 15.17 MB]
==> default: Found install profile <em class="placeholder">standard</em> [87.52      [notice]
==> default: sec, 15.17 MB]
==> default: Found install profile <em class="placeholder">hostmaster</em> [87.52    [notice]
==> default: sec, 15.17 MB]
==> default: Found install profile <em class="placeholder">minimal</em> [87.52       [notice]
==> default: sec, 15.17 MB]
==> default: Found 118 modules [87.52 sec, 15.17 MB]                                 [notice]
==> default: Found 5 themes [87.52 sec, 15.17 MB]                                    [notice]
==> default: Template loaded from Provision Config class <em                         [notice]
==> default: class="placeholder">Provision_Config_Drupal_Alias_Store</em>: <em
==> default: class="placeholder">/usr/share/drush/commands/provision/Provision/Config/Drupal/Alias/provision_drupal_sites.tpl.php</em>
==> default: [87.52 sec, 15.17 MB]
==> default: Generated config in write(): Drupal sites.php file                     [success]
==> default: (/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/sites.php) [87.52 sec, 15.17 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of /var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/sites.php   [success]
==> default: to 644 [87.52 sec, 15.17 MB]
==> default: Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
==> default: <code>/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/</code>
==> default: to www-data [87.52 sec, 15.18 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
==> default: <code>/var/aegir
==> default: /hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/</code>
==> default: to 440 [87.52 sec, 15.18 MB]
==> default: Template loaded from Provision Config class <em                         [notice]
==> default: class="placeholder">Provision_Config_Drupal_Settings</em>: <em
==> default: class="placeholder">/usr/share/drush/commands/provision/Provision/Config/Drupal/provision_drupal_settings_7.tpl.php</em>
==> default: [87.52 sec, 15.18 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
==> default: /var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/ to
==> default: 640 [87.52 sec, 15.18 MB]
==> default: Generated config in write(): Drupal settings.php file                  [success]
==> default: (/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/
==> default: [87.52 sec, 15.18 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
==> default: /var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/ to
==> default: 440 [87.52 sec, 15.18 MB]
==> default: Change group ownership of                                              [success]
==> default: /var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/ to
==> default: www-data [87.52 sec, 15.18 MB]
==> default: Template loaded from Provision Config class <em                         [notice]
==> default: class="placeholder">Provision_Config_Drushrc_Aegir</em>: <em
==> default: class="placeholder">/usr/share/drush/commands/provision/Provision/Config/Drushrc/provision_drushrc_aegir.tpl.php</em>
==> default: [87.52 sec, 15.18 MB]
==> default: Generated config in write(): Aegir Drush configuration file            [success]
==> default: (/var/aegir/.drush/drushrc.php) [87.52 sec, 15.18 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of /var/aegir/.drush/drushrc.php to 440 [87.52     [success]
==> default: sec, 15.18 MB]
==> default: Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists. [87.52 sec, 15.18 MB]      [success]
==> default: Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
==> default: aegir. [87.52 sec, 15.18 MB]
==> default: Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
==> default: 755. [87.52 sec, 15.19 MB]
==> default: Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable. [87.52 sec, 15.19     [success]
==> default: MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_provision_drupal_pre_provision_verify [87.52    [debug]
==> default: sec, 15.19 MB]
==> default: Calling hook drush_provision_verify [87.52 sec, 15.19 MB]                [debug]
==> default: Backend invoke: /usr/local/bin/drush  --backend=2 --verbose --debug    [command]
==> default: --yes @hostmaster provision-save 2>&1 [87.52 sec, 15.19 MB]
==> default: /usr/local/bin/drush  --backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes @hostmaster   [notice]
==> default: provision-save 2>&1 [87.52 sec, 15.19 MB]
==> default: Bootstrap to phase 0. [87.52 sec, 15.19 MB]                          [bootstrap]
==> default: Bootstrap to phase 0. [87.52 sec, 15.19 MB]                          [bootstrap]
==> default: Found command: provision-save (commandfile=provision) [87.52 sec,    [bootstrap]
==> default: 15.19 MB]
==> default: Loaded alias @server_localhost from file                                [notice]
