FailedConsole Output

Skipping 2,111 KB.. Full Log
[207.39 sec, 7.39 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_root() [207.39 sec, 7.4 MB] [bootstrap]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [207.39 sec, 7.4 MB]
Initialized Drupal 7.36 root directory at                               [notice]
/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7 [207.4 sec, 7.75 MB]
Find command files for phase 1 (max=3) [207.4 sec, 5.6 MB]               [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-1-7a540dc983d482e1731beb64e4517606 [207.4 sec,
5.6 MB]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_site() [207.4 sec, 5.61 MB] [bootstrap]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
into "site" scope. [207.4 sec, 5.61 MB]
Initialized Drupal site at    [notice]
sites/ [207.44 sec, 7.77 MB]
Find command files for phase 2 (max=3) [207.45 sec, 5.61 MB]             [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-aab3631f7ede5ec2337aebb690e83266 [207.45 sec,
5.62 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-2-d75c6816671f3707a02081b4a5fad720 [207.45 sec,
5.62 MB]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_configuration() [207.45 sec,[bootstrap]
5.62 MB]
Find command files for phase 3 (max=3) [207.45 sec, 5.63 MB]             [debug]
Found command: updatedb-batch-process (commandfile=core) [207.45 sec,[bootstrap]
5.63 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 3. [207.45 sec, 5.63 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Cache HIT cid: 7.0-dev-alias-path--a8bdf039f855f1ab4280594fd7bc41bf      [debug]
[207.49 sec, 7.79 MB]
Loaded alias @server_localhost from file                                [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/server_localhost.alias.drushrc.php [207.5 sec, 7.81
Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [207.5 sec, 7.82
Driver type not specified for the db service, provide it with           [notice]
--db_service_type [207.5 sec, 7.83 MB]
Loading apache driver for the http service [207.5 sec, 7.91 MB]         [notice]
Loading mysql driver for the db service [207.5 sec, 8.04 MB]            [notice]
Driver type not specified for the http service, provide it with         [notice]
--http_service_type [207.5 sec, 8.04 MB]
Loaded alias @platform_drupal6 from file                                [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal6.alias.drushrc.php [207.51 sec,
8.04 MB]
Calling hook drush_core_updatedb_batch_process [207.51 sec, 8.09 MB]     [debug]
sql-query: SELECT 1; [207.6 sec, 13.92 MB]                              [status]
Executing: mysql --defaults-extra-file=/tmp/drush_v0KsZ6 --database=drupal6upgrade_0 --host=localhost --port=3306 --silent  < /tmp/drush_niEv8D
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_database() [207.61 sec,     [bootstrap]
13.92 MB]
Successfully connected to the Drupal database. [207.61 sec, 13.92 MB][bootstrap]
Find command files for phase 4 (max=) [207.61 sec, 11.77 MB]             [debug]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_full() [207.61 sec, 11.77   [bootstrap]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-aab3631f7ede5ec2337aebb690e83266 [207.65 sec,
17.1 MB]
Find command files for phase 5 (max=) [207.65 sec, 17.1 MB]              [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-aab3631f7ede5ec2337aebb690e83266 [207.66 sec,
17.1 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-5-d16eeaa53e995a03bdfa9ac2a1636a2c [207.66 sec,
17.11 MB]
Executing menu_update_7002 [207.7 sec, 18.2 MB]                         [notice]
Performed update: menu_update_7002 [207.71 sec, 18.2 MB]                    [ok]
Batch process has consumed in excess of 50% of available memory.         [batch]
Starting new thread [207.71 sec, 18.2 MB]
Returned from hook drush_core_updatedb_batch_process [207.71 sec,        [debug]
18.19 MB]
Command dispatch complete [207.71 sec, 18.15 MB]                        [notice]
 Timer  Cum (sec)  Count  Avg (msec) 
 page   0.259      1      259.48
Cache HIT cid: 7.0-dev-alias-path--a8bdf039f855f1ab4280594fd7bc41bf      [debug]
[207.72 sec, 18.27 MB]
Backend invoke: /usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php                [command]
--php=/usr/bin/php  --backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes --strict=0
--root=/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7  updatedb-batch-process 2 2 -u 0
2>&1 [207.78 sec, 28.8 MB]
/usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php --php=/usr/bin/php              [notice]
--backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes --strict=0
--root=/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7  updatedb-batch-process 2 2 -u 0
2>&1 [207.78 sec, 28.81 MB]
Starting Drush preflight. [0 sec, 2.17 MB]                           [preflight]
Loading drushrc "/var/aegir/.drush/drushrc.php" into "home.drush"    [bootstrap]
scope. [0.01 sec, 2.17 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-0-aa98ffa695cbb5e717364fd4272daa3f [0.01 sec,
2.24 MB]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [0.03 sec, 4.69 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [207.88 sec, 7.39 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Bootstrap to phase 3. [207.88 sec, 7.39 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_root() [207.89 sec, 7.4 MB] [bootstrap]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [207.89 sec, 7.4 MB]
Initialized Drupal 7.36 root directory at                               [notice]
/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7 [207.89 sec, 7.75 MB]
Find command files for phase 1 (max=3) [207.89 sec, 5.6 MB]              [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-1-7a540dc983d482e1731beb64e4517606 [207.9 sec,
5.6 MB]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_site() [207.9 sec, 5.61 MB] [bootstrap]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
into "site" scope. [207.9 sec, 5.61 MB]
Initialized Drupal site at    [notice]
sites/ [207.93 sec, 7.77 MB]
Find command files for phase 2 (max=3) [207.94 sec, 5.61 MB]             [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-aab3631f7ede5ec2337aebb690e83266 [207.94 sec,
5.62 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-2-d75c6816671f3707a02081b4a5fad720 [207.94 sec,
5.62 MB]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_configuration() [207.94 sec,[bootstrap]
5.62 MB]
Find command files for phase 3 (max=3) [207.94 sec, 5.63 MB]             [debug]
Found command: updatedb-batch-process (commandfile=core) [207.94 sec,[bootstrap]
5.63 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 3. [207.95 sec, 5.63 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Cache HIT cid: 7.0-dev-alias-path--a8bdf039f855f1ab4280594fd7bc41bf      [debug]
[207.98 sec, 7.79 MB]
Loaded alias @server_localhost from file                                [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/server_localhost.alias.drushrc.php [207.99 sec,
7.81 MB]
Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [207.99 sec, 7.82
Driver type not specified for the db service, provide it with           [notice]
--db_service_type [207.99 sec, 7.83 MB]
Loading apache driver for the http service [207.99 sec, 7.91 MB]        [notice]
Loading mysql driver for the db service [207.99 sec, 8.04 MB]           [notice]
Driver type not specified for the http service, provide it with         [notice]
--http_service_type [207.99 sec, 8.04 MB]
Loaded alias @platform_drupal6 from file                                [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal6.alias.drushrc.php [208 sec, 8.04
Calling hook drush_core_updatedb_batch_process [208 sec, 8.09 MB]        [debug]
sql-query: SELECT 1; [208.09 sec, 13.92 MB]                             [status]
Executing: mysql --defaults-extra-file=/tmp/drush_eLeToJ --database=drupal6upgrade_0 --host=localhost --port=3306 --silent  < /tmp/drush_Pur4Pe
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_database() [208.1 sec, 13.92[bootstrap]
Successfully connected to the Drupal database. [208.1 sec, 13.92 MB] [bootstrap]
Find command files for phase 4 (max=) [208.1 sec, 11.77 MB]              [debug]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_full() [208.1 sec, 11.77 MB][bootstrap]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-aab3631f7ede5ec2337aebb690e83266 [208.14 sec,
17.1 MB]
Find command files for phase 5 (max=) [208.14 sec, 17.1 MB]              [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-aab3631f7ede5ec2337aebb690e83266 [208.15 sec,
17.1 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-5-d16eeaa53e995a03bdfa9ac2a1636a2c [208.15 sec,
17.1 MB]
Executing system_update_7078 [208.19 sec, 18.21 MB]                     [notice]
Performed update: system_update_7078 [208.2 sec, 18.21 MB]                  [ok]
Batch process has consumed in excess of 50% of available memory.         [batch]
Starting new thread [208.21 sec, 18.21 MB]
Returned from hook drush_core_updatedb_batch_process [208.21 sec,        [debug]
18.19 MB]
Command dispatch complete [208.21 sec, 18.15 MB]                        [notice]
 Timer  Cum (sec)  Count  Avg (msec) 
 page   0.266      1      265.79
Cache HIT cid: 7.0-dev-alias-path--a8bdf039f855f1ab4280594fd7bc41bf      [debug]
[208.21 sec, 18.27 MB]
Backend invoke: /usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php                [command]
--php=/usr/bin/php  --backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes --strict=0
--root=/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7  updatedb-batch-process 2 2 -u 0
2>&1 [208.28 sec, 28.86 MB]
/usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php --php=/usr/bin/php              [notice]
--backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes --strict=0
--root=/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7  updatedb-batch-process 2 2 -u 0
2>&1 [208.28 sec, 28.86 MB]
Starting Drush preflight. [0 sec, 2.17 MB]                           [preflight]
Loading drushrc "/var/aegir/.drush/drushrc.php" into "home.drush"    [bootstrap]
scope. [0.01 sec, 2.17 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-0-aa98ffa695cbb5e717364fd4272daa3f [0.01 sec,
2.24 MB]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [0.03 sec, 4.69 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [208.39 sec, 7.39 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Bootstrap to phase 3. [208.39 sec, 7.39 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_root() [208.39 sec, 7.4 MB] [bootstrap]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [208.39 sec, 7.4 MB]
Initialized Drupal 7.36 root directory at                               [notice]
/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7 [208.4 sec, 7.75 MB]
Find command files for phase 1 (max=3) [208.4 sec, 5.6 MB]               [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-1-7a540dc983d482e1731beb64e4517606 [208.4 sec,
5.6 MB]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_site() [208.4 sec, 5.61 MB] [bootstrap]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
into "site" scope. [208.4 sec, 5.61 MB]
Initialized Drupal site at    [notice]
sites/ [208.44 sec, 7.77 MB]
Find command files for phase 2 (max=3) [208.44 sec, 5.61 MB]             [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-aab3631f7ede5ec2337aebb690e83266 [208.45 sec,
5.62 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-2-d75c6816671f3707a02081b4a5fad720 [208.45 sec,
5.62 MB]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_configuration() [208.45 sec,[bootstrap]
5.62 MB]
Find command files for phase 3 (max=3) [208.45 sec, 5.63 MB]             [debug]
Found command: updatedb-batch-process (commandfile=core) [208.45 sec,[bootstrap]
5.63 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 3. [208.45 sec, 5.63 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Cache HIT cid: 7.0-dev-alias-path--a8bdf039f855f1ab4280594fd7bc41bf      [debug]
[208.49 sec, 7.79 MB]
Loaded alias @server_localhost from file                                [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/server_localhost.alias.drushrc.php [208.49 sec,
7.81 MB]
Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [208.49 sec, 7.82
Driver type not specified for the db service, provide it with           [notice]
--db_service_type [208.5 sec, 7.83 MB]
Loading apache driver for the http service [208.5 sec, 7.91 MB]         [notice]
Loading mysql driver for the db service [208.5 sec, 8.04 MB]            [notice]
Driver type not specified for the http service, provide it with         [notice]
--http_service_type [208.5 sec, 8.04 MB]
Loaded alias @platform_drupal6 from file                                [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal6.alias.drushrc.php [208.5 sec, 8.04
Calling hook drush_core_updatedb_batch_process [208.5 sec, 8.09 MB]      [debug]
sql-query: SELECT 1; [208.6 sec, 13.92 MB]                              [status]
Executing: mysql --defaults-extra-file=/tmp/drush_ZkNMZc --database=drupal6upgrade_0 --host=localhost --port=3306 --silent  < /tmp/drush_UqfkFG
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_database() [208.6 sec, 13.92[bootstrap]
Successfully connected to the Drupal database. [208.6 sec, 13.92 MB] [bootstrap]
Find command files for phase 4 (max=) [208.61 sec, 11.77 MB]             [debug]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_full() [208.61 sec, 11.77   [bootstrap]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-aab3631f7ede5ec2337aebb690e83266 [208.65 sec,
17.1 MB]
Find command files for phase 5 (max=) [208.65 sec, 17.1 MB]              [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-aab3631f7ede5ec2337aebb690e83266 [208.65 sec,
17.1 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-5-d16eeaa53e995a03bdfa9ac2a1636a2c [208.66 sec,
17.1 MB]
Executing color_update_7001 [208.7 sec, 18.2 MB]                        [notice]
Performed update: color_update_7001 [208.7 sec, 18.2 MB]                    [ok]
Batch process has consumed in excess of 50% of available memory.         [batch]
Starting new thread [208.7 sec, 18.2 MB]
Returned from hook drush_core_updatedb_batch_process [208.71 sec,        [debug]
18.19 MB]
Command dispatch complete [208.71 sec, 18.15 MB]                        [notice]
 Timer  Cum (sec)  Count  Avg (msec) 
 page   0.258      1      257.81
Cache HIT cid: 7.0-dev-alias-path--a8bdf039f855f1ab4280594fd7bc41bf      [debug]
[208.71 sec, 18.27 MB]
Backend invoke: /usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php                [command]
--php=/usr/bin/php  --backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes --strict=0
--root=/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7  updatedb-batch-process 2 2 -u 0
2>&1 [208.77 sec, 28.91 MB]
/usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php --php=/usr/bin/php              [notice]
--backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes --strict=0
--root=/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7  updatedb-batch-process 2 2 -u 0
2>&1 [208.78 sec, 28.92 MB]
Starting Drush preflight. [0.01 sec, 2.17 MB]                        [preflight]
Loading drushrc "/var/aegir/.drush/drushrc.php" into "home.drush"    [bootstrap]
scope. [0.01 sec, 2.17 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-0-aa98ffa695cbb5e717364fd4272daa3f [0.01 sec,
2.24 MB]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [0.03 sec, 4.69 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [208.88 sec, 7.39 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Bootstrap to phase 3. [208.88 sec, 7.39 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_root() [208.88 sec, 7.4 MB] [bootstrap]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [208.88 sec, 7.4 MB]
Initialized Drupal 7.36 root directory at                               [notice]
/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7 [208.89 sec, 7.75 MB]
Find command files for phase 1 (max=3) [208.89 sec, 5.6 MB]              [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-1-7a540dc983d482e1731beb64e4517606 [208.9 sec,
5.6 MB]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_site() [208.9 sec, 5.61 MB] [bootstrap]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
into "site" scope. [208.9 sec, 5.61 MB]
Initialized Drupal site at    [notice]
sites/ [208.93 sec, 7.77 MB]
Find command files for phase 2 (max=3) [208.94 sec, 5.61 MB]             [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-aab3631f7ede5ec2337aebb690e83266 [208.94 sec,
