FailedConsole Output

Started by timer
Building in workspace /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/P_Aegir_Puppet_Module_functional_test_Aegir2-dev/workspace
 > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10
Fetching changes from the remote Git repository
 > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
Fetching upstream changes from
 > git --version # timeout=10
 > git -c core.askpass=true fetch --tags --progress +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
 > git rev-parse origin/1.0.x^{commit} # timeout=10
Checking out Revision ae011e6946293f0abe7a39b9d0d38fa0914ce0f0 (origin/1.0.x)
 > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
 > git checkout -f ae011e6946293f0abe7a39b9d0d38fa0914ce0f0
 > git rev-list ae011e6946293f0abe7a39b9d0d38fa0914ce0f0 # timeout=10
 > git tag -a -f -m Jenkins Build #604 jenkins-P_Aegir_Puppet_Module_functional_test_Aegir2-dev-604 # timeout=10
[workspace] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/
+ ./tests/functional_tests/aegir2-dev/
Already up-to-date.
Already up-to-date.
==> default: VM not created. Moving on...
[workspace] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/
+ ./tests/functional_tests/aegir2-dev/
Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> default: Importing base box 'wheezy64'...

Progress: 10%
Progress: 20%
Progress: 30%
Progress: 40%
Progress: 70%
Progress: 80%
Progress: 90%
==> default: Matching MAC address for NAT networking...
==> default: Setting the name of the VM: workspace_default_1456447398687_60759
==> default: Fixed port collision for 22 => 2222. Now on port 2213.
==> default: Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
==> default: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...
    default: Adapter 1: nat
==> default: Forwarding ports...
    default: 22 => 2213 (adapter 1)
==> default: Booting VM...
==> default: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
    default: SSH address:
    default: SSH username: vagrant
    default: SSH auth method: private key
    default: Warning: Connection timeout. Retrying...
==> default: Machine booted and ready!
==> default: Checking for guest additions in VM...
    default: The guest additions on this VM do not match the installed version of
    default: VirtualBox! In most cases this is fine, but in rare cases it can
    default: prevent things such as shared folders from working properly. If you see
    default: shared folder errors, please make sure the guest additions within the
    default: virtual machine match the version of VirtualBox you have installed on
    default: your host and reload your VM.
    default: Guest Additions Version: 4.2.12
    default: VirtualBox Version: 4.3
==> default: Setting hostname...
==> default: Mounting shared folders...
    default: /vagrant => /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/P_Aegir_Puppet_Module_functional_test_Aegir2-dev/workspace
    default: /var/cache/apt/archives => /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/P_Aegir_Puppet_Module_functional_test_Aegir2-dev/workspace/tmp/apt/cache
    default: /var/aegir/.drush/cache => /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/P_Aegir_Puppet_Module_functional_test_Aegir2-dev/workspace/tmp/drush/cache
    default: /tmp/vagrant-puppet-3/manifests => /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/P_Aegir_Puppet_Module_functional_test_Aegir2-dev/workspace/tests/functional_tests/aegir2-dev
    default: /tmp/vagrant-puppet-3/modules-0 => /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/P_Aegir_Puppet_Module_functional_test_Aegir2-dev/workspace/tests/functional_tests/aegir2-dev/modules
==> default: Running provisioner: puppet...
==> default: Running Puppet with nodes.pp...