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/server_localhost.alias.drushrc.php [87.52 sec,
==> default: 15.19 MB]
==> default: Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [87.52 sec, 15.19
==> default: MB]
==> default: Loading apache driver for the http service [87.52 sec, 15.19 MB]        [notice]
==> default: Loading mysql driver for the db service [87.52 sec, 15.2 MB]            [notice]
==> default: Loaded alias @platform_hostmaster from file                             [notice]
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/platform_hostmaster.alias.drushrc.php [87.52 sec,
==> default: 15.2 MB]
==> default: Calling hook drush_provision_save [87.52 sec, 15.2 MB]                   [debug]
==> default: Template loaded from Provision Config class                             [notice]
==> default: Provision_Config_Drushrc_Alias:
==> default: /usr/share/drush/commands/provision/Provision/Config/Drushrc/provision_drushrc_alias.tpl.php
==> default: [87.52 sec, 15.2 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of /var/aegir/.drush/hostmaster.alias.drushrc.php  [success]
==> default: to 640 [87.52 sec, 15.2 MB]
==> default: Generated config in write(): Drush configuration file                  [success]
==> default: (/var/aegir/.drush/hostmaster.alias.drushrc.php) [87.52 sec, 15.2 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of /var/aegir/.drush/hostmaster.alias.drushrc.php  [success]
==> default: to 440 [87.52 sec, 15.2 MB]
==> default: Loaded alias @hm from file /var/aegir/.drush/hm.alias.drushrc.php       [notice]
==> default: [87.52 sec, 15.2 MB]
==> default: Template loaded from Provision Config class                             [notice]
==> default: Provision_Config_Drushrc_Alias:
==> default: /usr/share/drush/commands/provision/Provision/Config/Drushrc/provision_drushrc_alias.tpl.php
==> default: [87.52 sec, 15.2 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of /var/aegir/.drush/hm.alias.drushrc.php to 640   [success]
==> default: [87.52 sec, 15.2 MB]
==> default: Generated config in write(): Drush configuration file                  [success]
==> default: (/var/aegir/.drush/hm.alias.drushrc.php) [87.52 sec, 15.2 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of /var/aegir/.drush/hm.alias.drushrc.php to 440   [success]
==> default: [87.52 sec, 15.2 MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_provision_save [87.52 sec, 15.21 MB]            [debug]
==> default: Command dispatch complete [87.52 sec, 15.21 MB]                         [notice]
==> default: Template loaded from Provision Config class <em                         [notice]
==> default: class="placeholder">Provision_Config_Apache_Site</em>: <em
==> default: class="placeholder">/usr/share/drush/commands/provision/http/Provision/Config/Apache/vhost.tpl.php</em>
==> default: [87.52 sec, 15.21 MB]
==> default: Generated config in write(): virtual host configuration file           [success]
==> default: (/var/aegir/config/server_master/apache/vhost.d/
==> default: [87.52 sec, 15.21 MB]
==> default: <em class="placeholder">apache</em> on <em                              [notice]
==> default: class="placeholder">aegir3-deb-unstable-no-puppet.test</em> has been
==> default: restarted [87.52 sec, 15.21 MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_provision_verify [87.52 sec, 15.21 MB]          [debug]
==> default: Calling hook drush_provision_civicrm_provision_verify [87.52 sec,        [debug]
==> default: 15.21 MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_provision_civicrm_provision_verify [87.52       [debug]
==> default: sec, 15.21 MB]
==> default: Calling hook drush_provision_civicrm_post_provision_verify [87.52        [debug]
==> default: sec, 15.21 MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_provision_civicrm_post_provision_verify         [debug]
==> default: [87.52 sec, 15.21 MB]
==> default: Calling hook drush_provision_drupal_post_provision_verify [87.52 sec,    [debug]
==> default: 15.21 MB]
==> default: All caches flushed [87.52 sec, 15.21 MB]                                [notice]
==> default: Client home directory for admin path /var/aegir/clients/admin exists.  [success]
==> default: [87.52 sec, 15.22 MB]
==> default: Client home directory for admin ownership of /var/aegir/clients/admin  [success]
==> default: has been changed to aegir. [87.52 sec, 15.22 MB]
==> default: Client home directory for admin permissions of                         [success]
==> default: /var/aegir/clients/admin have been changed to 750. [87.52 sec, 15.22
==> default: MB]
==> default: Client home directory for admin path /var/aegir/clients/admin is       [success]
==> default: writable. [87.52 sec, 15.22 MB]
==> default: Created symlink /var/aegir/clients/admin/ to          [success]
==> default: /var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/ [87.52 sec,