5.62 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-2-d75c6816671f3707a02081b4a5fad720 [208.94 sec,
5.62 MB]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_configuration() [208.94 sec,[bootstrap]
5.62 MB]
Find command files for phase 3 (max=3) [208.94 sec, 5.63 MB]             [debug]
Found command: updatedb-batch-process (commandfile=core) [208.95 sec,[bootstrap]
5.63 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 3. [208.95 sec, 5.63 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Cache HIT cid: 7.0-dev-alias-path--a8bdf039f855f1ab4280594fd7bc41bf      [debug]
[208.98 sec, 7.79 MB]
Loaded alias @server_localhost from file                                [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/server_localhost.alias.drushrc.php [208.99 sec,
7.81 MB]
Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [208.99 sec, 7.82
Driver type not specified for the db service, provide it with           [notice]
--db_service_type [208.99 sec, 7.83 MB]
Loading apache driver for the http service [208.99 sec, 7.91 MB]        [notice]
Loading mysql driver for the db service [208.99 sec, 8.04 MB]           [notice]
Driver type not specified for the http service, provide it with         [notice]
--http_service_type [208.99 sec, 8.04 MB]
Loaded alias @platform_drupal6 from file                                [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal6.alias.drushrc.php [209 sec, 8.04
Calling hook drush_core_updatedb_batch_process [209 sec, 8.09 MB]        [debug]
sql-query: SELECT 1; [209.09 sec, 13.92 MB]                             [status]
Executing: mysql --defaults-extra-file=/tmp/drush_IvlQyP --database=drupal6upgrade_0 --host=localhost --port=3306 --silent  < /tmp/drush_MbA3vh
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_database() [209.1 sec, 13.92[bootstrap]
Successfully connected to the Drupal database. [209.1 sec, 13.92 MB] [bootstrap]
Find command files for phase 4 (max=) [209.11 sec, 11.77 MB]             [debug]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_full() [209.11 sec, 11.77   [bootstrap]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-aab3631f7ede5ec2337aebb690e83266 [209.15 sec,
17.1 MB]
Find command files for phase 5 (max=) [209.15 sec, 17.1 MB]              [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-aab3631f7ede5ec2337aebb690e83266 [209.15 sec,
17.1 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-5-d16eeaa53e995a03bdfa9ac2a1636a2c [209.16 sec,
17.1 MB]
Executing system_update_7079 [209.19 sec, 18.21 MB]                     [notice]
Performed update: system_update_7079 [209.2 sec, 18.22 MB]                  [ok]
Batch process has consumed in excess of 50% of available memory.         [batch]
Starting new thread [209.21 sec, 18.22 MB]
Returned from hook drush_core_updatedb_batch_process [209.21 sec,        [debug]
18.19 MB]
Command dispatch complete [209.21 sec, 18.15 MB]                        [notice]
 Timer  Cum (sec)  Count  Avg (msec) 
 page   0.265      1      264.95
Cache HIT cid: 7.0-dev-alias-path--a8bdf039f855f1ab4280594fd7bc41bf      [debug]
[209.21 sec, 18.27 MB]
Backend invoke: /usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php                [command]
--php=/usr/bin/php  --backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes --strict=0
--root=/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7  updatedb-batch-process 2 2 -u 0
2>&1 [209.27 sec, 28.97 MB]
/usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php --php=/usr/bin/php              [notice]
--backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes --strict=0
--root=/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7  updatedb-batch-process 2 2 -u 0
2>&1 [209.27 sec, 28.97 MB]
Starting Drush preflight. [0 sec, 2.17 MB]                           [preflight]
Loading drushrc "/var/aegir/.drush/drushrc.php" into "home.drush"    [bootstrap]
scope. [0.01 sec, 2.17 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-0-aa98ffa695cbb5e717364fd4272daa3f [0.01 sec,
2.24 MB]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [0.03 sec, 4.69 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [209.38 sec, 7.39 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Bootstrap to phase 3. [209.38 sec, 7.39 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_root() [209.38 sec, 7.4 MB] [bootstrap]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [209.38 sec, 7.4 MB]
Initialized Drupal 7.36 root directory at                               [notice]
/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7 [209.39 sec, 7.75 MB]
Find command files for phase 1 (max=3) [209.39 sec, 5.6 MB]              [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-1-7a540dc983d482e1731beb64e4517606 [209.39 sec,
5.6 MB]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_site() [209.4 sec, 5.61 MB] [bootstrap]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
into "site" scope. [209.4 sec, 5.61 MB]
Initialized Drupal site at    [notice]
sites/ [209.43 sec, 7.77 MB]
Find command files for phase 2 (max=3) [209.44 sec, 5.61 MB]             [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-aab3631f7ede5ec2337aebb690e83266 [209.44 sec,
5.62 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-2-d75c6816671f3707a02081b4a5fad720 [209.44 sec,
5.62 MB]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_configuration() [209.44 sec,[bootstrap]
5.62 MB]
Find command files for phase 3 (max=3) [209.44 sec, 5.63 MB]             [debug]
Found command: updatedb-batch-process (commandfile=core) [209.45 sec,[bootstrap]
5.63 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 3. [209.45 sec, 5.63 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Cache HIT cid: 7.0-dev-alias-path--a8bdf039f855f1ab4280594fd7bc41bf      [debug]
[209.49 sec, 7.79 MB]
Loaded alias @server_localhost from file                                [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/server_localhost.alias.drushrc.php [209.49 sec,
7.81 MB]
Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [209.49 sec, 7.82
Driver type not specified for the db service, provide it with           [notice]
--db_service_type [209.49 sec, 7.83 MB]
Loading apache driver for the http service [209.49 sec, 7.91 MB]        [notice]
Loading mysql driver for the db service [209.49 sec, 8.04 MB]           [notice]
Driver type not specified for the http service, provide it with         [notice]
--http_service_type [209.5 sec, 8.04 MB]
Loaded alias @platform_drupal6 from file                                [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal6.alias.drushrc.php [209.5 sec, 8.04
Calling hook drush_core_updatedb_batch_process [209.5 sec, 8.09 MB]      [debug]
sql-query: SELECT 1; [209.59 sec, 13.92 MB]                             [status]
Executing: mysql --defaults-extra-file=/tmp/drush_FPuthk --database=drupal6upgrade_0 --host=localhost --port=3306 --silent  < /tmp/drush_SJuTtK
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_database() [209.6 sec, 13.92[bootstrap]
Successfully connected to the Drupal database. [209.6 sec, 13.92 MB] [bootstrap]
Find command files for phase 4 (max=) [209.6 sec, 11.77 MB]              [debug]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_full() [209.6 sec, 11.77 MB][bootstrap]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-aab3631f7ede5ec2337aebb690e83266 [209.65 sec,
17.1 MB]
Find command files for phase 5 (max=) [209.65 sec, 17.1 MB]              [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-aab3631f7ede5ec2337aebb690e83266 [209.65 sec,
17.1 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-5-d16eeaa53e995a03bdfa9ac2a1636a2c [209.65 sec,
17.11 MB]
Executing dblog_update_7002 [209.69 sec, 18.2 MB]                       [notice]
Performed update: dblog_update_7002 [209.72 sec, 18.2 MB]                   [ok]
Batch process has consumed in excess of 50% of available memory.         [batch]
Starting new thread [209.72 sec, 18.21 MB]
Returned from hook drush_core_updatedb_batch_process [209.72 sec,        [debug]
18.19 MB]
Command dispatch complete [209.72 sec, 18.15 MB]                        [notice]
 Timer  Cum (sec)  Count  Avg (msec) 
 page   0.281      1      281.2
Cache HIT cid: 7.0-dev-alias-path--a8bdf039f855f1ab4280594fd7bc41bf      [debug]
[209.73 sec, 18.28 MB]
Backend invoke: /usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php                [command]
--php=/usr/bin/php  --backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes --strict=0
--root=/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7  updatedb-batch-process 2 2 -u 0
2>&1 [209.79 sec, 29.03 MB]
/usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php --php=/usr/bin/php              [notice]
--backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes --strict=0
--root=/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7  updatedb-batch-process 2 2 -u 0
2>&1 [209.79 sec, 29.03 MB]
Starting Drush preflight. [0 sec, 2.17 MB]                           [preflight]
Loading drushrc "/var/aegir/.drush/drushrc.php" into "home.drush"    [bootstrap]
scope. [0 sec, 2.17 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-0-aa98ffa695cbb5e717364fd4272daa3f [0.01 sec,
2.24 MB]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [0.03 sec, 4.69 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [209.9 sec, 7.39 MB]                           [bootstrap]
Bootstrap to phase 3. [209.9 sec, 7.39 MB]                           [bootstrap]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_root() [209.9 sec, 7.4 MB]  [bootstrap]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [209.9 sec, 7.4 MB]
Initialized Drupal 7.36 root directory at                               [notice]
/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7 [209.9 sec, 7.75 MB]
Find command files for phase 1 (max=3) [209.91 sec, 5.6 MB]              [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-1-7a540dc983d482e1731beb64e4517606 [209.91 sec,
5.6 MB]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_site() [209.91 sec, 5.61 MB][bootstrap]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
into "site" scope. [209.91 sec, 5.61 MB]
Initialized Drupal site at    [notice]
sites/ [209.94 sec, 7.77 MB]
Find command files for phase 2 (max=3) [209.95 sec, 5.61 MB]             [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-aab3631f7ede5ec2337aebb690e83266 [209.95 sec,
5.62 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-2-d75c6816671f3707a02081b4a5fad720 [209.95 sec,
5.62 MB]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_configuration() [209.95 sec,[bootstrap]
5.62 MB]
Find command files for phase 3 (max=3) [209.96 sec, 5.63 MB]             [debug]
Found command: updatedb-batch-process (commandfile=core) [209.96 sec,[bootstrap]
5.63 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 3. [209.96 sec, 5.63 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Cache HIT cid: 7.0-dev-alias-path--a8bdf039f855f1ab4280594fd7bc41bf      [debug]
[209.99 sec, 7.79 MB]
Loaded alias @server_localhost from file                                [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/server_localhost.alias.drushrc.php [210 sec, 7.81
Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [210 sec, 7.82 MB]
Driver type not specified for the db service, provide it with           [notice]
--db_service_type [210 sec, 7.83 MB]
Loading apache driver for the http service [210 sec, 7.91 MB]           [notice]
Loading mysql driver for the db service [210 sec, 8.04 MB]              [notice]
Driver type not specified for the http service, provide it with         [notice]
--http_service_type [210 sec, 8.04 MB]
Loaded alias @platform_drupal6 from file                                [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal6.alias.drushrc.php [210.01 sec,
8.04 MB]
Calling hook drush_core_updatedb_batch_process [210.01 sec, 8.09 MB]     [debug]
sql-query: SELECT 1; [210.1 sec, 13.92 MB]                              [status]
Executing: mysql --defaults-extra-file=/tmp/drush_YMmLr0 --database=drupal6upgrade_0 --host=localhost --port=3306 --silent  < /tmp/drush_OECcSo
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_database() [210.11 sec,     [bootstrap]
13.92 MB]
Successfully connected to the Drupal database. [210.11 sec, 13.92 MB][bootstrap]
Find command files for phase 4 (max=) [210.11 sec, 11.77 MB]             [debug]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_full() [210.11 sec, 11.77   [bootstrap]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-aab3631f7ede5ec2337aebb690e83266 [210.15 sec,
17.1 MB]
Find command files for phase 5 (max=) [210.16 sec, 17.1 MB]              [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-aab3631f7ede5ec2337aebb690e83266 [210.16 sec,
17.1 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-5-d16eeaa53e995a03bdfa9ac2a1636a2c [210.16 sec,
17.1 MB]
Executing menu_update_7003 [210.2 sec, 18.2 MB]                         [notice]
Performed update: menu_update_7003 [210.2 sec, 18.21 MB]                    [ok]
Batch process has consumed in excess of 50% of available memory.         [batch]
Starting new thread [210.2 sec, 18.21 MB]
Returned from hook drush_core_updatedb_batch_process [210.2 sec,         [debug]
18.07 MB]
Command dispatch complete [210.2 sec, 18.03 MB]                         [notice]
 Timer  Cum (sec)  Count  Avg (msec) 
 page   0.25       1      249.71
Cache HIT cid: 7.0-dev-alias-path--a8bdf039f855f1ab4280594fd7bc41bf      [debug]
[210.21 sec, 18.15 MB]
Backend invoke: /usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php                [command]
--php=/usr/bin/php  --backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes --strict=0
--root=/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7  cache-clear all 2>&1 [210.27
sec, 26.94 MB]
/usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php --php=/usr/bin/php              [notice]
--backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes --strict=0
--root=/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7  cache-clear all 2>&1 [210.27
sec, 26.94 MB]
Starting Drush preflight. [0 sec, 2.17 MB]                           [preflight]
Loading drushrc "/var/aegir/.drush/drushrc.php" into "home.drush"    [bootstrap]
scope. [0.01 sec, 2.17 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-0-aa98ffa695cbb5e717364fd4272daa3f [0.01 sec,
2.24 MB]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [0.03 sec, 4.68 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [210.38 sec, 7.39 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_root() [210.38 sec, 7.4 MB] [bootstrap]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [210.38 sec, 7.4 MB]
Initialized Drupal 7.36 root directory at                               [notice]
/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7 [210.38 sec, 7.75 MB]
Find command files for phase 1 (max=7) [210.39 sec, 5.6 MB]              [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-1-7a540dc983d482e1731beb64e4517606 [210.39 sec,
5.6 MB]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_site() [210.39 sec, 5.61 MB][bootstrap]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
into "site" scope. [210.39 sec, 5.61 MB]
Initialized Drupal site at    [notice]
sites/ [210.43 sec, 7.76 MB]
Find command files for phase 2 (max=7) [210.43 sec, 5.61 MB]             [debug]
Cache MISS cid:                                                          [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-2-1f66460488870dafd40e05b9179fff58 [210.43 sec,
5.62 MB]
Cache SET cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-2-1f66460488870dafd40e05b9179fff58 [210.44 sec,
5.62 MB]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_configuration() [210.44 sec,[bootstrap]
5.62 MB]
Find command files for phase 3 (max=7) [210.44 sec, 5.63 MB]             [debug]
sql-query: SELECT 1; [210.44 sec, 5.74 MB]                              [status]
Executing: mysql --defaults-extra-file=/tmp/drush_yT4goq --database=drupal6upgrade_0 --host=localhost --port=3306 --silent  < /tmp/drush_yihADN
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_database() [210.45 sec, 5.74[bootstrap]
Successfully connected to the Drupal database. [210.45 sec, 6.24 MB] [bootstrap]
Find command files for phase 4 (max=7) [210.45 sec, 6.24 MB]             [debug]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_full() [210.45 sec, 6.24 MB][bootstrap]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-aab3631f7ede5ec2337aebb690e83266 [210.53 sec,