==> default: stdin: is not a tty
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Drush::Apt::Update/Exec[drush_apt_update]/returns: executed successfully
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Drush::Git::Drush/Drush::Git[]/Exec[drush-clone-repo:]/returns: executed successfully
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Drush::Git::Drush/Drush::Git[]/Exec[drush-checkout-ref:]/returns: executed successfully
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Drush::Git::Drush/File[symlink drush]/ensure: created
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Drush::Git::Drush/Package[php5-cli]/ensure: ensure changed 'purged' to 'present'
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Drush::Git::Drush/Exec[Install composer]/returns: executed successfully
==> default: err: /Stage[main]/Drush::Git::Drush/Exec[Install Drush dependencies]: Failed to call refresh: php ./composer.phar install > composer.log returned 1 instead of one of [0] at /tmp/vagrant-puppet-3/modules-0/drush/manifests/git/drush.pp:64
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Drush::Git::Drush/Exec[first drush run]: Triggered 'refresh' from 1 events
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Aegir::Dev/File[/etc/sudoers.d/aegir]/ensure: created
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Aegir::Dev/Group[aegir]/ensure: created
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Aegir::Dev/Exec[aegir_dev_update_apt]/returns: executed successfully
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Aegir::Dev/Package[mysql-server]/ensure: ensure changed 'purged' to 'present'
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Aegir::Dev/Exec[mysql_secure_installation]/returns: executed successfully
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Aegir::Dev/Exec[mysql_secure_installation]: Triggered 'refresh' from 1 events
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Aegir::Dev::Dependencies/Package[php5-mysql]/ensure: ensure changed 'purged' to 'present'
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Aegir::Dev::Dependencies/Package[php5-gd]/ensure: ensure changed 'purged' to 'present'
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Aegir::Dev::Dependencies/Package[php5]/ensure: ensure changed 'purged' to 'present'
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Aegir::Dev::Dependencies/Package[postfix]/ensure: ensure changed 'purged' to 'present'
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Aegir::Dev::Dependencies/Package[unzip]/ensure: ensure changed 'purged' to 'present'
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Aegir::Dev/Package[apache2]/ensure: ensure changed 'purged' to 'present'
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Aegir::Dev/User[aegir]/ensure: created
==> default: 
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Aegir::Dev/File[/var/aegir]/owner: owner changed 'root' to 'aegir'
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Aegir::Dev/File[/var/aegir]/group: group changed 'root' to 'aegir'
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Aegir::Dev/File[/etc/apache2/conf.d/aegir.conf]/ensure: created
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Aegir::Dev/Exec[Enable mod-rewrite]: Triggered 'refresh' from 1 events
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Aegir::Dev/File[/var/aegir/.drush]/owner: owner changed 'root' to 'aegir'
==> default: 
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Aegir::Dev/File[/var/aegir/.drush]/group: group changed 'root' to 'aegir'
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Aegir::Dev/Drush::Git[Install provision]/Exec[drush-clone-repo:Install provision]/returns: executed successfully
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Aegir::Dev/Drush::Git[Install provision]/Exec[drush-checkout-ref:Install provision]/returns: executed successfully
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Aegir::Dev/Drush::Git[Install provision_git]/Exec[drush-clone-repo:Install provision_git]/returns: executed successfully
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Aegir::Dev/Drush::Git[Install provision_git]/Exec[drush-checkout-ref:Install provision_git]/returns: executed successfully
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Aegir::Dev/Drush::Run[cache-clear drush]/Exec[drush-run:cache-clear drush]/returns: executed successfully
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Aegir::Dev/Drush::Run[hostmaster-install]/Exec[drush-run:hostmaster-install]/returns: executed successfully
==> default: alert: /Stage[main]/Aegir::Dev/Exec[aegir-dev login]/returns: *******************************************************************************
==> default: alert: /Stage[main]/Aegir::Dev/Exec[aegir-dev login]/returns: * Open the link below to access your new Aegir site:
==> default: alert: /Stage[main]/Aegir::Dev/Exec[aegir-dev login]/returns: * http://aegir2-dev.test/user/reset/1/1456447549/05163071f350eb32b8120579f06e290d/login
==> default: alert: /Stage[main]/Aegir::Dev/Exec[aegir-dev login]/returns: *******************************************************************************
==> default: alert: /Stage[main]/Aegir::Dev/Exec[aegir-dev login]/returns: executed successfully
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Aegir::Dev/File[queue daemon init script]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}8f8fa21f052d3e3e8e55a5b7359fa624'
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Aegir::Dev/Drush::En[hosting_queued]/Drush::Run[drush-en:hosting_queued]/Exec[drush-run:drush-en:hosting_queued]: Triggered 'refresh' from 1 events
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Aegir::Dev/Service[hosting-queued]/ensure: ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'
==> default: notice: /Stage[main]/Aegir::Dev/Service[hosting-queued]: Triggered 'refresh' from 1 events
==> default: notice: Finished catalog run in 116.23 seconds
This command should only be run on a clean Aegir install, and data may be lost! Do you want to continue? (y/n): y
Building platform: drupal6 and adding to hostmaster.                        [ok]
Beginning to build                                                          [ok]
There are no releases for project drupal.
drupal- downloaded.                                                         [ok]
Source directory /tmp/make_tmp_1456447560_56cfa048bcb47/__build__ is     [error]
not readable or does not exist.