==> default: 15.22 MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_provision_drupal_post_provision_verify          [debug]
==> default: [87.52 sec, 15.22 MB]
==> default: Calling hook drush_provision_git_post_provision_verify [87.52 sec,       [debug]
==> default: 15.22 MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_provision_git_post_provision_verify [87.52      [debug]
==> default: sec, 15.22 MB]
==> default: Calling hook drush_server_data_post_provision_verify [87.52 sec,         [debug]
==> default: 15.22 MB]
==> default: server_data received from the frontend (d()->server_data):  [87.52      [notice]
==> default: sec, 15.22 MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_server_data_post_provision_verify [87.52        [debug]
==> default: sec, 15.22 MB]
==> default: Calling hook drush_site_data_post_provision_verify [87.52 sec, 15.23     [debug]
==> default: MB]
==> default: site_data received from the frontend (d()->site_data):  [87.52 sec,     [notice]
==> default: 15.23 MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_site_data_post_provision_verify [87.52 sec,     [debug]
==> default: 15.23 MB]
==> default: Calling hook drush_zz_fix_ownership_post_provision_verify [87.53 sec,    [debug]
==> default: 15.23 MB]
==> default:  [87.53 sec, 15.23 MB]                                                 [warning]
==> default: We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System     [warning]
==> default: [87.53 sec, 15.23 MB]
==> default: Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things: [87.53     [warning]
==> default: sec, 15.23 MB]
==> default:  [87.53 sec, 15.23 MB]                                                 [warning]
==> default:     #1) Respect the privacy of others. [87.53 sec, 15.23 MB]           [warning]
==> default:     #2) Think before you type. [87.53 sec, 15.23 MB]                   [warning]
==> default:     #3) With great power comes great responsibility. [87.53 sec,       [warning]
==> default: 15.23 MB]
==> default:  [87.53 sec, 15.23 MB]                                                 [warning]
==> default: sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified [87.53 sec,      [warning]
==> default: 15.24 MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_zz_fix_ownership_post_provision_verify          [debug]
==> default: [87.53 sec, 15.24 MB]
==> default: Calling hook drush_zz_fix_permissions_post_provision_verify [87.53       [debug]
==> default: sec, 15.24 MB]
==> default:  [87.53 sec, 15.24 MB]                                                 [warning]
==> default: We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System     [warning]
==> default: [87.53 sec, 15.24 MB]
==> default: Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things: [87.53     [warning]
==> default: sec, 15.24 MB]
==> default:  [87.53 sec, 15.24 MB]                                                 [warning]
==> default:     #1) Respect the privacy of others. [87.53 sec, 15.24 MB]           [warning]
==> default:     #2) Think before you type. [87.53 sec, 15.24 MB]                   [warning]
==> default:     #3) With great power comes great responsibility. [87.53 sec,       [warning]
==> default: 15.24 MB]
==> default:  [87.53 sec, 15.24 MB]                                                 [warning]
==> default: sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified [87.53 sec,      [warning]
==> default: 15.24 MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_zz_fix_permissions_post_provision_verify        [debug]
==> default: [87.53 sec, 15.25 MB]
==> default: Template loaded from Provision Config class <em                         [notice]
==> default: class="placeholder">Provision_Config_Drushrc_Site</em>: <em
==> default: class="placeholder">/usr/share/drush/commands/provision/Provision/Config/Drushrc/provision_drushrc_site.tpl.php</em>
==> default: [87.53 sec, 15.25 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
==> default: /var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/ to
==> default: 640 [87.53 sec, 15.25 MB]
==> default: Generated config in write(): Site Drush configuration file             [success]
==> default: (/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/
==> default: [87.53 sec, 15.25 MB]
==> default: Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
==> default: /var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/ to
==> default: 440 [87.53 sec, 15.25 MB]
==> default: Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists. [87.53 sec, 15.25 MB]      [success]
==> default: Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
==> default: aegir. [87.53 sec, 15.25 MB]
==> default: Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
==> default: 755. [87.53 sec, 15.25 MB]
