Started 4 yr 11 mo ago
Took 8.4 sec

Success Build #70 (Apr 24, 2012 12:15:42 PM)

  1. Issue #1528996 by omega8cc - Nginx microcaching should use fastcgi_cache_valid with 5s only for 403 error. (detail)
  2. Use separate cache for spiders/bots (Nginx). (detail)
  3. Do not cache http auth requests. Use compact microcaching config (Nginx). (detail)
  4. Issue #1544144 by thsutton - Use $server_name instead of $host in all sites/ paths to avoid broken URLs to static files for domain aliases in D7 (Nginx). (detail)

Started by an SCM change

Revision: 2fc157de8a7e760d134926855c747aaa0d1ab0b9
  • provision/6.x-1.x
Checkstyle: 541 warnings from one analysis.