Cannot move build into place                                             [error]
Generated config A Drush configuration file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal6.alias.drushrc.php to 440
Task verify was added to the queue. Next queue run is 01:46:41+0100,    [status]
server time is 01:46:01+0100.
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal6.alias.drushrc.php to 640
Generated config A Drush configuration file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal6.alias.drushrc.php to 440
The directory /var/aegir/platforms/drupal6 does not contain a valid      [error]
Drupal installation
Drush could not bootstrap this platform. Please check the platform       [error]
directory exists and is readable.
Building platform: drupal7 and adding to hostmaster.                        [ok]
Beginning to build                                                          [ok]
drupal-7.43 downloaded.                                                     [ok]
Generated config A Drush configuration file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal7.alias.drushrc.php to 440
Task verify was added to the queue. Next queue run is 01:46:41+0100,    [status]
server time is 01:46:06+0100.
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal7.alias.drushrc.php to 640
Generated config A Drush configuration file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal7.alias.drushrc.php to 440
Drupal sites directory /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites is writable  [success]
by the provisioning script
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Generated config A platform configuration file                         [success]
Created directory /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all/drush.        [success]
Generated config A Platform Drush configuration file                   [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php to 444
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Building platform: openatrium and adding to hostmaster.                     [ok]
Beginning to build                                                          [ok]
drupal-6.28 downloaded.                                                     [ok]
drupal patched with common.inc_6.28.patch.                                  [ok]
Generated PATCHES.txt file for drupal                                       [ok]
openatrium-6.x-1.7 downloaded.                                              [ok]
Found makefile: drupal-org.make                                             [ok]
There are no releases for project features.
There are no releases for project spaces.
ginkgo-6.x-1.1 downloaded.                                                  [ok]
 >> Project rubik contains 2 themes: cube, rubik.
rubik-6.x-3.0-beta3 downloaded.                                             [ok]
tao-6.x-3.3 downloaded.                                                     [ok]
l10n_update-6.x-1.0-beta3 downloaded.                                       [ok]
l10n_client-6.x-2.1 downloaded.                                             [ok]
 >> Project atrium_features contains 13 modules: atrium_test, atrium_translate, atrium_shoutbox, atrium_groups, atrium_members, atrium_reader, atrium, atrium_blog, atrium_book, atrium_calendar, atrium_profile, atrium_activity, atrium_casetracker.
atrium_features-6.x-1.3 downloaded.                                         [ok]
simpletest-6.x-2.11 downloaded.                                             [ok]
schema-6.x-1.7 downloaded.                                                  [ok]
 >> Project devel contains 3 modules: devel, devel_node_access, devel_generate.
devel-6.x-1.27 downloaded.                                                  [ok]
coder-6.x-2.0-rc1 downloaded.                                               [ok]
xref-6.x-1.1 downloaded.                                                    [ok]
 >> Project views contains 3 modules: views_export, views, views_ui.
views-6.x-2.16 downloaded.                                                  [ok]
views patched with views-static-cache-resets-694094-7.patch.                [ok]
views patched with views2_simple_translatables.patch.                       [ok]
views patched with 789674-29-vocabulary_module-6.x-2.x.patch.               [ok]
views patched with views-1040744-8.patch.                                   [ok]
Generated PATCHES.txt file for views                                        [ok]
 >> Project ucreate contains 2 modules: ucreate_og, ucreate.
ucreate-6.x-1.0-beta4 downloaded.                                           [ok]
transliteration-6.x-3.1 downloaded.                                         [ok]
 >> Project token contains 3 modules: tokenSTARTER, token, token_actions.
token-6.x-1.19 downloaded.                                                  [ok]
strongarm-6.x-2.2 downloaded.                                               [ok]
spaces- downloaded.                                                         [ok]
reldate-6.x-1.0-beta2 downloaded.                                           [ok]
purl-6.x-1.0-beta13 downloaded.                                             [ok]
prepopulate-6.x-2.2 downloaded.                                             [ok]
parser_ical-6.x-2.0-beta1 downloaded.                                       [ok]
openidadmin-6.x-1.2 downloaded.                                             [ok]
 >> Project og contains 5 modules: og_notifications, og_actions, og_views, og_access, og.
og-6.x-2.4 downloaded.                                                      [ok]
notifications_team-6.x-2.1-beta9 downloaded.                                [ok]
 >> Project notifications contains 7 modules: notifications_content, notifications_autosubscribe, notifications_ui, notifications_lite, notifications_tags, notifications_views, notifications.