==> default: Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable. [87.53 sec, 15.25     [success]
==> default: MB]
==> default: Command dispatch complete [87.53 sec, 15.25 MB]                         [notice]
==> default: Backend invoke: /usr/local/bin/drush  --backend=2 --verbose --debug    [command]
==> default: --yes --root= --uri=  cache-clear drush 2>&1 [87.53 sec, 15.25 MB]
==> default: /usr/local/bin/drush  --backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes --root=       [notice]
==> default: --uri=  cache-clear drush 2>&1 [87.53 sec, 15.25 MB]
==> default: Bootstrap to phase 0. [87.53 sec, 15.26 MB]                          [bootstrap]
==> default: Trying to bootstrap as far as we can. [87.53 sec, 15.26 MB]              [debug]
==> default: Found command: cache-clear (commandfile=cache) [87.53 sec, 15.26 MB] [bootstrap]
==> default: Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [87.53 sec, 15.26
==> default: MB]
==> default: Loading apache driver for the http service [87.53 sec, 15.26 MB]        [notice]
==> default: Calling hook drush_cache_clear_pre_validate [87.53 sec, 15.26 MB]        [debug]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_cache_clear_pre_validate [87.53 sec, 15.26      [debug]
==> default: MB]
==> default: Calling hook drush_cache_command_clear [87.53 sec, 15.26 MB]             [debug]
==> default: Calling drush_cache_clear_drush() [87.53 sec, 15.26 MB]                  [debug]
==> default: 'drush' cache was cleared. [87.53 sec, 15.26 MB]                       [success]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_cache_command_clear [87.53 sec, 15.26 MB]       [debug]
==> default: Command dispatch complete [87.53 sec, 15.26 MB]                         [notice]
==> default: Backend invoke: /usr/local/bin/drush  --backend=2 --verbose --debug    [command]
==> default: --yes @hostmaster hosting-setup 2>&1 [87.53 sec, 15.27 MB]
==> default: /usr/local/bin/drush  --backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes @hostmaster   [notice]
==> default: hosting-setup 2>&1 [87.53 sec, 15.27 MB]
==> default: Bootstrap to phase 0. [87.53 sec, 15.27 MB]                          [bootstrap]
==> default: Bootstrap to phase 1. [87.53 sec, 15.27 MB]                          [bootstrap]
==> default: Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_root() [87.53 sec, 15.27 MB][bootstrap]
==> default: Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
==> default: "/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
==> default: "drupal" scope. [87.53 sec, 15.27 MB]
==> default: Initialized Drupal 7.54 root directory at                            [bootstrap]
==> default: /var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x [87.53 sec, 15.27 MB]
==> default: Find command files for phase 1 (max=1) [87.53 sec, 15.27 MB]             [debug]
==> default: Cache MISS cid: 8.1.9-commandfiles-1-a023a35c126b8cf2bdb3f76a83a2a543    [debug]
==> default: [87.53 sec, 15.27 MB]
==> default: Cache SET cid: 8.1.9-commandfiles-1-a023a35c126b8cf2bdb3f76a83a2a543     [debug]
==> default: [87.53 sec, 15.27 MB]
==> default: Cache MISS cid:                                                          [debug]
==> default: 8.1.9-annotationfiles-1-d77ecfa976263ac65d4ec71dfaafe693 [87.53 sec,
==> default: 15.27 MB]
==> default: Cache SET cid:                                                           [debug]
==> default: 8.1.9-annotationfiles-1-d77ecfa976263ac65d4ec71dfaafe693 [87.53 sec,
==> default: 15.28 MB]
==> default: Bootstrap to phase 5. [87.53 sec, 15.28 MB]                          [bootstrap]
==> default: Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_site() [87.53 sec, 15.28 MB][bootstrap]
==> default: Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
==> default: "/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/"
==> default: into "site" scope. [87.53 sec, 15.28 MB]
==> default: Initialized Drupal site at sites/ [bootstrap]
==> default: [87.53 sec, 15.28 MB]
==> default: Find command files for phase 2 (max=5) [87.53 sec, 15.28 MB]             [debug]
==> default: Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_configuration() [87.53 sec, [bootstrap]
==> default: 15.28 MB]
==> default: Find command files for phase 3 (max=5) [87.53 sec, 15.28 MB]             [debug]
==> default: sql-query: SELECT 1; [87.53 sec, 15.28 MB]                              [notice]
==> default: sql-query: SHOW TABLES; [87.53 sec, 15.28 MB]                           [notice]
==> default: Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_database() [87.53 sec, 15.28[bootstrap]
==> default: MB]
==> default: Successfully connected to the Drupal database. [87.53 sec, 15.28 MB] [bootstrap]
==> default: Find command files for phase 4 (max=5) [87.53 sec, 15.29 MB]             [debug]
==> default: Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_full() [87.53 sec, 15.29 MB][bootstrap]