15.03 MB]
Find command files for phase 5 (max=7) [210.53 sec, 15.03 MB]            [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-aab3631f7ede5ec2337aebb690e83266 [210.53 sec,
15.03 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-5-d16eeaa53e995a03bdfa9ac2a1636a2c [210.53 sec,
15.04 MB]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_login() [210.53 sec, 15.03  [bootstrap]
Find command files for phase 6 (max=7) [210.58 sec, 17.31 MB]            [debug]
Found command: cache-clear (commandfile=cache) [210.58 sec, 17.31 MB][bootstrap]
Cache HIT cid: 7.0-dev-alias-path--a8bdf039f855f1ab4280594fd7bc41bf      [debug]
[210.63 sec, 19.49 MB]
Loaded alias @server_localhost from file                                [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/server_localhost.alias.drushrc.php [210.63 sec,
19.5 MB]
Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [210.63 sec, 19.52
Driver type not specified for the db service, provide it with           [notice]
--db_service_type [210.64 sec, 19.52 MB]
Loading apache driver for the http service [210.64 sec, 19.6 MB]        [notice]
Loading mysql driver for the db service [210.64 sec, 19.73 MB]          [notice]
Driver type not specified for the http service, provide it with         [notice]
--http_service_type [210.64 sec, 19.73 MB]
Loaded alias @platform_drupal6 from file                                [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal6.alias.drushrc.php [210.64 sec,
19.74 MB]
Calling hook drush_cache_clear_pre_validate [210.65 sec, 19.76 MB]       [debug]
Returned from hook drush_cache_clear_pre_validate [210.66 sec, 19.77     [debug]
Calling hook drush_cache_command_clear [210.66 sec, 19.8 MB]             [debug]
Calling drush_cache_clear_both() [210.66 sec, 19.8 MB]                   [debug]
WD actions: Action 'Save comment' added. [211.27 sec, 21.63 MB]         [notice]
WD actions: Action 'Ban IP address of current user' added. [211.27      [notice]
sec, 21.62 MB]
WD actions: 1 orphaned actions (user_block_ip_action) exist in the        [info]
actions table. Remove orphaned actions [211.34 sec, 23.27 MB]
'all' cache was cleared. [211.41 sec, 23.25 MB]                        [success]
Returned from hook drush_cache_command_clear [211.41 sec, 23.25 MB]      [debug]
Command dispatch complete [211.41 sec, 23.21 MB]                        [notice]
 Timer  Cum (sec)  Count  Avg (msec) 
 page   0.976      1      976.13
Cache MISS cid: 7.0-dev-alias-path--a8bdf039f855f1ab4280594fd7bc41bf     [debug]
[211.42 sec, 23.33 MB]
Finished performing updates. [211.47 sec, 26.99 MB]                         [ok]
Returned from hook drush_core_updatedb [211.47 sec, 26.99 MB]            [debug]
Command dispatch complete [211.47 sec, 26.95 MB]                        [notice]
 Timer  Cum (sec)  Count  Avg (msec) 
 page   74.802     1      74802.11
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_configuration() [211.55 sec,[bootstrap]
16.21 MB]
Find command files for phase 3 (max=) [211.55 sec, 14.07 MB]             [debug]
sql-query: SELECT 1; [211.55 sec, 14.18 MB]                             [status]
Executing: mysql --defaults-extra-file=/tmp/drush_jQNk2D --database=drupal6upgrade_0 --host=localhost --port=3306 --silent  < /tmp/drush_UnSJoX
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_database() [211.57 sec,     [bootstrap]
14.18 MB]
Successfully connected to the Drupal database. [211.58 sec, 14.68 MB][bootstrap]
Find command files for phase 4 (max=) [211.58 sec, 14.68 MB]             [debug]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_full() [211.58 sec, 14.69   [bootstrap]
Cache MISS cid:                                                          [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-aab3631f7ede5ec2337aebb690e83266 [211.65 sec,
23.46 MB]
Cache SET cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-aab3631f7ede5ec2337aebb690e83266 [211.65 sec,
23.46 MB]
Find command files for phase 5 (max=) [211.65 sec, 23.46 MB]             [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-aab3631f7ede5ec2337aebb690e83266 [211.65 sec,
23.47 MB]
Cache MISS cid:                                                          [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-5-d16eeaa53e995a03bdfa9ac2a1636a2c [211.66 sec,
23.47 MB]
Cache SET cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-5-d16eeaa53e995a03bdfa9ac2a1636a2c [211.66 sec,
23.48 MB]
Undefined variable: url_changed [211.66 sec, 23.51      [notice]
Found install profile <em class="placeholder">standard</em> [211.67     [notice]
sec, 23.71 MB]
Found install profile <em class="placeholder">minimal</em> [211.67      [notice]
sec, 23.72 MB]
Undefined index: default [211.67 sec, 23.72 MB]      [notice]
Creating default object from empty value [211.67    [warning]
sec, 23.72 MB]
Found 44 modules [211.71 sec, 23.94 MB]                                 [notice]
Found 4 themes [211.71 sec, 23.97 MB]                                   [notice]
WD actions: 1 orphaned actions (user_block_ip_action) exist in the        [info]
actions table. Remove orphaned actions [211.97 sec, 27.88 MB]
All caches flushed [212.02 sec, 27.87 MB]                               [notice]
Returned from hook drush_provision_drupal_post_provision_deploy          [debug]
[212.02 sec, 27.85 MB]
Command dispatch complete [212.03 sec, 27.79 MB]                        [notice]
 Timer  Cum (sec)  Count  Avg (msec) 
 page   0.478      1      477.57
Bringing site out of maintenance [212.1 sec, 16.61 MB]                  [notice]
Backend invoke: /usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php                [command]
--php=/usr/bin/php  --backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes provision-verify 2>&1
[212.11 sec, 16.62 MB]
/usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php --php=/usr/bin/php              [notice]
--backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes provision-verify 2>&1
[212.11 sec, 16.63 MB]
Starting Drush preflight. [0 sec, 2.17 MB]                           [preflight]
Loading drushrc "/var/aegir/.drush/drushrc.php" into "home.drush"    [bootstrap]
scope. [0 sec, 2.17 MB]
Cache MISS cid:                                                          [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-0-aa98ffa695cbb5e717364fd4272daa3f [0.01 sec,
2.23 MB]
Cache SET cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-0-aa98ffa695cbb5e717364fd4272daa3f [0.03 sec,
2.26 MB]
Loaded alias from file       [notice]
[0.12 sec, 7.12 MB]
Cache SET cid: 7.0-dev-alias-path--ba42bffdd2760c2ce63133692f1622a8      [debug]
[0.12 sec, 7.13 MB]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/platforms/drupal6/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [0.12 sec, 7.13 MB]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/platforms/drupal6/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [0.12 sec, 7.26 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [212.28 sec, 7.28 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [212.28 sec, 7.28 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Found command: provision-verify (commandfile=provision) [212.28 sec, [bootstrap]
7.28 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [212.28 sec, 7.28 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Loaded alias @server_localhost from file                                [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/server_localhost.alias.drushrc.php [212.29 sec,
7.31 MB]
Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [212.29 sec, 7.32
Driver type not specified for the db service, provide it with           [notice]
--db_service_type [212.29 sec, 7.32 MB]
Loading apache driver for the http service [212.29 sec, 7.41 MB]        [notice]
Loading mysql driver for the db service [212.29 sec, 7.53 MB]           [notice]
Driver type not specified for the http service, provide it with         [notice]
--http_service_type [212.29 sec, 7.53 MB]
Loaded alias @platform_drupal6 from file                                [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal6.alias.drushrc.php [212.3 sec, 7.54
Including                                                            [bootstrap]
[212.3 sec, 7.55 MB]
Including /var/aegir/.drush/provision/platform/  [bootstrap]
[212.3 sec, 7.55 MB]
Calling hook drush_provision_drupal_provision_verify_validate [212.3     [debug]
sec, 7.6 MB]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_root() [212.3 sec, 7.61 MB] [bootstrap]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/platforms/drupal6/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [212.3 sec, 7.61 MB]
Initialized Drupal 6.35 root directory at                               [notice]
/var/aegir/platforms/drupal6 [212.31 sec, 8.13 MB]
Find command files for phase 1 (max=) [212.31 sec, 6.03 MB]              [debug]
Cache MISS cid:                                                          [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-1-ad6d2163fceb9ff76329deec6ab3502f [212.31 sec,
6.04 MB]
Cache SET cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-1-ad6d2163fceb9ff76329deec6ab3502f [212.31 sec,
6.04 MB]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_site() [212.31 sec, 6.04 MB][bootstrap]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
into "site" scope. [212.32 sec, 6.05 MB]
Initialized Drupal site at    [notice]
sites/ [212.35 sec, 8.36 MB]
Find command files for phase 2 (max=) [212.35 sec, 6.21 MB]              [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-aab3631f7ede5ec2337aebb690e83266 [212.36 sec,
6.22 MB]
Cache MISS cid:                                                          [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-2-d75c6816671f3707a02081b4a5fad720 [212.36 sec,
6.22 MB]
Cache SET cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-2-d75c6816671f3707a02081b4a5fad720 [212.36 sec,
6.22 MB]
Template loaded from Provision Config class                             [notice]
[212.36 sec, 6.36 MB]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640 [212.36 sec, 6.37 MB]
Generated config in write(): Drupal settings.php file                  [success]
[212.37 sec, 6.37 MB]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440 [212.37 sec, 6.37 MB]
Change group ownership of                                              [success]
to www-data [212.37 sec, 6.37 MB]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists. [212.37 sec, 6.36 MB]      [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
aegir. [212.37 sec, 6.36 MB]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
755. [212.37 sec, 6.36 MB]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable. [212.37 sec, 6.36     [success]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_configuration() [212.37 sec,[bootstrap]
6.37 MB]
Find command files for phase 3 (max=) [212.37 sec, 6.37 MB]              [debug]
sql-query: SELECT 1; [212.37 sec, 6.51 MB]                              [status]
Executing: mysql --defaults-extra-file=/tmp/drush_dCUucz --database=drupal6upgradedr --host=localhost --port=3306 --silent  < /tmp/drush_NOHFHP
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_database() [212.38 sec, 6.51[bootstrap]
Successfully connected to the Drupal database. [212.39 sec, 6.7 MB]  [bootstrap]
Find command files for phase 4 (max=) [212.39 sec, 6.7 MB]               [debug]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_full() [212.39 sec, 6.7 MB] [bootstrap]
session_start(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by  [warning]
(output started at /usr/share/drush/includes/ [212.39 sec, 6.75 MB]
session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already   [warning]
sent (output started at /usr/share/drush/includes/ [212.39 sec, 6.75 MB]
Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output     [warning]
started at /usr/share/drush/includes/
[212.39 sec, 6.81 MB]
Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output     [warning]
started at /usr/share/drush/includes/
[212.39 sec, 6.82 MB]
Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output     [warning]
started at /usr/share/drush/includes/
[212.39 sec, 6.82 MB]
Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output     [warning]
started at /usr/share/drush/includes/
[212.4 sec, 6.82 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-aab3631f7ede5ec2337aebb690e83266 [212.46 sec,
10.69 MB]
Find command files for phase 5 (max=) [212.46 sec, 10.69 MB]             [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-aab3631f7ede5ec2337aebb690e83266 [212.47 sec,
10.69 MB]
Cache MISS cid:                                                          [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-5-f8c8670d5aff3e2bd4d4115f8b0aba8c [212.47 sec,
10.69 MB]
Cache SET cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-5-f8c8670d5aff3e2bd4d4115f8b0aba8c [212.47 sec,
10.7 MB]
Returned from hook drush_provision_drupal_provision_verify_validate      [debug]
[212.47 sec, 10.69 MB]
Calling hook drush_provision_drupal_pre_provision_verify [212.47 sec,    [debug]
10.7 MB]
Found install profile <em>default</em> [212.5 sec, 12.46 MB]            [notice]
Found 33 modules [212.52 sec, 12.6 MB]                                  [notice]
Found 6 themes [212.53 sec, 12.63 MB]                                   [notice]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to 755
[212.53 sec, 12.49 MB]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2775 [212.53 sec, 12.49 MB]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2775 [212.53 sec, 12.49 MB]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2775 [212.53 sec, 12.49 MB]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
2770 [212.53 sec, 12.5 MB]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770 [212.53 sec, 12.5 MB]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770 [212.54 sec, 12.5 MB]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770 [212.54 sec, 12.5 MB]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770 [212.54 sec, 12.5 MB]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770 [212.54 sec, 12.5 MB]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770 [212.54 sec, 12.5 MB]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770 [212.54 sec, 12.5 MB]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770 [212.54 sec, 12.5 MB]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770 [212.54 sec, 12.51 MB]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770 [212.54 sec, 12.51 MB]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770 [212.54 sec, 12.51 MB]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770 [212.54 sec, 12.51 MB]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770 [212.54 sec, 12.51 MB]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770 [212.54 sec, 12.51 MB]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770 [212.54 sec, 12.51 MB]
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
www-data [212.54 sec, 12.51 MB]
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data [212.55 sec, 12.51 MB]
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data [212.55 sec, 12.52 MB]
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data [212.55 sec, 12.52 MB]
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data [212.55 sec, 12.52 MB]
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data [212.55 sec, 12.52 MB]
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data [212.55 sec, 12.52 MB]
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data [212.55 sec, 12.52 MB]
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data [212.55 sec, 12.52 MB]
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data [212.55 sec, 12.52 MB]
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data [212.55 sec, 12.53 MB]
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data [212.55 sec, 12.53 MB]
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data [212.55 sec, 12.53 MB]
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data [212.55 sec, 12.53 MB]
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data [212.55 sec, 12.53 MB]
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data [212.55 sec, 12.53 MB]
Template loaded from Provision Config class                             [notice]
[212.55 sec, 12.53 MB]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640 [212.56 sec, 12.53 MB]
Generated config in write(): Drupal settings.php file                  [success]
[212.56 sec, 12.54 MB]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440 [212.56 sec, 12.54 MB]
