

  1. Issue #1185690 by Dane Powell: Apply patch for hosting_task_log() entries are not deleted when task is. (details)
  2. Issue #1185690 by Steven Jones: Fixed hosting_task_log() entries are not deleted when task is. (details)
Commit a2469cc53ede285b65929a5f6672ea5cc33071c3 by Steven Jones
Issue #1185690 by Dane Powell: Apply patch for hosting_task_log() entries are not deleted when task is.
The file was modifiedmodules/hosting/task/hosting_task.install
The file was modifiedmodules/hosting/task/hosting_task.module
Commit 94a0a91cba52259de1cb34b506fd0d8e0d4d7308 by Steven Jones
Issue #1185690 by Steven Jones: Fixed hosting_task_log() entries are not deleted when task is.
The file was modifiedmodules/hosting/task/hosting_task.install
The file was modifiedmodules/hosting/task/hosting_task.module