==> default: Cache MISS cid:                                                          [debug]
==> default: 8.1.9-install_profile-c6cdcf4422b121f3d1c20f2de96f0ebe [87.53 sec,
==> default: 15.29 MB]
==> default: Cache SET cid: 8.1.9-install_profile-c6cdcf4422b121f3d1c20f2de96f0ebe    [debug]
==> default: [87.53 sec, 15.29 MB]
==> default: Find command files for phase 5 (max=5) [87.53 sec, 15.29 MB]             [debug]
==> default: Cache HIT cid: 8.1.9-install_profile-c6cdcf4422b121f3d1c20f2de96f0ebe    [debug]
==> default: [87.53 sec, 15.29 MB]
==> default: Cache MISS cid: 8.1.9-commandfiles-5-c578520176739d7f859ee351ea965df2    [debug]
==> default: [87.53 sec, 15.29 MB]
==> default: Cache SET cid: 8.1.9-commandfiles-5-c578520176739d7f859ee351ea965df2     [debug]
==> default: [87.53 sec, 15.29 MB]
==> default: Cache MISS cid:                                                          [debug]
==> default: 8.1.9-annotationfiles-5-f889260044802601cdd1289e980c5455 [87.53 sec,
==> default: 15.29 MB]
==> default: Cache SET cid:                                                           [debug]
==> default: 8.1.9-annotationfiles-5-f889260044802601cdd1289e980c5455 [87.53 sec,
==> default: 15.29 MB]
==> default: Bootstrap to phase 6. [87.53 sec, 15.29 MB]                          [bootstrap]
==> default: Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_login() [87.53 sec, 15.29   [bootstrap]
==> default: MB]
==> default: Find command files for phase 6 (max=6) [87.53 sec, 15.3 MB]              [debug]
==> default: Found command: hosting-setup (commandfile=hosting) [87.53 sec, 15.3  [bootstrap]
==> default: MB]
==> default: Loaded alias @server_localhost from f
==> default: ile                                [notice]
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/server_localhost.alias.drushrc.php [87.53 sec, 15.3
==> default: MB]
==> default: Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [87.53 sec, 15.3
==> default: MB]
==> default: Loading apache driver for the http service [87.54 sec, 15.3 MB]         [notice]
==> default: Loading mysql driver for the db service [87.54 sec, 15.3 MB]            [notice]
==> default: Loaded alias @platform_hostmaster from file                             [notice]
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/platform_hostmaster.alias.drushrc.php [87.54 sec,
==> default: 15.3 MB]
==> default: Calling hook drush_hosting_setup [87.54 sec, 15.3 MB]                    [debug]
==> default: Dispatch command was run successfully [87.54 sec, 15.3 MB]             [success]
==> default: No existing crontab was found [87.54 sec, 15.3 MB]                     [message]
==> default: Adding hosting-dispatch cron entry to run every minute [87.54 sec,          [ok]
==> default: 15.3 MB]
==> default: Installed a new crontab entry. [87.54 sec, 15.3 MB]                    [success]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_hosting_setup [87.54 sec, 15.31 MB]             [debug]
==> default: Command dispatch complete [87.54 sec, 15.31 MB]                         [notice]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_provision_hostmaster_install [87.54 sec,        [debug]
==> default: 15.31 MB]
==> default: Calling hook drush_provision_post_hostmaster_install [87.54 sec,         [debug]
==> default: 15.31 MB]
==> default: Backend invoke: /usr/local/bin/drush  --backend=2 --verbose --debug    [command]
==> default: --yes --root=/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x 
==> default: cache-clear drush 2>&1 [87.54 sec, 15.31 MB]
==> default: /usr/local/bin/drush  --backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes               [notice]
==> default: --root=/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x 
==> default: cache-clear drush 2>&1 [87.54 sec, 15.31 MB]
==> default: Bootstrap to phase 0. [87.54 sec, 15.31 MB]                          [bootstrap]
==> default: Trying to bootstrap as far as we can. [87.54 sec, 15.31 MB]              [debug]
==> default: Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_root() [87.54 sec, 15.31 MB][bootstrap]
==> default: Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
==> default: "/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
==> default: "drupal" scope. [87.54 sec, 15.31 MB]
==> default: Initialized Drupal 7.54 root directory at                            [bootstrap]
==> default: /var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x [87.54 sec, 15.31 MB]
==> default: Find command files for phase 1 (max=7) [87.54 sec, 15.31 MB]             [debug]
==> default: Cache HIT cid: 8.1.9-commandfiles-1-a023a35c126b8cf2bdb3f76a83a2a543     [debug]
==> default: [87.54 sec, 15.32 MB]
==> default: Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
==> default: 8.1.9-annotationfiles-1-d77ecfa976263ac65d4ec71dfaafe693 [87.54 sec,