Change group ownership of                                              [success]
to www-data [212.56 sec, 12.54 MB]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists. [212.56 sec, 12.53 MB]     [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
aegir. [212.56 sec, 12.53 MB]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
755. [212.56 sec, 12.53 MB]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable. [212.56 sec, 12.53    [success]
Returned from hook drush_provision_drupal_pre_provision_verify           [debug]
[212.56 sec, 12.53 MB]
Calling hook drush_provision_verify [212.56 sec, 12.53 MB]               [debug]
Backend invoke: /usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php                [command]
--php=/usr/bin/php  --backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes provision-save 2>&1 [212.6
sec, 14.7 MB]
/usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php --php=/usr/bin/php              [notice]
--backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes provision-save 2>&1 [212.6
sec, 14.71 MB]
Starting Drush preflight. [0.01 sec, 2.17 MB]                        [preflight]
Loading drushrc "/var/aegir/.drush/drushrc.php" into "home.drush"    [bootstrap]
scope. [0.01 sec, 2.17 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-0-aa98ffa695cbb5e717364fd4272daa3f [0.01 sec,
2.24 MB]
Loaded alias from file       [notice]
[0.09 sec, 7.12 MB]
Cache SET cid: 7.0-dev-alias-path--ba42bffdd2760c2ce63133692f1622a8      [debug]
[0.1 sec, 7.12 MB]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/platforms/drupal6/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [0.1 sec, 7.12 MB]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/platforms/drupal6/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [0.1 sec, 7.26 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [212.72 sec, 7.27 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [212.73 sec, 7.27 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Found command: provision-save (commandfile=provision) [212.73 sec,   [bootstrap]
7.28 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [212.73 sec, 7.28 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Loaded alias @server_localhost from file                                [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/server_localhost.alias.drushrc.php [212.73 sec, 7.3
Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [212.73 sec, 7.31
Driver type not specified for the db service, provide it with           [notice]
--db_service_type [212.73 sec, 7.31 MB]
Loading apache driver for the http service [212.73 sec, 7.4 MB]         [notice]
Loading mysql driver for the db service [212.74 sec, 7.53 MB]           [notice]
Driver type not specified for the http service, provide it with         [notice]
--http_service_type [212.74 sec, 7.53 MB]
Loaded alias @platform_drupal6 from file                                [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal6.alias.drushrc.php [212.74 sec,
7.53 MB]
Calling hook drush_provision_save [212.74 sec, 7.57 MB]                  [debug]
Template loaded from Provision Config class                             [notice]
[212.74 sec, 7.71 MB]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640 [212.75 sec, 7.72 MB]
Generated config in write(): Drush configuration file                  [success]
[212.75 sec, 7.72 MB]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440 [212.75 sec, 7.72 MB]
Returned from hook drush_provision_save [212.75 sec, 7.72 MB]            [debug]
Command dispatch complete [212.75 sec, 7.68 MB]                         [notice]
Template loaded from Provision Config class                             [notice]
[212.76 sec, 14.76 MB]
Generated config in write(): virtual host configuration file           [success]
[212.76 sec, 14.76 MB]
Executing: sudo /usr/sbin//apache2ctl graceful
  [Mon May 04 14:10:53 2015] [warn] NameVirtualHost *:80 has no VirtualHosts
<em>apache</em> on <em>aegir3-drush-master-dev</em> has been            [notice]
restarted [212.88 sec, 14.76 MB]
Returned from hook drush_provision_verify [212.88 sec, 14.76 MB]         [debug]
Calling hook drush_provision_drupal_post_provision_verify [212.88        [debug]
sec, 14.77 MB]
Rebuilt module cache [212.93 sec, 14.8 MB]                              [notice]
All caches flushed [213.37 sec, 15.82 MB]                               [notice]
Client home directory for admin path /var/aegir/clients/admin exists.  [success]
[213.37 sec, 15.79 MB]
Client home directory for admin ownership of /var/aegir/clients/admin  [success]
has been changed to aegir. [213.37 sec, 15.79 MB]
Client home directory for admin permissions of                         [success]
/var/aegir/clients/admin have been changed to 750. [213.37 sec, 15.8
Client home directory for admin path /var/aegir/clients/admin is       [success]
writable. [213.37 sec, 15.8 MB]
Created symlink                                                        [success]
/var/aegir/clients/admin/ to
[213.37 sec, 15.8 MB]
Returned from hook drush_provision_drupal_post_provision_verify          [debug]
[213.38 sec, 15.8 MB]
Template loaded from Provision Config class                             [notice]
[213.38 sec, 15.78 MB]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640 [213.38 sec, 15.78 MB]
Generated config in write(): Site Drush configuration file             [success]
[213.38 sec, 15.78 MB]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440 [213.38 sec, 15.78 MB]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists. [213.39 sec, 15.78 MB]     [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
aegir. [213.39 sec, 15.78 MB]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
755. [213.39 sec, 15.78 MB]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable. [213.39 sec, 15.78    [success]
Command dispatch complete [213.39 sec, 15.77 MB]                        [notice]
 Timer  Cum (sec)  Count  Avg (msec) 
 page   1.02       1      1019.72
Returned from hook drush_provision_drupal_provision_migrate [213.41      [debug]
sec, 16.8 MB]
Calling hook drush_db_post_provision_migrate [213.41 sec, 16.81 MB]      [debug]
Reloading site drushrc.php from                                         [notice]
[213.41 sec, 16.81 MB]
Undefined index: pass pdo.php:89 [213.42 sec, 16.98 MB]                 [notice]
Dropping database drupal6upgradedr [213.42 sec, 16.98 MB]               [notice]
Undefined index: pass pdo.php:89 [213.48 sec, 16.98 MB]                 [notice]
Executing: mysql -u intntnllyInvalid -h 'localhost' -P '3306' -e "SELECT VERSION\(\)"
  ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'intntnllyInvalid'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
Executing: mysql -u intntnllyInvalid -h 'localhost' -P '3306' -e "SELECT VERSION\(\)"
  ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'intntnllyInvalid'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
Revoking privileges of drupal6upgradedr@localhost from                  [notice]
drupal6upgradedr [213.5 sec, 16.99 MB]
Returned from hook drush_db_post_provision_migrate [213.51 sec, 16.99    [debug]
Calling hook drush_provision_drupal_post_provision_migrate [213.51       [debug]
sec, 16.99 MB]
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful. [213.51 sec, 17 MB]
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful. [213.51 sec, 17 MB]
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful. [213.51 sec, 17 MB]
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful. [213.51 sec, 17 MB]
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful. [213.51 sec, 17 MB]
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful. [213.51 sec, 17 MB]
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful. [213.51 sec, 17 MB]
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful. [213.51 sec, 17.01 MB]
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful. [213.51 sec, 17.01 MB]
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful. [213.51 sec, 17.01 MB]
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful. [213.51 sec, 17.01 MB]
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful. [213.51 sec, 17.01 MB]
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful. [213.51 sec, 17.01 MB]
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful. [213.51 sec, 17.01 MB]
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful. [213.51 sec, 17.01 MB]
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful. [213.51 sec, 17.01 MB]
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful. [213.51 sec, 17.01 MB]
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful. [213.51 sec, 17.02 MB]
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful. [213.51 sec, 17.02 MB]
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful. [213.51 sec, 17.02 MB]
Reloading site drushrc.php from                                         [notice]
[213.52 sec, 17.02 MB]
Returned from hook drush_provision_drupal_post_provision_migrate         [debug]
[213.52 sec, 17.02 MB]
Command dispatch complete [213.52 sec, 16.96 MB]                        [notice]
 Timer  Cum (sec)  Count  Avg (msec) 
 page   78.377     1      78377.28
Backend invoke: /usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php                [command]
--php=/usr/bin/php  --backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes @hostmaster
hosting-import '' 2>&1
[213.59 sec, 40.22 MB]
/usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php --php=/usr/bin/php              [notice]
--backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes @hostmaster hosting-import
'' 2>&1 [213.59 sec, 40.23
Starting Drush preflight. [0 sec, 2.17 MB]                           [preflight]
Loading drushrc "/var/aegir/.drush/drushrc.php" into "home.drush"    [bootstrap]
scope. [0 sec, 2.17 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-0-aa98ffa695cbb5e717364fd4272daa3f [0.01 sec,
2.24 MB]
Loaded alias @hostmaster from file                                      [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/hostmaster.alias.drushrc.php [0.09 sec, 7.12 MB]
Cache SET cid: 7.0-dev-alias-path--650d359010aba94c3127b90f521409f4      [debug]
[0.09 sec, 7.12 MB]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [0.09 sec, 7.12 MB]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [0.1 sec, 7.65 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [213.73 sec, 7.66 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Bootstrap to phase 5. [213.73 sec, 7.67 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_root() [213.73 sec, 7.67 MB][bootstrap]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [213.73 sec, 7.67 MB]
Initialized Drupal 7.36 root directory at                               [notice]
/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x [213.73 sec, 8.02 MB]
Find command files for phase 1 (max=5) [213.74 sec, 5.91 MB]             [debug]
Cache MISS cid:                                                          [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-1-94c8be94b204dda545274545770bd50b [213.74 sec,
5.91 MB]
Cache SET cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-1-94c8be94b204dda545274545770bd50b [213.74 sec,
5.92 MB]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_site() [213.74 sec, 5.92 MB][bootstrap]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
into "site" scope. [213.74 sec, 5.92 MB]
Initialized Drupal site aegir3-drush-master-dev.test at                 [notice]
sites/aegir3-drush-master-dev.test [213.78 sec, 8.66 MB]
Find command files for phase 2 (max=5) [213.78 sec, 6.51 MB]             [debug]
Cache MISS cid:                                                          [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-2-8a2a54068b6217b2682e9be25c504f09 [213.78 sec,
6.51 MB]
Cache SET cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-2-8a2a54068b6217b2682e9be25c504f09 [213.79 sec,
6.52 MB]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_configuration() [213.79 sec,[bootstrap]
6.52 MB]
Find command files for phase 3 (max=5) [213.79 sec, 6.53 MB]             [debug]
sql-query: SELECT 1; [213.79 sec, 6.63 MB]                              [status]
Executing: mysql --defaults-extra-file=/tmp/drush_xYUpq1 --database=aegir3drushmaste --host=localhost --port=3306 --silent  < /tmp/drush_P1FIZc
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_database() [213.79 sec, 6.63[bootstrap]
Successfully connected to the Drupal database. [213.8 sec, 7.14 MB]  [bootstrap]
Find command files for phase 4 (max=5) [213.8 sec, 7.14 MB]              [debug]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_full() [213.8 sec, 7.14 MB] [bootstrap]
Cache MISS cid:                                                          [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-00d855b13d846e51bcd920ec554fd0e0 [213.98 sec,
18.77 MB]
Cache SET cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-00d855b13d846e51bcd920ec554fd0e0 [213.98 sec,
18.78 MB]
Find command files for phase 5 (max=5) [213.98 sec, 18.78 MB]            [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-00d855b13d846e51bcd920ec554fd0e0 [213.99 sec,
18.78 MB]
Cache MISS cid:                                                          [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-5-fb072ae25e9c93988cfb5d238ffa5571 [213.99 sec,
18.79 MB]
Cache SET cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-5-fb072ae25e9c93988cfb5d238ffa5571 [214.1 sec,
18.8 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 5. [214.17 sec, 21.75 MB]                         [bootstrap]
Found command: hosting-import (commandfile=hosting) [214.17 sec,     [bootstrap]
21.75 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 5. [214.17 sec, 21.75 MB]                         [bootstrap]
Loaded alias @server_localhost from file                                [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/server_localhost.alias.drushrc.php [214.18 sec,
21.78 MB]
Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [214.18 sec, 21.79
Driver type not specified for the db service, provide it with           [notice]
--db_service_type [214.18 sec, 21.79 MB]
Loading apache driver for the http service [214.18 sec, 21.88 MB]       [notice]
Loading mysql driver for the db service [214.18 sec, 22.02 MB]          [notice]
Driver type not specified for the http service, provide it with         [notice]
--http_service_type [214.18 sec, 22.02 MB]
Loaded alias @platform_hostmaster from file                             [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_hostmaster.alias.drushrc.php [214.18 sec,
22.02 MB]
Calling hook drush_hosting_import [214.19 sec, 22.07 MB]                 [debug]
Loaded alias from file       [notice]
[214.19 sec, 22.08 MB]
Loaded alias @platform_drupal6 from file                                [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal6.alias.drushrc.php [214.19 sec,
22.09 MB]
Importing [214.19 sec,       [notice]
22.09 MB]
Context already has an       [notice]
associated node. Updating site node 175 instead. [214.19 sec, 22.17
Context @server_localhost already has an associated node. Updating      [notice]
server node 4 instead. [214.2 sec, 22.26 MB]
Context @server_localhost has been imported. Updated server node 4.     [notice]
[214.2 sec, 22.41 MB]
Context @platform_drupal6 already has an associated node. Updating      [notice]
platform node 124 instead. [214.21 sec, 22.66 MB]
Context @server_master already has an associated node. Updating         [notice]
server node 2 instead. [214.21 sec, 22.67 MB]
Context @server_master has been imported. Updated server node 2.        [notice]
[214.22 sec, 22.68 MB]
Context @platform_drupal6 has been imported. Updated platform node      [notice]
124. [214.22 sec, 22.67 MB]
Context has been imported.   [notice]
Updated site node 175. [214.22 sec, 22.67 MB]
Returned from hook drush_hosting_import [214.22 sec, 22.66 MB]           [debug]
No IP addresses provided for server. We guess the IP is      [message]
based on hostname localhost. You should set IP addreses in the server
node unless you are ready to use SNI (Server Name Indication) which
is incompatible with IE and Safari on Windows XP. [214.22 sec, 22.66
No IP addresses provided for server. We guess the IP is      [message]
based on hostname aegir3-drush-master-dev. You should set IP addreses
in the server node unless you are ready to use SNI (Server Name
Indication) which is incompatible with IE and Safari on Windows XP.
