Started 1 yr 6 mo ago
Took 6 min 32 sec

Success Build #443 (Sep 17, 2015 7:43:15 PM)

  1. Add Test for Aegir3 on Drush7. (detail)
  2. Launch VM and install Puppet in new test. (detail)
  3. Support new Apache conf layout in Jessie. (detail)
  4. Don't provision (in test) until we've installed Puppet. (detail)
  5. Fix VM hostname in test. (detail)
  6. Add option to control starting hosting-queued service. (detail)
  7. Add cache clear for new Drush7 test. (detail)
  8. Clear caches after installing aegir. (detail)

Started by timer

Revision: dd74bcb7c3ab64377ad746ea79a780abdc60a7d1
  • origin/1.0.x