==> default: 15.32 MB]
==> default: Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_site() [87.54 sec, 15.32 MB][bootstrap]
==> default: Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
==> default: "/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/"
==> default: into "site" scope. [87.54 sec, 15.32 MB]
==> default: Initialized Drupal site at sites/ [bootstrap]
==> default: [87.54 sec, 15.32 MB]
==> default: Find command files for phase 2 (max=7) [87.54 sec, 15.32 MB]             [debug]
==> default: Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_configuration() [87.54 sec, [bootstrap]
==> default: 15.32 MB]
==> default: Find command files for phase 3 (max=7) [87.54 sec, 15.32 MB]             [debug]
==> default: sql-query: SELECT 1; [87.54 sec, 15.32 MB]                              [notice]
==> default: sql-query: SHOW TABLES; [87.54 sec, 15.32 MB]                           [notice]
==> default: Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_database() [87.54 sec, 15.32[bootstrap]
==> default: MB]
==> default: Successfully connected to the Drupal database. [87.54 sec, 15.33 MB] [bootstrap]
==> default: Find command files for phase 4 (max=7) [87.54 sec, 15.33 MB]             [debug]
==> default: Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_full() [87.54 sec, 15.33 MB][bootstrap]
==> default: Cache HIT cid: 8.1.9-install_profile-c6cdcf4422b121f3d1c20f2de96f0ebe    [debug]
==> default: [87.54 sec, 15.33 MB]
==> default: Find command files for phase 5 (max=7) [87.54 sec, 15.33 MB]             [debug]
==> default: Cache HIT cid: 8.1.9-install_profile-c6cdcf4422b121f3d1c20f2de96f0ebe    [debug]
==> default: [87.54 sec, 15.33 MB]
==> default: Cache HIT cid: 8.1.9-commandfiles-5-c578520176739d7f859ee351ea965df2     [debug]
==> default: [87.54 sec, 15.33 MB]
==> default: Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
==> default: 8.1.9-annotationfiles-5-f889260044802601cdd1289e980c5455 [87.54 sec,
==> default: 15.33 MB]
==> default: Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_login() [87.54 sec, 15.33   [bootstrap]
==> default: MB]
==> default: Find command files for phase 6 (max=7) [87.54 sec, 15.33 MB]             [debug]
==> default: Found command: cache-clear (commandfile=cache) [87.54 sec, 15.33 MB] [bootstrap]
==> default: Cache HIT cid: 8.1.9-alias-path--4df8b0ec90f271ae15936e58072c7fca        [debug]
==> default: [87.54 sec, 15.33 MB]
==> default: Cache SET cid: 8.1.9-alias-path--4df8b0ec90f271ae15936e58072c7fca        [debug]
==> default: [87.54 sec, 15.34 MB]
==> default: Loaded alias @server_localhost from file                                [notice]
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/server_localhost.alias.drushrc.php [87.54 sec,
==> default: 15.34 MB]
==> default: Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [87.54 sec, 15.34
==> default: MB]
==> default: Loading apache driver for the http service [87.54 sec, 15.34 MB]        [notice]
==> default: Loading mysql driver for the db service [87.54 sec, 15.34 MB]           [notice]
==> default: Loaded alias @platform_hostmaster from file                             [notice]
==> default: /var/aegir/.drush/platform_hostmaster.alias.drushrc.php [87.54 sec,
==> default: 15.34 MB]
==> default: Calling hook drush_cache_clear_pre_validate [87.54 sec, 15.34 MB]        [debug]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_cache_clear_pre_validate [87.54 sec, 15.34      [debug]
==> default: MB]
==> default: Calling hook drush_cache_command_clear [87.54 sec, 15.34 MB]             [debug]
==> default: Calling drush_cache_clear_drush() [87.54 sec, 15.34 MB]                  [debug]
==> default: 'drush' cache was cleared. [87.54 sec, 15.34 MB]                       [success]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_cache_command_clear [87.54 sec, 15.34 MB]       [debug]
==> default: Command dispatch complete [87.54 sec, 15.35 MB]                         [notice]
==> default: Cache MISS cid: 8.1.9-alias-path--4df8b0ec90f271ae15936e58072c7fca       [debug]
==> default: [87.54 sec, 15.35 MB]
==> default: Cache SET cid: 8.1.9-alias-path--4df8b0ec90f271ae15936e58072c7fca        [debug]
==> default: [87.54 sec, 15.35 MB]
==> default: Returned from hook drush_provision_post_hostmaster_install [87.54        [debug]
==> default: sec, 15.35 MB]
==> default: Command dispatch complete [87.54 sec, 15.35 MB]                         [notice]
==> default:   ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'intntnllyInvalid'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
==> default: Aegir 7.x-3.x automated install script
==> default: ==============================================================================
==> default: Some settings have not been provided and will now be prompted.