[214.22 sec, 22.66 MB]
Command dispatch complete [214.23 sec, 22.61 MB]                        [notice]
 Timer  Cum (sec)  Count  Avg (msec) 
 page   0.44       1      439.71
Backend invoke: /usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php                [command]
--php=/usr/bin/php  --backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes @hostmaster
hosting-task '@platform_drupal7' verify   --force 2>&1 [214.25 sec,
40.29 MB]
/usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php --php=/usr/bin/php              [notice]
--backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes @hostmaster hosting-task
'@platform_drupal7' verify   --force 2>&1 [214.25 sec, 40.3 MB]
Starting Drush preflight. [0 sec, 2.17 MB]                           [preflight]
Loading drushrc "/var/aegir/.drush/drushrc.php" into "home.drush"    [bootstrap]
scope. [0.01 sec, 2.17 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-0-aa98ffa695cbb5e717364fd4272daa3f [0.01 sec,
2.24 MB]
Loaded alias @hostmaster from file                                      [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/hostmaster.alias.drushrc.php [0.09 sec, 7.12 MB]
Cache SET cid: 7.0-dev-alias-path--650d359010aba94c3127b90f521409f4      [debug]
[0.09 sec, 7.12 MB]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [0.09 sec, 7.12 MB]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [0.09 sec, 7.66 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [214.38 sec, 7.66 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Bootstrap to phase 5. [214.38 sec, 7.67 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_root() [214.38 sec, 7.67 MB][bootstrap]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [214.38 sec, 7.67 MB]
Initialized Drupal 7.36 root directory at                               [notice]
/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x [214.38 sec, 8.02 MB]
Find command files for phase 1 (max=5) [214.38 sec, 5.91 MB]             [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-1-94c8be94b204dda545274545770bd50b [214.39 sec,
5.92 MB]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_site() [214.39 sec, 5.92 MB][bootstrap]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
into "site" scope. [214.39 sec, 5.92 MB]
Initialized Drupal site aegir3-drush-master-dev.test at                 [notice]
sites/aegir3-drush-master-dev.test [214.43 sec, 8.66 MB]
Find command files for phase 2 (max=5) [214.43 sec, 6.51 MB]             [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-2-8a2a54068b6217b2682e9be25c504f09 [214.43 sec,
6.52 MB]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_configuration() [214.43 sec,[bootstrap]
6.51 MB]
Find command files for phase 3 (max=5) [214.43 sec, 6.53 MB]             [debug]
sql-query: SELECT 1; [214.44 sec, 6.63 MB]                              [status]
Executing: mysql --defaults-extra-file=/tmp/drush_RF9jFS --database=aegir3drushmaste --host=localhost --port=3306 --silent  < /tmp/drush_sUrXY1
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_database() [214.44 sec, 6.63[bootstrap]
Successfully connected to the Drupal database. [214.45 sec, 7.14 MB] [bootstrap]
Find command files for phase 4 (max=5) [214.45 sec, 7.14 MB]             [debug]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_full() [214.45 sec, 7.14 MB][bootstrap]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-00d855b13d846e51bcd920ec554fd0e0 [214.53 sec,
18.77 MB]
Find command files for phase 5 (max=5) [214.53 sec, 18.77 MB]            [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-00d855b13d846e51bcd920ec554fd0e0 [214.53 sec,
18.77 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-5-fb072ae25e9c93988cfb5d238ffa5571 [214.53 sec,
18.78 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 5. [214.58 sec, 21.74 MB]                         [bootstrap]
Found command: hosting-task (commandfile=hosting) [214.58 sec, 21.74 [bootstrap]
Bootstrap to phase 5. [214.58 sec, 21.74 MB]                         [bootstrap]
Loaded alias @server_localhost from file                                [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/server_localhost.alias.drushrc.php [214.59 sec,
21.77 MB]
Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [214.59 sec, 21.78
Driver type not specified for the db service, provide it with           [notice]
--db_service_type [214.59 sec, 21.78 MB]
Loading apache driver for the http service [214.59 sec, 21.87 MB]       [notice]
Loading mysql driver for the db service [214.59 sec, 22 MB]             [notice]
Driver type not specified for the http service, provide it with         [notice]
--http_service_type [214.59 sec, 22.01 MB]
Loaded alias @platform_hostmaster from file                             [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_hostmaster.alias.drushrc.php [214.59 sec,
22.01 MB]
Including                                                            [bootstrap]
[214.6 sec, 22.02 MB]
Calling hook drush_hosting_task_validate [214.6 sec, 22.08 MB]           [debug]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_login() [214.6 sec, 22.08   [bootstrap]
Find command files for phase 6 (max=) [214.6 sec, 19.69 MB]              [debug]
Task starts processing [214.62 sec, 20.16 MB]                            [queue]
Returned from hook drush_hosting_task_validate [214.62 sec, 20.16 MB]    [debug]
Calling hook drush_hosting_package_pre_hosting_task [214.62 sec,         [debug]
20.18 MB]
Returned from hook drush_hosting_package_pre_hosting_task [214.62        [debug]
sec, 20.18 MB]
Calling hook drush_hosting_site_pre_hosting_task [214.62 sec, 20.18      [debug]
Returned from hook drush_hosting_site_pre_hosting_task [214.62 sec,      [debug]
20.18 MB]
Calling hook drush_hosting_task [214.62 sec, 20.19 MB]                   [debug]
Backend invoke: /usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php                [command]
--php=/usr/bin/php  --backend=2 --root=/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7
--uri= --verbose --debug --yes  provision-save '@platform_drupal7'  
--server='@server_master' --web_server='@server_master'
--make_working_copy=null 2>&1 [214.67 sec, 22.75 MB]
/usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php --php=/usr/bin/php              [notice]
--backend=2 --root=/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7 --uri= --verbose
--debug --yes  provision-save '@platform_drupal7'  
--server='@server_master' --web_server='@server_master'
--make_working_copy=null 2>&1 [214.67 sec, 22.75 MB]
Starting Drush preflight. [0 sec, 2.17 MB]                           [preflight]
Loading drushrc "/var/aegir/.drush/drushrc.php" into "home.drush"    [bootstrap]
scope. [0.01 sec, 2.18 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-0-aa98ffa695cbb5e717364fd4272daa3f [0.01 sec,
2.24 MB]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [0.03 sec, 4.69 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [214.78 sec, 7.39 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [214.78 sec, 7.39 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Found command: provision-save (commandfile=provision) [214.78 sec,   [bootstrap]
7.39 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [214.78 sec, 7.4 MB]                           [bootstrap]
Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [214.79 sec, 7.42
Driver type not specified for the db service, provide it with           [notice]
--db_service_type [214.79 sec, 7.43 MB]
Loading apache driver for the http service [214.79 sec, 7.51 MB]        [notice]
Calling hook drush_provision_save [214.8 sec, 7.55 MB]                   [debug]
Loaded alias @platform_drupal7 from file                                [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal7.alias.drushrc.php [214.8 sec, 7.56
Template loaded from Provision Config class                             [notice]
[214.8 sec, 7.7 MB]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal7.alias.drushrc.php to 640 [214.8
sec, 7.7 MB]
Generated config in write(): Drush configuration file                  [success]
(/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal7.alias.drushrc.php) [214.8 sec,
7.7 MB]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal7.alias.drushrc.php to 440 [214.8
sec, 7.7 MB]
Returned from hook drush_provision_save [214.8 sec, 7.7 MB]              [debug]
Command dispatch complete [214.81 sec, 7.67 MB]                         [notice]
Loaded alias @platform_drupal7 from file                                [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal7.alias.drushrc.php [214.82 sec,
22.77 MB]
Backend invoke: /usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php                [command]
--php=/usr/bin/php  --backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes
@platform_drupal7 provision-verify 2>&1 [214.82 sec, 22.77 MB]
/usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php --php=/usr/bin/php              [notice]
--backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes @platform_drupal7
provision-verify 2>&1 [214.83 sec, 22.78 MB]
Starting Drush preflight. [0 sec, 2.17 MB]                           [preflight]
Loading drushrc "/var/aegir/.drush/drushrc.php" into "home.drush"    [bootstrap]
scope. [0 sec, 2.17 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-0-aa98ffa695cbb5e717364fd4272daa3f [0.01 sec,
2.24 MB]
Loaded alias @platform_drupal7 from file                                [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal7.alias.drushrc.php [0.09 sec, 7.11
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [0.09 sec, 7.12 MB]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [0.09 sec, 7.34 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [214.94 sec, 7.35 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [214.94 sec, 7.35 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Found command: provision-verify (commandfile=provision) [214.94 sec, [bootstrap]
7.35 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [214.94 sec, 7.36 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [214.95 sec, 7.38
Driver type not specified for the db service, provide it with           [notice]
--db_service_type [214.95 sec, 7.39 MB]
Loading apache driver for the http service [214.95 sec, 7.47 MB]        [notice]
Including                                                            [bootstrap]
[214.95 sec, 7.48 MB]
Including /var/aegir/.drush/provision/platform/  [bootstrap]
[214.95 sec, 7.48 MB]
Calling hook drush_provision_drupal_provision_verify_validate [214.95    [debug]
sec, 7.53 MB]
Returned from hook drush_provision_drupal_provision_verify_validate      [debug]
[214.95 sec, 7.53 MB]
Calling hook drush_provision_drupal_pre_provision_verify [214.96 sec,    [debug]
7.54 MB]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_root() [214.96 sec, 7.62 MB][bootstrap]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [214.96 sec, 7.62 MB]
Initialized Drupal 7.36 root directory at                               [notice]
/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7 [214.97 sec, 7.97 MB]
Find command files for phase 1 (max=) [214.97 sec, 5.87 MB]              [debug]
Cache MISS cid:                                                          [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-1-7a540dc983d482e1731beb64e4517606 [214.97 sec,
5.88 MB]
Cache SET cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-1-7a540dc983d482e1731beb64e4517606 [214.97 sec,
5.88 MB]
Drupal sites directory /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites is writable  [success]
by the provisioning script [214.97 sec, 5.88 MB]
This platform is running drupal 7.36 [214.98 sec, 5.88 MB]              [notice]
Found 44 modules in base [215.03 sec, 6.1 MB]                           [notice]
Found 4 themes in base [215.03 sec, 6.12 MB]                            [notice]
Found install profile <em class="placeholder">standard</em> [215.03     [notice]
sec, 6.33 MB]
Found install profile <em class="placeholder">minimal</em> [215.03      [notice]
sec, 6.33 MB]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists. [215.04 sec, 6.13 MB]      [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
aegir. [215.04 sec, 6.13 MB]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
755. [215.04 sec, 6.14 MB]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable. [215.04 sec, 6.14     [success]
Returned from hook drush_provision_drupal_pre_provision_verify           [debug]
[215.04 sec, 6.14 MB]
Calling hook drush_provision_verify [215.04 sec, 6.14 MB]                [debug]
Backend invoke: /usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php                [command]
--php=/usr/bin/php  --backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes
@platform_drupal7 provision-save 2>&1 [215.08 sec, 8.31 MB]
/usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php --php=/usr/bin/php              [notice]
--backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes @platform_drupal7 provision-save
2>&1 [215.08 sec, 8.31 MB]
Starting Drush preflight. [0 sec, 2.17 MB]                           [preflight]
Loading drushrc "/var/aegir/.drush/drushrc.php" into "home.drush"    [bootstrap]
scope. [0.01 sec, 2.17 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-0-aa98ffa695cbb5e717364fd4272daa3f [0.01 sec,
2.24 MB]
Loaded alias @platform_drupal7 from file                                [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal7.alias.drushrc.php [0.09 sec, 7.11
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [0.09 sec, 7.12 MB]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [0.09 sec, 7.34 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [215.2 sec, 7.35 MB]                           [bootstrap]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [215.2 sec, 7.35 MB]                           [bootstrap]
Found command: provision-save (commandfile=provision) [215.2 sec,    [bootstrap]
7.35 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [215.2 sec, 7.36 MB]                           [bootstrap]
Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [215.2 sec, 7.38
Driver type not specified for the db service, provide it with           [notice]
--db_service_type [215.21 sec, 7.39 MB]
Loading apache driver for the http service [215.21 sec, 7.47 MB]        [notice]
Calling hook drush_provision_save [215.21 sec, 7.51 MB]                  [debug]
Template loaded from Provision Config class                             [notice]
[215.21 sec, 7.65 MB]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal7.alias.drushrc.php to 640 [215.21
sec, 7.65 MB]
Generated config in write(): Drush configuration file                  [success]
(/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal7.alias.drushrc.php) [215.21 sec,
7.65 MB]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal7.alias.drushrc.php to 440 [215.21
sec, 7.66 MB]
Returned from hook drush_provision_save [215.22 sec, 7.65 MB]            [debug]
Command dispatch complete [215.22 sec, 7.62 MB]                         [notice]
Template loaded from Provision Config class <em                         [notice]
class="placeholder">Provision_Config_Apache_Platform</em>: <em
[215.23 sec, 8.39 MB]
Generated config in write(): platform configuration file               [success]
[215.23 sec, 8.39 MB]
Executing: sudo /usr/sbin//apache2ctl graceful
<em class="placeholder">apache</em> on <em                              [notice]
class="placeholder">aegir3-drush-master-dev</em> has been restarted
[215.31 sec, 8.39 MB]
Returned from hook drush_provision_verify [215.31 sec, 8.39 MB]          [debug]
Calling hook drush_provision_drupal_post_provision_verify [215.31        [debug]
sec, 8.41 MB]
Returned from hook drush_provision_drupal_post_provision_verify          [debug]
[215.31 sec, 8.41 MB]
  [Mon May 04 14:10:55 2015] [warn] NameVirtualHost *:80 has no VirtualHosts
