

  1. Issue #1358768 by Steven Jones: Fixed 6.x-1.6 generates multiple Undefined property errors on site import. (details)
  2. Issue #1498102 by Steven Jones: Fixed Dates and times are incorrect on freshly created tasks. (details)
  3. Issue #1493286 by jm.federico: Fixed SSL certificates not being created. (details)
  4. Improve the documentation on hosting_import_site(). (details)
Commit 4969b65ecafe2c68a2221428b0b90f704c5a6276 by Steven Jones
Issue #1358768 by Steven Jones: Fixed 6.x-1.6 generates multiple Undefined property errors on site import.
The file was modifiedmodules/hosting/site/
The file was modifiedmodules/hosting/web_server/ssl/
The file was modifiedmodules/hosting/clone/
The file was modifiedmodules/hosting/task/hosting_task.module
The file was modifiedmodules/hosting/server/
Commit 1b344594a882c3dc10df596bf9d9b7210f336d47 by Steven Jones
Issue #1498102 by Steven Jones: Fixed Dates and times are incorrect on freshly created tasks.
The file was modifiedmodules/hosting/task/hosting_task.module
Commit fda27a50bedb9eb9f3330b5d42c933b247e644cd by Steven Jones
Issue #1493286 by jm.federico: Fixed SSL certificates not being created.
The file was modifiedmodules/hosting/web_server/ssl/
Commit 567443f6b9c9093d6ced4a3120d4b33751908761 by Steven Jones
Improve the documentation on hosting_import_site().
The file was modifiedmodules/hosting/site/hosting_site.module