==> default: Don't worry: you will get to review those settings after the final install
==> default: 
==> default: This script will operate the following changes in your system:
==> default: 
==> default: 1. Create server-level configuration directories
==> default: 2. Create the Hostmaster frontend platform
==> default: 3. Install the frontend site
==> default: 4. Setup the dispatcher (a user cron job)
==> default: 
==> default: We are making the following assumptions:
==> default:  * you have read and are following the install instructions at:
==> default:
==> default:  * the FQDN of this machine is valid and resolves
==> default:  * you are executing this script as your "aegir" user
==> default: 
==> default: The following settings will be used:
==> default:  Aegir frontend URL:
==> default:  Master server FQDN: aegir3-deb-unstable-no-puppet.test
==> default:  Aegir root: /var/aegir
==> default:  Aegir user: aegir
==> default:  Web group: www-data
==> default:  Web server: apache
==> default:  Web server port: 80
==> default:  Aegir DB host: localhost
==> default:  Aegir DB user: root
==> default:  Aegir DB password: <previously set>
==> default:  Aegir DB port: 3306
==> default:  Aegir version: 7.x-3.x
==> default:  Aegir platform path: /var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x
==> default:  Admin email:
==> default:  Aegir makefile: /usr/share/drush/commands/provision/aegir.make
==> default: 
==> default:  Aegir install profile: hostmaster
==> default: 
==> default: Do you really want to proceed with the install (y/n): y
==> default: Initializing the hosting system
==> default: 
==> default: ==============================================================================
==> default: 
==> default: 
==> default: Congratulations, Aegir has now been installed.
==> default: 
==> default: You should now log in to the Aegir frontend by opening the following link in your web browser:
==> default: 
==> default:
==> default: 
==> default: 
==> default: ==============================================================================
==> default: Returned from hook drush_provision_backend_parse [87.54 sec, 13.9 MB]    [debug]
==> default: Command dispatch complete [87.54 sec, 12.33 MB]                         [notice]
==> default: + su -s /bin/sh aegir -c drush cache-clear drush
==> default: 'drush' cache was cleared.                                             [success]
==> default: + echo Enabling hosting-queued daemon
==> default: Enabling hosting-queued daemon
==> default: + su -s /bin/sh aegir -c drush @hostmaster pm-enable -y hosting_queued
==> default: The following extensions will be enabled: hosting_queued
==> default: Do you really want to continue? (y/n): 
==> default: y
==> default: hosting_queued was enabled successfully.                                    [ok]
==> default: Enabling Hosting queue daemon feature.                                  [status]
==> default: + service hosting-queued start
==> default: + [ -f /bin/systemctl ]
==> default: + /bin/systemctl enable hosting-queued
==> default: Synchronizing state for hosting-queued.service with sysvinit using update-rc.d...
==> default: Executing /usr/sbin/update-rc.d hosting-queued defaults
==> default: Executing /usr/sbin/update-rc.d hosting-queued enable
==> default: + [ -d /etc/apache2/conf-enabled ]
==> default: + ln -sf /var/aegir/config/apache.conf /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/aegir.conf
==> default: + a2enmod ssl rewrite
==> default: Considering dependency setenvif for ssl:
==> default: Module setenvif already enabled
==> default: Considering dependency mime for ssl:
==> default: Module mime already enabled
==> default: Considering dependency socache_shmcb for ssl:
==> default: Enabling module socache_shmcb.
==> default: Enabling module ssl.
==> default: See /usr/share/doc/apache2/README.Debian.gz on how to configure SSL and create self-signed certificates.
==> default: Enabling module rewrite.
==> default: To activate the new configuration, you need to run:
==> default:   service apache2 restart
==> default: + apache2ctl graceful
==> default: AH00548: NameVirtualHost has no effect and will be removed in the next release /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/aegir.conf:3
==> default: + 
==> default: grep
==> default:  -q
==> default:  Drupal bootstrap.*Successful
==> default: + 
==> default: su
==> default:  -s
==> default:  /bin/sh
==> default:  aegir
==> default:  -c
==> default:  drush @hostmaster status
==> default: + echo Aegir frontend bootstrap correctly, operation was a success!