Template loaded from Provision Config class <em                         [notice]
class="placeholder">Provision_Config_Drushrc</em>: <em
[215.32 sec, 8.38 MB]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php to 644
[215.32 sec, 8.38 MB]
Generated config in write(): Platform Drush configuration file         [success]
(/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php) [215.32
sec, 8.38 MB]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php to 444
[215.33 sec, 8.39 MB]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists. [215.33 sec, 8.39 MB]      [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
aegir. [215.33 sec, 8.39 MB]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
755. [215.33 sec, 8.39 MB]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable. [215.33 sec, 8.39     [success]
Command dispatch complete [215.34 sec, 8.38 MB]                         [notice]
Returned from hook drush_hosting_task [215.36 sec, 23.17 MB]             [debug]
Calling hook drush_hosting_post_hosting_task [215.36 sec, 23.18 MB]      [debug]
Invoking <em class="placeholder">post_hosting_verify_task</em> hooks.   [notice]
[215.36 sec, 23.18 MB]
Returned from hook drush_hosting_post_hosting_task [215.79 sec, 23.38    [debug]
Command dispatch complete [215.79 sec, 23.32 MB]                        [notice]
 Timer  Cum (sec)  Count  Avg (msec) 
 page   1.36       1      1359.83
Backend invoke: /usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php                [command]
--php=/usr/bin/php  --backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes @hostmaster
hosting-import '' 2>&1
[215.84 sec, 40.46 MB]
/usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php --php=/usr/bin/php              [notice]
--backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes @hostmaster hosting-import
'' 2>&1 [215.84 sec, 40.46
Starting Drush preflight. [0.01 sec, 2.17 MB]                        [preflight]
Loading drushrc "/var/aegir/.drush/drushrc.php" into "home.drush"    [bootstrap]
scope. [0.01 sec, 2.17 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-0-aa98ffa695cbb5e717364fd4272daa3f [0.01 sec,
2.24 MB]
Loaded alias @hostmaster from file                                      [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/hostmaster.alias.drushrc.php [0.09 sec, 7.12 MB]
Cache SET cid: 7.0-dev-alias-path--650d359010aba94c3127b90f521409f4      [debug]
[0.09 sec, 7.12 MB]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [0.09 sec, 7.12 MB]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [0.09 sec, 7.65 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [215.96 sec, 7.66 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Bootstrap to phase 5. [215.96 sec, 7.67 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_root() [215.96 sec, 7.67 MB][bootstrap]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [215.96 sec, 7.67 MB]
Initialized Drupal 7.36 root directory at                               [notice]
/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x [215.97 sec, 8.02 MB]
Find command files for phase 1 (max=5) [215.97 sec, 5.91 MB]             [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-1-94c8be94b204dda545274545770bd50b [215.97 sec,
5.92 MB]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_site() [215.97 sec, 5.92 MB][bootstrap]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
into "site" scope. [215.97 sec, 5.92 MB]
Initialized Drupal site aegir3-drush-master-dev.test at                 [notice]
sites/aegir3-drush-master-dev.test [216.01 sec, 8.66 MB]
Find command files for phase 2 (max=5) [216.01 sec, 6.51 MB]             [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-2-8a2a54068b6217b2682e9be25c504f09 [216.02 sec,
6.51 MB]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_configuration() [216.02 sec,[bootstrap]
6.51 MB]
Find command files for phase 3 (max=5) [216.02 sec, 6.52 MB]             [debug]
sql-query: SELECT 1; [216.02 sec, 6.63 MB]                              [status]
Executing: mysql --defaults-extra-file=/tmp/drush_QLGIzx --database=aegir3drushmaste --host=localhost --port=3306 --silent  < /tmp/drush_oKzWmB
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_database() [216.02 sec, 6.63[bootstrap]
Successfully connected to the Drupal database. [216.03 sec, 7.14 MB] [bootstrap]
Find command files for phase 4 (max=5) [216.03 sec, 7.14 MB]             [debug]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_full() [216.03 sec, 7.14 MB][bootstrap]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-00d855b13d846e51bcd920ec554fd0e0 [216.11 sec,
18.77 MB]
Find command files for phase 5 (max=5) [216.11 sec, 18.77 MB]            [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-00d855b13d846e51bcd920ec554fd0e0 [216.11 sec,
18.77 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-5-fb072ae25e9c93988cfb5d238ffa5571 [216.11 sec,
18.78 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 5. [216.16 sec, 21.74 MB]                         [bootstrap]
Found command: hosting-import (commandfile=hosting) [216.16 sec,     [bootstrap]
21.74 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 5. [216.16 sec, 21.74 MB]                         [bootstrap]
Loaded alias @server_localhost from file                                [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/server_localhost.alias.drushrc.php [216.17 sec,
21.77 MB]
Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [216.17 sec, 21.78
Driver type not specified for the db service, provide it with           [notice]
--db_service_type [216.17 sec, 21.78 MB]
Loading apache driver for the http service [216.17 sec, 21.87 MB]       [notice]
Loading mysql driver for the db service [216.17 sec, 22 MB]             [notice]
Driver type not specified for the http service, provide it with         [notice]
--http_service_type [216.17 sec, 22.01 MB]
Loaded alias @platform_hostmaster from file                             [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_hostmaster.alias.drushrc.php [216.18 sec,
22.01 MB]
Calling hook drush_hosting_import [216.18 sec, 22.06 MB]                 [debug]
Loaded alias from file       [notice]
[216.18 sec, 22.07 MB]
Loaded alias @platform_drupal6 from file                                [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal6.alias.drushrc.php [216.18 sec,
22.08 MB]
Importing [216.18 sec,       [notice]
22.08 MB]
Context already has an       [notice]
associated node. Updating site node 175 instead. [216.19 sec, 22.26
Context @server_localhost already has an associated node. Updating      [notice]
server node 4 instead. [216.19 sec, 22.34 MB]
Context @server_localhost has been imported. Updated server node 4.     [notice]
[216.2 sec, 22.4 MB]
Context @platform_drupal6 already has an associated node. Updating      [notice]
platform node 124 instead. [216.2 sec, 22.66 MB]
Context @server_master already has an associated node. Updating         [notice]
server node 2 instead. [216.2 sec, 22.67 MB]
Context @server_master has been imported. Updated server node 2.        [notice]
[216.21 sec, 22.67 MB]
Context @platform_drupal6 has been imported. Updated platform node      [notice]
124. [216.21 sec, 22.66 MB]
Context has been imported.   [notice]
Updated site node 175. [216.22 sec, 22.66 MB]
Returned from hook drush_hosting_import [216.22 sec, 22.65 MB]           [debug]
No IP addresses provided for server. We guess the IP is      [message]
based on hostname localhost. You should set IP addreses in the server
node unless you are ready to use SNI (Server Name Indication) which
is incompatible with IE and Safari on Windows XP. [216.22 sec, 22.66
No IP addresses provided for server. We guess the IP is      [message]
based on hostname aegir3-drush-master-dev. You should set IP addreses
in the server node unless you are ready to use SNI (Server Name
Indication) which is incompatible with IE and Safari on Windows XP.
[216.22 sec, 22.66 MB]
Command dispatch complete [216.22 sec, 22.61 MB]                        [notice]
 Timer  Cum (sec)  Count  Avg (msec) 
 page   0.204      1      203.53
Backend invoke: /usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php                [command]
--php=/usr/bin/php  --backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes @hostmaster
hosting-task '' verify  
--force 2>&1 [216.25 sec, 40.52 MB]
/usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php --php=/usr/bin/php              [notice]
--backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes @hostmaster hosting-task
'' verify   --force 2>&1
[216.25 sec, 40.53 MB]
Starting Drush preflight. [0 sec, 2.17 MB]                           [preflight]
Loading drushrc "/var/aegir/.drush/drushrc.php" into "home.drush"    [bootstrap]
scope. [0 sec, 2.17 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-0-aa98ffa695cbb5e717364fd4272daa3f [0.01 sec,
2.24 MB]
Loaded alias @hostmaster from file                                      [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/hostmaster.alias.drushrc.php [0.09 sec, 7.12 MB]
Cache SET cid: 7.0-dev-alias-path--650d359010aba94c3127b90f521409f4      [debug]
[0.09 sec, 7.12 MB]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [0.09 sec, 7.12 MB]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [0.09 sec, 7.66 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [216.37 sec, 7.66 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Bootstrap to phase 5. [216.37 sec, 7.67 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_root() [216.37 sec, 7.67 MB][bootstrap]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [216.37 sec, 7.67 MB]
Initialized Drupal 7.36 root directory at                               [notice]
/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x [216.38 sec, 8.02 MB]
Find command files for phase 1 (max=5) [216.38 sec, 5.91 MB]             [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-1-94c8be94b204dda545274545770bd50b [216.38 sec,
5.92 MB]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_site() [216.38 sec, 5.92 MB][bootstrap]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
into "site" scope. [216.38 sec, 5.92 MB]
Initialized Drupal site aegir3-drush-master-dev.test at                 [notice]
sites/aegir3-drush-master-dev.test [216.42 sec, 8.66 MB]
Find command files for phase 2 (max=5) [216.43 sec, 6.51 MB]             [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-2-8a2a54068b6217b2682e9be25c504f09 [216.43 sec,
6.52 MB]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_configuration() [216.43 sec,[bootstrap]
6.51 MB]
Find command files for phase 3 (max=5) [216.43 sec, 6.53 MB]             [debug]
sql-query: SELECT 1; [216.43 sec, 6.63 MB]                              [status]
Executing: mysql --defaults-extra-file=/tmp/drush_ZSzyG5 --database=aegir3drushmaste --host=localhost --port=3306 --silent  < /tmp/drush_oriH27
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_database() [216.44 sec, 6.63[bootstrap]
Successfully connected to the Drupal database. [216.44 sec, 7.14 MB] [bootstrap]
Find command files for phase 4 (max=5) [216.44 sec, 7.14 MB]             [debug]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_full() [216.44 sec, 7.14 MB][bootstrap]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-00d855b13d846e51bcd920ec554fd0e0 [216.52 sec,
18.77 MB]
Find command files for phase 5 (max=5) [216.53 sec, 18.77 MB]            [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-00d855b13d846e51bcd920ec554fd0e0 [216.53 sec,
18.77 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-5-fb072ae25e9c93988cfb5d238ffa5571 [216.53 sec,
18.78 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 5. [216.58 sec, 21.74 MB]                         [bootstrap]
Found command: hosting-task (commandfile=hosting) [216.58 sec, 21.74 [bootstrap]
Bootstrap to phase 5. [216.58 sec, 21.74 MB]                         [bootstrap]
Loaded alias @server_localhost from file                                [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/server_localhost.alias.drushrc.php [216.58 sec,
21.77 MB]
Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [216.58 sec, 21.78
Driver type not specified for the db service, provide it with           [notice]
--db_service_type [216.58 sec, 21.78 MB]
Loading apache driver for the http service [216.59 sec, 21.87 MB]       [notice]
Loading mysql driver for the db service [216.59 sec, 22.01 MB]          [notice]
Driver type not specified for the http service, provide it with         [notice]
--http_service_type [216.59 sec, 22.01 MB]
Loaded alias @platform_hostmaster from file                             [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_hostmaster.alias.drushrc.php [216.59 sec,
22.01 MB]
Including                                                            [bootstrap]
[216.59 sec, 22.02 MB]
Calling hook drush_hosting_task_validate [216.59 sec, 22.08 MB]          [debug]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_login() [216.59 sec, 22.08  [bootstrap]
Find command files for phase 6 (max=) [216.6 sec, 19.69 MB]              [debug]
Task starts processing [216.61 sec, 19.91 MB]                            [queue]
Returned from hook drush_hosting_task_validate [216.61 sec, 19.91 MB]    [debug]
Calling hook drush_hosting_package_pre_hosting_task [216.61 sec,         [debug]
19.92 MB]
Returned from hook drush_hosting_package_pre_hosting_task [216.62        [debug]
sec, 19.93 MB]
Calling hook drush_hosting_site_pre_hosting_task [216.62 sec, 19.93      [debug]
Returned from hook drush_hosting_site_pre_hosting_task [216.62 sec,      [debug]
19.93 MB]
Calling hook drush_hosting_task [216.62 sec, 19.94 MB]                   [debug]
Backend invoke: /usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php                [command]
--php=/usr/bin/php  --backend=2 --root= --verbose --debug
--yes  provision-save ''  
--context_type=site --master_url=http://aegir3-drush-master-dev.test/
--db_server='@server_localhost' --platform='@platform_drupal6'
--language=en --profile=default --client_name=admin 2>&1 [216.67 sec,
22.76 MB]
/usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php --php=/usr/bin/php              [notice]
--backend=2 --root=
--verbose --debug --yes  provision-save
''   --context_type=site
--db_server='@server_localhost' --platform='@platform_drupal6'
--language=en --profile=default --client_name=admin 2>&1 [216.68 sec,
22.76 MB]
Starting Drush preflight. [0 sec, 2.17 MB]                           [preflight]
Loading drushrc "/var/aegir/.drush/drushrc.php" into "home.drush"    [bootstrap]
scope. [0 sec, 2.18 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-0-aa98ffa695cbb5e717364fd4272daa3f [0.03 sec,
2.24 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [216.81 sec, 7.13 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [216.81 sec, 7.13 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Found command: provision-save (commandfile=provision) [216.81 sec,   [bootstrap]
7.13 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [216.81 sec, 7.13 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Loaded alias @server_localhost from file                                [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/server_localhost.alias.drushrc.php [216.82 sec,
7.16 MB]
Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [216.82 sec, 7.17
Driver type not specified for the db service, provide it with           [notice]
--db_service_type [216.82 sec, 7.17 MB]
Loading apache driver for the http service [216.82 sec, 7.26 MB]        [notice]
Loading mysql driver for the db service [216.83 sec, 7.38 MB]           [notice]
Driver type not specified for the http service, provide it with         [notice]
--http_service_type [216.83 sec, 7.38 MB]
Loaded alias @platform_drupal6 from file                                [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal6.alias.drushrc.php [216.83 sec,