notifications-6.x-2.3 downloaded.                                           [ok]
 >> Project nodeformcols contains 3 modules: nfccaptcha, nfcbiblio, nodeformcols.
nodeformcols-6.x-1.6 downloaded.                                            [ok]
 >> Project messaging contains 10 modules: messaging_phpmailer, messaging_debug, messaging_twitter, messaging_sms, messaging_mime_mail, messaging_privatemsg, messaging_mail, messaging_xmpp, messaging_simple, messaging.
messaging-6.x-2.4 downloaded.                                               [ok]
markdown-6.x-1.3 downloaded.                                                [ok]
mailhandler-6.x-1.11 downloaded.                                            [ok]
 >> Project mailcomment contains 2 modules: mailcomment_extras, mailcomment.
mailcomment-6.x-1.0 downloaded.                                             [ok]
litecal-6.x-1.0 downloaded.                                                 [ok]
libraries-6.x-1.0 downloaded.                                               [ok]
jquery_update-6.x-2.0-alpha1 downloaded.                                    [ok]
jquery_ui-6.x-1.5 downloaded.                                               [ok]
job_scheduler-6.x-1.0-beta3 downloaded.                                     [ok]
itweak_upload-6.x-2.6 downloaded.                                           [ok]
imagecache_profiles-6.x-1.3 downloaded.                                     [ok]
 >> Project imagecache contains 2 modules: imagecache_ui, imagecache.
imagecache-6.x-2.0-rc1 downloaded.                                          [ok]
 >> Project imageapi contains 3 modules: imageapi_gd, imageapi, imageapi_imagemagick.
imageapi-6.x-1.10 downloaded.                                               [ok]
 >> Project data contains 6 modules: data_node, data_search, data_ui, data_taxonomy, data_vbo, data.
data-6.x-1.1 downloaded.                                                    [ok]
 >> Project feeds contains 5 modules: feeds_fast_news, feeds_import, feeds_ui, feeds_news, feeds.
feeds-6.x-1.0-beta13 downloaded.                                            [ok]
features- downloaded.                                                       [ok]
diff-6.x-2.3 downloaded.                                                    [ok]
designkit-6.x-1.0-beta1 downloaded.                                         [ok]
 >> Project date contains 8 modules: date_timezone, date_locale, date_php4, date_popup, date, date_tools, date_repeat, date_api.
date-6.x-2.9 downloaded.                                                    [ok]
 >> Project ctools contains 9 modules: ctools_access_ruleset, stylizer, ctools_ajax_sample, page_manager, bulk_export, ctools_custom_content, views_content, ctools_plugin_example, ctools.
ctools-6.x-1.10 downloaded.                                                 [ok]
crayon-6.x-1.0-beta3 downloaded.                                            [ok]
 >> Project context contains 3 modules: context_layouts, context_ui, context.
context-6.x-3.1 downloaded.                                                 [ok]
 >> Project content_profile contains 3 modules: content_profile_tokens, content_profile_registration, content_profile.
content_profile-6.x-1.0 downloaded.                                         [ok]
comment_upload-6.x-1.0-alpha6 downloaded.                                   [ok]
codefilter-6.x-1.0 downloaded.                                              [ok]
 >> Project cck contains 9 modules: content_permissions, optionwidgets, text, nodereference, number, fieldgroup, userreference, content_copy, content.
cck-6.x-2.9 downloaded.                                                     [ok]
 >> Project casetracker contains 4 modules: casetracker_actions, casetracker_notifications, casetracker, casetracker_basic.
casetracker-6.x-1.0-beta9 downloaded.                                       [ok]
boxes-6.x-1.1 downloaded.                                                   [ok]
admin-6.x-2.0 downloaded.                                                   [ok]
jquery_ui downloaded from                                                   [ok]
Generated config A Drush configuration file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_openatrium.alias.drushrc.php to 440
Task verify was added to the queue. Next queue run is 01:46:41+0100,    [status]
server time is 01:46:36+0100.
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_openatrium.alias.drushrc.php to 640
Generated config A Drush configuration file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_openatrium.alias.drushrc.php to 440
Drupal sites directory /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/sites is        [success]
writable by the provisioning script
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Generated config A platform configuration file                         [success]
Created directory /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/sites/all/drush.     [success]
Generated config A Platform Drush configuration file                   [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php to 444
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Installing: on platform: drupal6          [ok]
with profile: default.
Generated config A Drush configuration file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Command provision-install needs a higher bootstrap level to run - you    [error]
will need to invoke drush from a more functional Drupal environment
to run this command.
The drush command 'provision-install' could not be executed.             [error]
The directory /var/aegir/platforms/drupal6 does not contain a valid      [error]
Drupal installation
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal6.alias.drushrc.php to 640
Generated config A Drush configuration file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal6.alias.drushrc.php to 440
The directory /var/aegir/platforms/drupal6 does not contain a valid      [error]
Drupal installation
Drush could not bootstrap this platform. Please check the platform       [error]
directory exists and is readable.
Installing: on platform: drupal7         [ok]
with profile: standard.
Generated config A Drush configuration file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Created drupal7standarda database                                      [success]
Created <code>sites/</code>          [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to 755
Created <code>sites/</code>   [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to 2775
Created <code>sites/</code>  [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to 2775
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Created <code>sites/</code>    [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to 2770
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Created <code>sites/</code>  [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to 2770
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Generated config A virtual host configuration file                     [success]
Generated config A Drupal settings.php file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Change group ownership of                                              [success]
to www-data
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Generated config A Site Drush configuration file                       [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Error validating client email ``. Please check your user account       [warning]
email. To allow the site installation to proceed, the email
`` has been used instead. Please use the `login`
link to change the site admin email to a proper valid address.
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to 755
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to 2775
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to 2775
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Login url:                                                             [success]
Generated config A Drupal sites.php file                               [success]
Changed permissions of /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/sites.php    [success]
to 644
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Site Drush configuration file                       [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal7.alias.drushrc.php to 640
Generated config A Drush configuration file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal7.alias.drushrc.php to 440
Drupal sites directory /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites is writable  [success]
by the provisioning script
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Generated config A platform configuration file                         [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php to 644
Generated config A Platform Drush configuration file                   [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php to 444
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Task import was added to the queue. Next queue run is 01:47:41+0100,    [status]
server time is 01:46:48+0100.
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Drush configuration file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Drush configuration file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Site Drush configuration file                       [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Drupal settings.php file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Change group ownership of                                              [success]
to www-data
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to 755
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to 2775
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to 2775
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Generated config A Drupal sites.php file                               [success]
Changed permissions of /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/sites.php    [success]
to 644
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Drupal settings.php file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Change group ownership of                                              [success]
to www-data
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Generated config A virtual host configuration file                     [success]
Client home directory for admin path /var/aegir/clients/admin exists.  [success]
Client home directory for admin ownership of /var/aegir/clients/admin  [success]
has been changed to aegir.
Client home directory for admin permissions of                         [success]
/var/aegir/clients/admin have been changed to 750.
Client home directory for admin path /var/aegir/clients/admin is       [success]
Created symlink                                                        [success]
/var/aegir/clients/admin/ to
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Site Drush configuration file                       [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Installing: on platform: drupal7          [ok]
with profile: minimal.
Generated config A Drush configuration file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Created drupal7minimalae database                                      [success]
Created <code>sites/</code>           [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to 755
Created <code>sites/</code>    [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to 2775
Created <code>sites/</code>   [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to 2775
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Created <code>sites/</code>     [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to 2770
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Created <code>sites/</code>  [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to 2770
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Created <code>sites/</code>   [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to 2770
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Generated config A virtual host configuration file                     [success]
Generated config A Drupal settings.php file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Change group ownership of                                              [success]
to www-data
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Generated config A Site Drush configuration file                       [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Error validating client email ``. Please check your user account       [warning]
email. To allow the site installation to proceed, the email
`` has been used instead. Please use the `login`
link to change the site admin email to a proper valid address.
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to 755
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to 2775
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to 2775
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Login url:                                                             [success]
Generated config A Drupal sites.php file                               [success]
Changed permissions of /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/sites.php    [success]
to 644
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Site Drush configuration file                       [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal7.alias.drushrc.php to 640
Generated config A Drush configuration file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal7.alias.drushrc.php to 440
Drupal sites directory /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites is writable  [success]
by the provisioning script
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Generated config A platform configuration file                         [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php to 644
Generated config A Platform Drush configuration file                   [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php to 444
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Task import was added to the queue. Next queue run is 01:47:41+0100,    [status]
server time is 01:46:56+0100.
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Drush configuration file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Drush configuration file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Site Drush configuration file                       [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Drupal settings.php file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Change group ownership of                                              [success]
to www-data
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to 755
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to 2775
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to 2775
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Generated config A Drupal sites.php file                               [success]
Changed permissions of /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/sites.php    [success]
to 644
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Drupal settings.php file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Change group ownership of                                              [success]
to www-data
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Generated config A virtual host configuration file                     [success]
Client home directory for admin path /var/aegir/clients/admin exists.  [success]
Client home directory for admin ownership of /var/aegir/clients/admin  [success]
has been changed to aegir.
Client home directory for admin permissions of                         [success]
/var/aegir/clients/admin have been changed to 750.
Client home directory for admin path /var/aegir/clients/admin is       [success]
Created symlink                                                        [success]
/var/aegir/clients/admin/ to
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Site Drush configuration file                       [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Installing: on platform:            [ok]
openatrium with profile: openatrium.
Generated config A Drush configuration file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Created openatriumopenat database                                      [success]
Created <code>sites/</code>     [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to 755
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2775
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Generated config A virtual host configuration file                     [success]
Generated config A Drupal settings.php file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Change group ownership of                                              [success]
to www-data
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Generated config A Site Drush configuration file                       [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Could not complete Drupal installation.                                  [error]
The features module is required but was not found. Please move it        [error]
into the modules subdirectory.
The spaces module is required but was not found. Please move it into     [error]
the modules subdirectory.
The spaces_user module is required but was not found. Please move it     [error]
into the modules subdirectory.
The spaces_og module is required but was not found. Please move it       [error]
into the modules subdirectory.
Drush was not able to start (bootstrap) the Drupal database.             [error]
Hint: This may occur when Drush is trying to:
 * bootstrap a site that has not been installed or does not have a
configured database. In this case you can select another site with a
working database setup by specifying the URI to use with the --uri
parameter on the command line. See `drush topic docs-aliases` for
 * connect the database through a socket. The socket file may be
wrong or the php-cli may have no access to it in a jailed shell. See for details.

Drush was attempting to connect to: 
  Drupal version    : 6.28
  Site URI          :
  Default theme     : garland
  Administration theme: garland
  PHP configuration : /etc/php5/cli/php.ini
  Drush version     : 5.12-dev
  Drush configuration:
  Drush alias files :
  Drupal root       : /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium
  Site path         : sites/
  Modules path      :
  Themes path       :
  %paths            : Array

Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_openatrium.alias.drushrc.php to 640
Generated config A Drush configuration file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_openatrium.alias.drushrc.php to 440
Drupal sites directory /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/sites is        [success]
writable by the provisioning script
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Generated config A platform configuration file                         [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php to 644
Generated config A Platform Drush configuration file                   [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php to 444
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Removing:                                [ok]
This task is not valid                                                   [error]
Removing:                               [ok]
Task delete was added to the queue. Next queue run is 01:47:41+0100,    [status]
server time is 01:47:05+0100.
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Drupal settings.php file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Change group ownership of                                              [success]
to www-data
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Drupal settings.php file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Change group ownership of                                              [success]
to www-data
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Deleted mysql dump from sites directory                                [success]
Backed up site up to                                                   [success]
Client backup directory for admin path                                 [success]
/var/aegir/clients/admin/backups has been created.
Client backup directory for admin ownership of                         [success]
/var/aegir/clients/admin/backups has been changed to aegir.
Client backup directory for admin permissions of                       [success]
/var/aegir/clients/admin/backups have been changed to 750.
Client backup directory for admin path                                 [success]
/var/aegir/clients/admin/backups is writable.
Created symlink                                                        [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Site Drush configuration file                       [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Generated config A Drupal sites.php file                               [success]
Changed permissions of /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/sites.php    [success]
to 644
Deleted symlink                                                        [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Removing:                                [ok]
Task delete was added to the queue. Next queue run is 01:47:41+0100,    [status]
server time is 01:47:07+0100.
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Drupal settings.php file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Change group ownership of                                              [success]
to www-data
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Drupal settings.php file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Change group ownership of                                              [success]
to www-data
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Deleted mysql dump from sites directory                                [success]
Backed up site up to                                                   [success]
Client backup directory for admin path                                 [success]
/var/aegir/clients/admin/backups exists.
Client backup directory for admin ownership of                         [success]
/var/aegir/clients/admin/backups has been changed to aegir.
