Started 3 yr 0 mo ago
Took 1 min 28 sec

Failed Build #19 (Mar 10, 2014 11:08:03 PM)

  1. Ensure mysql root password is set prior to securing install. (detail)
  2. Add first stab at matrix test. (detail)
  3. Only ignore Vagrantfiles in the root. (detail)
  4. Add matrix Vagrantfile. (detail)
  5. Fix hash syntax. (detail)
  6. Fix puppet paths. (detail)
  7. Hardcode http protocol string to fix jenkins matrix sub-test paths. (detail)
  8. Hardcode urls to fix jenkins matrix sub-test paths, etc. (detail)

Started by user Christopher Gervais

Revision: cff6da44c48d476e90a2939956eaf60e5209d14d
  • origin/new