7.39 MB]
Calling hook drush_provision_save [216.83 sec, 7.43 MB]                  [debug]
Loaded alias from file       [notice]
[216.84 sec, 7.44 MB]
Template loaded from Provision Config class                             [notice]
[216.84 sec, 7.58 MB]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640 [216.84 sec, 7.58 MB]
Generated config in write(): Drush configuration file                  [success]
[216.84 sec, 7.59 MB]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440 [216.84 sec, 7.59 MB]
Returned from hook drush_provision_save [216.84 sec, 7.59 MB]            [debug]
Command dispatch complete [216.84 sec, 7.55 MB]                         [notice]
Loaded alias from file       [notice]
[216.86 sec, 22.79 MB]
Backend invoke: /usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php                [command]
--php=/usr/bin/php  --backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes provision-verify  
--client_email='webmaster@aegir3-drush-master-dev.test' 2>&1 [216.86
sec, 22.79 MB]
/usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php --php=/usr/bin/php              [notice]
--backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes provision-verify  
--client_email='webmaster@aegir3-drush-master-dev.test' 2>&1 [216.86
sec, 22.8 MB]
Starting Drush preflight. [0 sec, 2.17 MB]                           [preflight]
Loading drushrc "/var/aegir/.drush/drushrc.php" into "home.drush"    [bootstrap]
scope. [0.01 sec, 2.17 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-0-aa98ffa695cbb5e717364fd4272daa3f [0.01 sec,
2.24 MB]
Loaded alias from file       [notice]
[0.09 sec, 7.12 MB]
Cache SET cid: 7.0-dev-alias-path--bfa60fe9803a7f91803308d2ed5b40cb      [debug]
[0.09 sec, 7.12 MB]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/platforms/drupal6/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [0.09 sec, 7.12 MB]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/platforms/drupal6/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [0.09 sec, 7.26 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [216.98 sec, 7.27 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [216.98 sec, 7.28 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Found command: provision-verify (commandfile=provision) [216.98 sec, [bootstrap]
7.28 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [216.98 sec, 7.28 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Unknown options: --profile, --client_email.  See `drush help             [error]
provision-verify` for available options. To suppress this error, add
the option --strict=0. [216.99 sec, 40.64 MB]
Returned from hook drush_hosting_task [217 sec, 22.97 MB]                [debug]
Invoking <em class="placeholder">hosting_verify_task_rollback</em>      [notice]
hooks. [217 sec, 22.97 MB]
Changes made in drush_hosting_task have been rolled back. [217 sec,   [rollback]
22.97 MB]
Command dispatch complete [217.01 sec, 22.92 MB]                        [notice]
 Timer  Cum (sec)  Count  Avg (msec) 
 page   0.578      1      577.71
Removing: [217.04 sec,           [ok]
40.61 MB]
Backend invoke: /usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php                [command]
--php=/usr/bin/php  --backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes @hostmaster
hosting-task '' delete  
--force 2>&1 [217.05 sec, 40.63 MB]
/usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php --php=/usr/bin/php              [notice]
--backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes @hostmaster hosting-task
'' delete   --force 2>&1
[217.05 sec, 40.63 MB]
Starting Drush preflight. [0 sec, 2.17 MB]                           [preflight]
Loading drushrc "/var/aegir/.drush/drushrc.php" into "home.drush"    [bootstrap]
scope. [0 sec, 2.17 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-0-aa98ffa695cbb5e717364fd4272daa3f [0.01 sec,
2.24 MB]
Loaded alias @hostmaster from file                                      [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/hostmaster.alias.drushrc.php [0.09 sec, 7.12 MB]
Cache SET cid: 7.0-dev-alias-path--650d359010aba94c3127b90f521409f4      [debug]
[0.09 sec, 7.12 MB]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [0.09 sec, 7.12 MB]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [0.1 sec, 7.66 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [217.17 sec, 7.66 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Bootstrap to phase 5. [217.17 sec, 7.67 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_root() [217.17 sec, 7.67 MB][bootstrap]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [217.17 sec, 7.67 MB]
Initialized Drupal 7.36 root directory at                               [notice]
/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x [217.18 sec, 8.02 MB]
Find command files for phase 1 (max=5) [217.18 sec, 5.91 MB]             [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-1-94c8be94b204dda545274545770bd50b [217.18 sec,
5.92 MB]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_site() [217.18 sec, 5.92 MB][bootstrap]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
into "site" scope. [217.18 sec, 5.92 MB]
Initialized Drupal site aegir3-drush-master-dev.test at                 [notice]
sites/aegir3-drush-master-dev.test [217.22 sec, 8.66 MB]
Executing: mysql --defaults-extra-file=/tmp/drush_UUsAFX --database=aegir3drushmaste --host=localhost --port=3306 --silent  < /tmp/drush_GbMveX
Find command files for phase 2 (max=5) [217.23 sec, 6.51 MB]             [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-2-8a2a54068b6217b2682e9be25c504f09 [217.23 sec,
6.52 MB]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_configuration() [217.23 sec,[bootstrap]
6.51 MB]
Find command files for phase 3 (max=5) [217.23 sec, 6.53 MB]             [debug]
sql-query: SELECT 1; [217.23 sec, 6.63 MB]                              [status]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_database() [217.24 sec, 6.63[bootstrap]
Successfully connected to the Drupal database. [217.24 sec, 7.14 MB] [bootstrap]
Find command files for phase 4 (max=5) [217.24 sec, 7.14 MB]             [debug]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_full() [217.24 sec, 7.14 MB][bootstrap]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-00d855b13d846e51bcd920ec554fd0e0 [217.33 sec,
18.77 MB]
Find command files for phase 5 (max=5) [217.33 sec, 18.77 MB]            [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-00d855b13d846e51bcd920ec554fd0e0 [217.33 sec,
18.77 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-5-fb072ae25e9c93988cfb5d238ffa5571 [217.33 sec,
18.78 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 5. [217.38 sec, 21.74 MB]                         [bootstrap]
Found command: hosting-task (commandfile=hosting) [217.38 sec, 21.74 [bootstrap]
Bootstrap to phase 5. [217.38 sec, 21.74 MB]                         [bootstrap]
Loaded alias @server_localhost from file                                [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/server_localhost.alias.drushrc.php [217.38 sec,
21.77 MB]
Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [217.39 sec, 21.78
Driver type not specified for the db service, provide it with           [notice]
--db_service_type [217.39 sec, 21.78 MB]
Loading apache driver for the http service [217.39 sec, 21.87 MB]       [notice]
Loading mysql driver for the db service [217.39 sec, 22.01 MB]          [notice]
Driver type not specified for the http service, provide it with         [notice]
--http_service_type [217.39 sec, 22.01 MB]
Loaded alias @platform_hostmaster from file                             [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_hostmaster.alias.drushrc.php [217.39 sec,
22.01 MB]
Including                                                            [bootstrap]
[217.39 sec, 22.02 MB]
Calling hook drush_hosting_task_validate [217.39 sec, 22.08 MB]          [debug]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_login() [217.4 sec, 22.08   [bootstrap]
Find command files for phase 6 (max=) [217.4 sec, 19.69 MB]              [debug]
Task starts processing [217.41 sec, 19.91 MB]                            [queue]
Returned from hook drush_hosting_task_validate [217.41 sec, 19.91 MB]    [debug]
Calling hook drush_hosting_package_pre_hosting_task [217.42 sec,         [debug]
19.92 MB]
Returned from hook drush_hosting_package_pre_hosting_task [217.42        [debug]
sec, 19.93 MB]
Calling hook drush_hosting_site_pre_hosting_task [217.42 sec, 19.93      [debug]
Returned from hook drush_hosting_site_pre_hosting_task [217.42 sec,      [debug]
19.93 MB]
Calling hook drush_hosting_task [217.42 sec, 19.94 MB]                   [debug]
Loaded alias from file       [notice]
[217.47 sec, 22.41 MB]
Backend invoke: /usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php                [command]
--php=/usr/bin/php  --backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes provision-delete  
--profile=default 2>&1 [217.47 sec, 22.42 MB]
/usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php --php=/usr/bin/php              [notice]
--backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes provision-delete  
--profile=default 2>&1 [217.47 sec, 22.43 MB]
Starting Drush preflight. [0 sec, 2.17 MB]                           [preflight]
Loading drushrc "/var/aegir/.drush/drushrc.php" into "home.drush"    [bootstrap]
scope. [0.01 sec, 2.17 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-0-aa98ffa695cbb5e717364fd4272daa3f [0.01 sec,
2.24 MB]
Loaded alias from file       [notice]
[0.09 sec, 7.12 MB]
Cache SET cid: 7.0-dev-alias-path--bfa60fe9803a7f91803308d2ed5b40cb      [debug]
[0.09 sec, 7.12 MB]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/platforms/drupal6/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [0.09 sec, 7.12 MB]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/platforms/drupal6/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [0.09 sec, 7.26 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [217.59 sec, 7.27 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [217.59 sec, 7.28 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Found command: provision-delete (commandfile=provision) [217.59 sec, [bootstrap]
7.28 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [217.59 sec, 7.28 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Unknown option: --profile.  See `drush help provision-delete` for        [error]
available options. To suppress this error, add the option --strict=0.
[217.61 sec, 40.71 MB]
Returned from hook drush_hosting_task [217.62 sec, 22.59 MB]             [debug]
Invoking <em class="placeholder">hosting_delete_task_rollback</em>      [notice]
hooks. [217.62 sec, 22.6 MB]
Changes made in drush_hosting_task have been rolled back. [217.62     [rollback]
sec, 22.6 MB]
Command dispatch complete [217.62 sec, 22.55 MB]                        [notice]
 Timer  Cum (sec)  Count  Avg (msec) 
 page   0.39       1      390.29
Removing platform: drupal6. [217.66 sec, 40.69 MB]                          [ok]
Backend invoke: /usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php                [command]
--php=/usr/bin/php  --backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes @hostmaster
hosting-task '@platform_drupal6' delete   --force 2>&1 [217.66 sec,
40.7 MB]
/usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php --php=/usr/bin/php              [notice]
--backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes @hostmaster hosting-task
'@platform_drupal6' delete   --force 2>&1 [217.66 sec, 40.7 MB]
Starting Drush preflight. [0 sec, 2.17 MB]                           [preflight]
Loading drushrc "/var/aegir/.drush/drushrc.php" into "home.drush"    [bootstrap]
scope. [0.01 sec, 2.17 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-0-aa98ffa695cbb5e717364fd4272daa3f [0.01 sec,
2.24 MB]
Loaded alias @hostmaster from file                                      [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/hostmaster.alias.drushrc.php [0.09 sec, 7.12 MB]
Cache SET cid: 7.0-dev-alias-path--650d359010aba94c3127b90f521409f4      [debug]
[0.09 sec, 7.12 MB]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [0.09 sec, 7.12 MB]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [0.1 sec, 7.66 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [217.79 sec, 7.66 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Bootstrap to phase 5. [217.79 sec, 7.67 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_root() [217.79 sec, 7.67 MB][bootstrap]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [217.79 sec, 7.67 MB]
Initialized Drupal 7.36 root directory at                               [notice]
/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x [217.79 sec, 8.02 MB]
Find command files for phase 1 (max=5) [217.79 sec, 5.91 MB]             [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-1-94c8be94b204dda545274545770bd50b [217.8 sec,
5.92 MB]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_site() [217.8 sec, 5.92 MB] [bootstrap]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
into "site" scope. [217.8 sec, 5.92 MB]
Initialized Drupal site aegir3-drush-master-dev.test at                 [notice]
sites/aegir3-drush-master-dev.test [217.84 sec, 8.66 MB]
Find command files for phase 2 (max=5) [217.84 sec, 6.51 MB]             [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-2-8a2a54068b6217b2682e9be25c504f09 [217.84 sec,
6.52 MB]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_configuration() [217.84 sec,[bootstrap]
6.51 MB]
Find command files for phase 3 (max=5) [217.84 sec, 6.53 MB]             [debug]
sql-query: SELECT 1; [217.85 sec, 6.63 MB]                              [status]
Executing: mysql --defaults-extra-file=/tmp/drush_1QD7eA --database=aegir3drushmaste --host=localhost --port=3306 --silent  < /tmp/drush_Fg2uFx
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_database() [217.85 sec, 6.63[bootstrap]
Successfully connected to the Drupal database. [217.86 sec, 7.14 MB] [bootstrap]
Find command files for phase 4 (max=5) [217.86 sec, 7.14 MB]             [debug]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_full() [217.86 sec, 7.14 MB][bootstrap]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-00d855b13d846e51bcd920ec554fd0e0 [217.94 sec,
18.77 MB]
Find command files for phase 5 (max=5) [217.94 sec, 18.77 MB]            [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-00d855b13d846e51bcd920ec554fd0e0 [217.94 sec,
18.77 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-5-fb072ae25e9c93988cfb5d238ffa5571 [217.94 sec,
18.78 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 5. [217.99 sec, 21.74 MB]                         [bootstrap]
Found command: hosting-task (commandfile=hosting) [217.99 sec, 21.74 [bootstrap]
Bootstrap to phase 5. [217.99 sec, 21.74 MB]                         [bootstrap]
Loaded alias @server_localhost from file                                [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/server_localhost.alias.drushrc.php [218 sec, 21.77
Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [218 sec, 21.78 MB]
Driver type not specified for the db service, provide it with           [notice]
--db_service_type [218 sec, 21.78 MB]
Loading apache driver for the http service [218 sec, 21.87 MB]          [notice]
Loading mysql driver for the db service [218 sec, 22 MB]                [notice]
Driver type not specified for the http service, provide it with         [notice]
--http_service_type [218 sec, 22.01 MB]
Loaded alias @platform_hostmaster from file                             [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_hostmaster.alias.drushrc.php [218 sec,
22.01 MB]
Including                                                            [bootstrap]
[218.01 sec, 22.02 MB]