==> default: Aegir frontend bootstrap correctly, operation was a success!
==> default: + echo Use this URL to login on your new site:
==> default: Use this URL to login on your new site:
==> default: + su -s /bin/sh aegir -c drush @hostmaster uli
==> default:
==> default: + [ -x /etc/init.d/hosting-queued ]
==> default: + update-rc.d hosting-queued defaults
==> default: + invoke-rc.d hosting-queued start
==> default: + exit 0
==> default: Setting up aegir3 (3.9+571.c7a38f8) ...
==> default: Setting up libhtml-template-perl (2.95-1) ...
==> default: Setting up mysql-server (5.5.54-0+deb8u1) ...
==> default: Setting up php5-readline (5.6.30+dfsg-0+deb8u1) ...
==> default: 
==> default: Creating config file /etc/php5/mods-available/readline.ini with new version
==> default: DEBUG: dpkg-maintscript-helper: Executing /usr/bin/dpkg-maintscript-helper mv_conffile in postinst of php5-readline
==> default: DEBUG: dpkg-maintscript-helper: CONFFILE=/etc/php5/conf.d/readline.ini -> /etc/php5/mods-available/readline.ini PACKAGE=php5-readline:amd64 LASTVERSION=5.4.0~rc6-1 ACTION=configure PARAM=
==> default: php5_invoke: Enable module readline for apache2 SAPI
==> default: php5_invoke: Enable module readline for cli SAPI
==> default: Setting up rsync (3.1.1-3) ...
==> default: Setting up ssl-cert (1.0.35) ...
==> default: Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.19-18+deb8u1) ...
==> default: Processing triggers for systemd (215-17+deb8u2) ...
==> default: Processing triggers for libapache2-mod-php5 (5.6.30+dfsg-0+deb8u1) ...
This command should only be run on a clean Aegir install, and data may be lost! Do you want to continue? (y/n): y
Create a custom verify task for the hostmaster site and place it in         [ok]
the queue.
Phar detected. Proceeding to drush_main().
Loading drushrc "/var/aegir/.drush/drushrc.php" into "home.drush"    [bootstrap]
scope. [0.01 sec, 3.52 MB]
Cache HIT cid: 8.1.9-commandfiles-0-a1ab56b0d5baa05a84508f79f69564a5     [debug]
[0.01 sec, 3.59 MB]
Loaded alias @hostmaster from file                                      [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/hostmaster.alias.drushrc.php [0.16 sec, 10.52 MB]
Cache SET cid: 8.1.9-alias-path--4df8b0ec90f271ae15936e58072c7fca        [debug]
[0.16 sec, 10.52 MB]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [0.17 sec, 10.52 MB]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [0.17 sec, 11.09 MB]
Executing: mysql --defaults-extra-file=/tmp/drush_a4zQcT --database=aegirexamplecom --host=localhost --port=3306 --silent  < /tmp/drush_uwusNK
Executing: mysql --defaults-extra-file=/tmp/drush_JdLv39 --database=aegirexamplecom --host=localhost --port=3306 --silent  < /tmp/drush_YuG9C1
Starting task "Verify:" [node/141].                       [ok]
Calling proc_open(/usr/local/bin/drush  --strict= --verbose --debug --yes --root=/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x  hosting-task 141 2>&1 --quiet &);
Launched task "Verify:" in a forked process.              [ok]
 Timer  Cum (sec)  Count  Avg (msec) 
 page   30.381     1      30381.29
 Finished running a custom verify task for the hostmaster site.              [ok]
Building platform: drupal6 and adding to hostmaster.                        [ok]
Beginning to build                                                          [ok]
drupal-6.38 downloaded.                                                     [ok]
drupal patched with drupal7-unicode_requirements-2332295-23.patch.          [ok]
Generated PATCHES.txt file for drupal                                       [ok]
Generated config in write(): Drush configuration file                  [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal6.alias.drushrc.php to 440
Starting task "Verify:" [node/142].                       [ok]
Launched task "Verify:" in a forked process.              [ok]
Starting task "Verify: drupal6" [node/145].                                 [ok]
Launched task "Verify: drupal6" in a forked process. [node/145]             [ok]
Building platform: drupal7 and adding to hostmaster.                        [ok]
Beginning to build                                                          [ok]
drupal-7.54 downloaded.                                                     [ok]
Generated config in write(): Drush configuration file                  [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal7.alias.drushrc.php to 440
Connection to closed by remote host.
'provision-tests-run' failed. Leaving vm in place for forensic analysis.
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE