Started 1 yr 1 mo ago
Took 18 sec

Success Build #17 (Feb 9, 2016 3:34:53 PM)

Build Artifacts
aegir3-cluster-slave_3.4_all.deb15.32 KB view
aegir3-hostmaster_3.4_all.deb14.46 KB view
aegir3-provision_3.4_all.deb118.05 KB view
aegir3_3.4_all.deb7.82 KB view


  1. Issue #2659920 by bgm: Fix drush_log usage in Provision/Config.php when using custom templates (detail)
  2. Update path to drush executable in debian scripts. (detail)
  3. Issue #2625168: Pin drush version to 8.0.0 until we can fix the logging issue in 8.0.2 (detail)
  4. Revert "Update path to drush executable in debian scripts." (detail)
  5. Issue #2661474: Set COMPOSER_HOME hoping to bypass variations from XDG_CONFIG_HOME (detail)
  6. Issue #2619158: Switch to the latest Drush 8 phar by default. (detail)
  7. Follow redirects when downloading Drush phars. (detail)
  8. change version information for release 3.4 (detail)
  9. Revert "change version information for release 3.4" (detail)

Started by user Christopher Gervais

Revision: 3e06c5dfcce5f4b491c833fa86a2b77142f59a76 from SCM: aegir_jenkins_scripts
  • origin/master
Revision: c13237668fc4c82623e42f32ec6def2e7ba7883c from SCM: provision
  • origin/7.x-3.x