Calling hook drush_hosting_task_validate [218.01 sec, 22.08 MB]          [debug]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_login() [218.01 sec, 22.08  [bootstrap]
Find command files for phase 6 (max=) [218.01 sec, 19.69 MB]             [debug]
Task starts processing [218.02 sec, 20.16 MB]                            [queue]
Returned from hook drush_hosting_task_validate [218.02 sec, 20.16 MB]    [debug]
Calling hook drush_hosting_package_pre_hosting_task [218.03 sec,         [debug]
20.18 MB]
Returned from hook drush_hosting_package_pre_hosting_task [218.03        [debug]
sec, 20.18 MB]
Calling hook drush_hosting_site_pre_hosting_task [218.03 sec, 20.18      [debug]
Returned from hook drush_hosting_site_pre_hosting_task [218.03 sec,      [debug]
20.18 MB]
Calling hook drush_hosting_task [218.03 sec, 20.19 MB]                   [debug]
Loaded alias @platform_drupal6 from file                                [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal6.alias.drushrc.php [218.08 sec,
22.66 MB]
Backend invoke: /usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php                [command]
--php=/usr/bin/php  --backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes
@platform_drupal6 provision-delete 2>&1 [218.08 sec, 22.67 MB]
/usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php --php=/usr/bin/php              [notice]
--backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes @platform_drupal6
provision-delete 2>&1 [218.08 sec, 22.67 MB]
Starting Drush preflight. [0 sec, 2.17 MB]                           [preflight]
Loading drushrc "/var/aegir/.drush/drushrc.php" into "home.drush"    [bootstrap]
scope. [0.01 sec, 2.17 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-0-aa98ffa695cbb5e717364fd4272daa3f [0.01 sec,
2.24 MB]
Loaded alias @platform_drupal6 from file                                [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal6.alias.drushrc.php [0.09 sec, 7.11
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/platforms/drupal6/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [0.09 sec, 7.12 MB]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/platforms/drupal6/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [0.09 sec, 7.25 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [218.2 sec, 7.26 MB]                           [bootstrap]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [218.2 sec, 7.27 MB]                           [bootstrap]
Found command: provision-delete (commandfile=provision) [218.2 sec,  [bootstrap]
7.27 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [218.2 sec, 7.27 MB]                           [bootstrap]
Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [218.2 sec, 7.29
Driver type not specified for the db service, provide it with           [notice]
--db_service_type [218.21 sec, 7.3 MB]
Loading apache driver for the http service [218.21 sec, 7.38 MB]        [notice]
Including /var/aegir/.drush/provision/db/ [218.21[bootstrap]
sec, 7.39 MB]
Including /var/aegir/.drush/provision/http/      [bootstrap]
[218.22 sec, 7.4 MB]
Including /var/aegir/.drush/provision/platform/  [bootstrap]
[218.22 sec, 7.41 MB]
Calling hook drush_db_provision_delete_validate [218.22 sec, 7.44 MB]    [debug]
Returned from hook drush_db_provision_delete_validate [218.22 sec,       [debug]
7.44 MB]
Calling hook drush_provision_drupal_pre_provision_delete [218.22 sec,    [debug]
7.45 MB]
Returned from hook drush_provision_drupal_pre_provision_delete           [debug]
[218.22 sec, 7.45 MB]
Calling hook drush_db_provision_delete [218.22 sec, 7.46 MB]             [debug]
Returned from hook drush_db_provision_delete [218.22 sec, 7.46 MB]       [debug]
Calling hook drush_http_provision_delete [218.22 sec, 7.46 MB]           [debug]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_root() [218.22 sec, 7.46 MB][bootstrap]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/platforms/drupal6/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [218.22 sec, 7.47 MB]
Initialized Drupal 6.35 root directory at                               [notice]
/var/aegir/platforms/drupal6 [218.24 sec, 7.99 MB]
Find command files for phase 1 (max=) [218.24 sec, 5.89 MB]              [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-1-ad6d2163fceb9ff76329deec6ab3502f [218.24 sec,
5.89 MB]
Existing sites were found on this platform. These sites will need to     [error]
be deleted before this platform can be deleted. [218.25 sec, 40.81
Executing: sudo /usr/sbin//apache2ctl graceful
apache on aegir3-drush-master-dev has been restarted [218.34 sec,       [notice]
5.89 MB]
Returned from hook drush_http_provision_delete [218.34 sec, 5.89 MB]     [debug]
Command dispatch complete [218.34 sec, 5.85 MB]                         [notice]
  [Mon May 04 14:10:58 2015] [warn] NameVirtualHost *:80 has no VirtualHosts
Returned from hook drush_hosting_task [218.36 sec, 22.89 MB]             [debug]
Invoking <em class="placeholder">hosting_delete_task_rollback</em>      [notice]
hooks. [218.36 sec, 22.89 MB]
Changes made in drush_hosting_task have been rolled back. [218.36     [rollback]
sec, 22.89 MB]
Command dispatch complete [218.36 sec, 22.84 MB]                        [notice]
  Timer  Cum (sec)  Count  Avg (msec) 
 page   0.516      1      516.03
Removing platform: drupal7. [218.4 sec, 40.79 MB]                           [ok]
Backend invoke: /usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php                [command]
--php=/usr/bin/php  --backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes @hostmaster
hosting-task '@platform_drupal7' delete   --force 2>&1 [218.4 sec,
40.8 MB]
/usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php --php=/usr/bin/php              [notice]
--backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes @hostmaster hosting-task
'@platform_drupal7' delete   --force 2>&1 [218.4 sec, 40.8 MB]
Starting Drush preflight. [0 sec, 2.17 MB]                           [preflight]
Loading drushrc "/var/aegir/.drush/drushrc.php" into "home.drush"    [bootstrap]
scope. [0 sec, 2.17 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-0-aa98ffa695cbb5e717364fd4272daa3f [0.01 sec,
2.24 MB]
Loaded alias @hostmaster from file                                      [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/hostmaster.alias.drushrc.php [0.08 sec, 7.12 MB]
Cache SET cid: 7.0-dev-alias-path--650d359010aba94c3127b90f521409f4      [debug]
[0.09 sec, 7.12 MB]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [0.09 sec, 7.12 MB]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [0.09 sec, 7.66 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [218.52 sec, 7.66 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Bootstrap to phase 5. [218.52 sec, 7.67 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_root() [218.52 sec, 7.67 MB][bootstrap]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [218.52 sec, 7.67 MB]
Initialized Drupal 7.36 root directory at                               [notice]
/var/aegir/hostmaster-7.x-3.x [218.52 sec, 8.02 MB]
Find command files for phase 1 (max=5) [218.53 sec, 5.91 MB]             [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-1-94c8be94b204dda545274545770bd50b [218.53 sec,
5.92 MB]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_site() [218.53 sec, 5.92 MB][bootstrap]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
into "site" scope. [218.53 sec, 5.92 MB]
Initialized Drupal site aegir3-drush-master-dev.test at                 [notice]
sites/aegir3-drush-master-dev.test [218.57 sec, 8.66 MB]
Find command files for phase 2 (max=5) [218.57 sec, 6.51 MB]             [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-2-8a2a54068b6217b2682e9be25c504f09 [218.57 sec,
6.52 MB]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_configuration() [218.57 sec,[bootstrap]
6.51 MB]
Find command files for phase 3 (max=5) [218.57 sec, 6.53 MB]             [debug]
sql-query: SELECT 1; [218.58 sec, 6.63 MB]                              [status]
Executing: mysql --defaults-extra-file=/tmp/drush_DQePTl --database=aegir3drushmaste --host=localhost --port=3306 --silent  < /tmp/drush_ScypMg
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_database() [218.58 sec, 6.63[bootstrap]
Successfully connected to the Drupal database. [218.59 sec, 7.14 MB] [bootstrap]
Find command files for phase 4 (max=5) [218.59 sec, 7.14 MB]             [debug]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_full() [218.59 sec, 7.14 MB][bootstrap]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-00d855b13d846e51bcd920ec554fd0e0 [218.67 sec,
18.77 MB]
Find command files for phase 5 (max=5) [218.67 sec, 18.77 MB]            [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-install_profile-00d855b13d846e51bcd920ec554fd0e0 [218.67 sec,
18.77 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-5-fb072ae25e9c93988cfb5d238ffa5571 [218.67 sec,
18.78 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 5. [218.72 sec, 21.74 MB]                         [bootstrap]
Found command: hosting-task (commandfile=hosting) [218.72 sec, 21.74 [bootstrap]
Bootstrap to phase 5. [218.72 sec, 21.74 MB]                         [bootstrap]
Loaded alias @server_localhost from file                                [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/server_localhost.alias.drushrc.php [218.73 sec,
21.77 MB]
Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [218.73 sec, 21.78
Driver type not specified for the db service, provide it with           [notice]
--db_service_type [218.73 sec, 21.78 MB]
Loading apache driver for the http service [218.73 sec, 21.87 MB]       [notice]
Loading mysql driver for the db service [218.73 sec, 22 MB]             [notice]
Driver type not specified for the http service, provide it with         [notice]
--http_service_type [218.73 sec, 22.01 MB]
Loaded alias @platform_hostmaster from file                             [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_hostmaster.alias.drushrc.php [218.74 sec,
22.01 MB]
Including                                                            [bootstrap]
[218.74 sec, 22.02 MB]
Calling hook drush_hosting_task_validate [218.74 sec, 22.08 MB]          [debug]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_login() [218.74 sec, 22.08  [bootstrap]
Find command files for phase 6 (max=) [218.74 sec, 19.69 MB]             [debug]
Task starts processing [218.76 sec, 20.16 MB]                            [queue]
Returned from hook drush_hosting_task_validate [218.76 sec, 20.16 MB]    [debug]
Calling hook drush_hosting_package_pre_hosting_task [218.76 sec,         [debug]
20.18 MB]
Returned from hook drush_hosting_package_pre_hosting_task [218.76        [debug]
sec, 20.18 MB]
Calling hook drush_hosting_site_pre_hosting_task [218.76 sec, 20.18      [debug]
Returned from hook drush_hosting_site_pre_hosting_task [218.76 sec,      [debug]
20.18 MB]
Calling hook drush_hosting_task [218.77 sec, 20.19 MB]                   [debug]
Loaded alias @platform_drupal7 from file                                [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal7.alias.drushrc.php [218.81 sec,
22.66 MB]
Backend invoke: /usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php                [command]
--php=/usr/bin/php  --backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes
@platform_drupal7 provision-delete 2>&1 [218.81 sec, 22.67 MB]
/usr/bin/php /usr/share/drush/drush.php --php=/usr/bin/php              [notice]
--backend=2 --verbose --debug --yes @platform_drupal7
provision-delete 2>&1 [218.82 sec, 22.67 MB]
Starting Drush preflight. [0 sec, 2.17 MB]                           [preflight]
Loading drushrc "/var/aegir/.drush/drushrc.php" into "home.drush"    [bootstrap]
scope. [0 sec, 2.17 MB]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-0-aa98ffa695cbb5e717364fd4272daa3f [0.01 sec,
2.24 MB]
Loaded alias @platform_drupal7 from file                                [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal7.alias.drushrc.php [0.08 sec, 7.11
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [0.09 sec, 7.12 MB]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [0.09 sec, 7.34 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [218.93 sec, 7.35 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [218.93 sec, 7.35 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Found command: provision-delete (commandfile=provision) [218.93 sec, [bootstrap]
7.35 MB]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [218.93 sec, 7.36 MB]                          [bootstrap]
Loaded alias @server_master from file                                   [notice]
/var/aegir/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php [218.93 sec, 7.38
Driver type not specified for the db service, provide it with           [notice]
--db_service_type [218.94 sec, 7.39 MB]
Loading apache driver for the http service [218.94 sec, 7.47 MB]        [notice]
Including /var/aegir/.drush/provision/db/ [218.94[bootstrap]
sec, 7.48 MB]
Including /var/aegir/.drush/provision/http/      [bootstrap]
[218.94 sec, 7.48 MB]
Including /var/aegir/.drush/provision/platform/  [bootstrap]
[218.94 sec, 7.49 MB]
Calling hook drush_db_provision_delete_validate [218.94 sec, 7.52 MB]    [debug]
Returned from hook drush_db_provision_delete_validate [218.94 sec,       [debug]
7.52 MB]
Calling hook drush_provision_drupal_pre_provision_delete [218.94 sec,    [debug]
7.53 MB]
Returned from hook drush_provision_drupal_pre_provision_delete           [debug]
[218.94 sec, 7.54 MB]
Calling hook drush_db_provision_delete [218.94 sec, 7.54 MB]             [debug]
Returned from hook drush_db_provision_delete [218.94 sec, 7.54 MB]       [debug]
Calling hook drush_http_provision_delete [218.94 sec, 7.55 MB]           [debug]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_root() [218.94 sec, 7.55 MB][bootstrap]
Loading drushrc                                                      [bootstrap]
"/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php" into
"drupal" scope. [218.94 sec, 7.55 MB]
Initialized Drupal 7.36 root directory at                               [notice]
/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7 [218.95 sec, 7.9 MB]
Find command files for phase 1 (max=) [218.95 sec, 5.79 MB]              [debug]
Cache HIT cid:                                                           [debug]
7.0-dev-commandfiles-1-7a540dc983d482e1731beb64e4517606 [218.95 sec,
5.8 MB]
Executing: sudo /usr/sbin//apache2ctl graceful
Existing sites were found on this platform. These sites will need to     [error]
be deleted before this platform can be deleted. [218.96 sec, 40.91
<em class="placeholder">apache</em> on <em                              [notice]
class="placeholder">aegir3-drush-master-dev</em> has been restarted
[219.04 sec, 5.8 MB]
Returned from hook drush_http_provision_delete [219.04 sec, 5.8 MB]      [debug]
Command dispatch complete [219.04 sec, 5.76 MB]                         [notice]
  [Mon May 04 14:10:59 2015] [warn] NameVirtualHost *:80 has no VirtualHosts
Returned from hook drush_hosting_task [219.06 sec, 22.98 MB]             [debug]
Invoking <em class="placeholder">hosting_delete_task_rollback</em>      [notice]
hooks. [219.06 sec, 22.98 MB]
Changes made in drush_hosting_task have been rolled back. [219.07     [rollback]
sec, 22.98 MB]
Command dispatch complete [219.07 sec, 22.93 MB]                        [notice]
  Timer  Cum (sec)  Count  Avg (msec) 
 page   0.494      1      493.58
Running tests failed [219.14 sec, 40.89 MB]                              [error]
Drush command terminated abnormally due to an unrecoverable error.       [error]
[219.14 sec, 40.89 MB]
'provision-tests-run' failed. Leaving vm in place for forensic analysis.
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Sending e-mails to:
IRC notifier plugin: Sending notification to: #aegir
Finished: FAILURE