Client backup directory for admin permissions of                       [success]
/var/aegir/clients/admin/backups have been changed to 750.
Client backup directory for admin path                                 [success]
/var/aegir/clients/admin/backups is writable.
Created symlink                                                        [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Site Drush configuration file                       [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Generated config A Drupal sites.php file                               [success]
Changed permissions of /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/sites.php    [success]
to 644
Deleted symlink                                                        [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Removing:                          [ok]
This task is not valid                                                   [error]
Building platform: drupal6_other and adding to hostmaster.                  [ok]
Beginning to build                                                          [ok]
There are no releases for project drupal.
drupal- downloaded.                                                         [ok]
Source directory /tmp/make_tmp_1456447629_56cfa08d28eee/__build__ is     [error]
not readable or does not exist.
Cannot move build into place                                             [error]
Generated config A Drush configuration file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal6_other.alias.drushrc.php to 440
Task verify was added to the queue. Next queue run is 01:47:41+0100,    [status]
server time is 01:47:10+0100.
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal6_other.alias.drushrc.php to 640
Generated config A Drush configuration file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal6_other.alias.drushrc.php to 440
The directory /var/aegir/platforms/drupal6_other does not contain a      [error]
valid Drupal installation
Drush could not bootstrap this platform. Please check the platform       [error]
directory exists and is readable.
Installing: on              [ok]
platform: drupal6 with profile: default.
Generated config A Drush configuration file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Command provision-install needs a higher bootstrap level to run - you    [error]
will need to invoke drush from a more functional Drupal environment
to run this command.
The drush command 'provision-install' could not be executed.             [error]
The directory /var/aegir/platforms/drupal6 does not contain a valid      [error]
Drupal installation
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal6.alias.drushrc.php to 640
Generated config A Drush configuration file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal6.alias.drushrc.php to 440
The directory /var/aegir/platforms/drupal6 does not contain a valid      [error]
Drupal installation
Drush could not bootstrap this platform. Please check the platform       [error]
directory exists and is readable.
Downloading module: token to site:                                          [ok]
The directory sites/ does not exist.
Would you like to create it? (y/n): y
Project token (7.x-1.6) downloaded to                                  [success]
Migrating: to               [ok]
platform: drupal6_other.
Command provision-migrate needs a higher bootstrap level to run - you    [error]
will need to invoke drush from a more functional Drupal environment
to run this command.
The drush command 'provision-migrate @platform_drupal6_other' could      [error]
not be executed.
The directory /var/aegir/platforms/drupal6 does not contain a valid      [error]
Drupal installation
Task install was added to the queue. Next queue run is 01:47:41+0100,   [status]
server time is 01:47:13+0100.
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal6_other.alias.drushrc.php to 640
Generated config A Drush configuration file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal6_other.alias.drushrc.php to 440
The directory /var/aegir/platforms/drupal6_other does not contain a      [error]
valid Drupal installation
Drush could not bootstrap this platform. Please check the platform       [error]
directory exists and is readable.
Task verify was added to the queue. Next queue run is 01:47:41+0100,    [status]
server time is 01:47:16+0100.
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Drush configuration file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
The directory /var/aegir/platforms/drupal6 does not contain a valid      [error]
Drupal installation
PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function conf_path() in /usr/share/drush/includes/ on line 792

Fatal error: Call to undefined function conf_path() in /usr/share/drush/includes/ on line 792
Drush command terminated abnormally due to an unrecoverable error.       [error]
Error: Call to undefined function conf_path() in
/usr/share/drush/includes/, line 792
The external command could not be executed due to an application         [error]
Enabling module: token on site:                                             [ok]
Command pm-enable needs a higher bootstrap level to run - you will       [error]
need to invoke drush from a more functional Drupal environment to run
this command.
The drush command 'en token' could not be executed.                      [error]
The directory /var/aegir/platforms/drupal6 does not contain a valid      [error]
Drupal installation
Removing:                  [ok]
Task delete was added to the queue. Next queue run is 01:47:41+0100,    [status]
server time is 01:47:17+0100.
The directory /var/aegir/platforms/drupal6 does not contain a valid      [error]
Drupal installation
Drush command terminated abnormally due to an unrecoverable error.       [error]
Error: Call to undefined function conf_path() in
/usr/share/drush/includes/, line 792
The external command could not be executed due to an application         [error]
Removing platform: drupal6_other.                                           [ok]
Task delete was added to the queue. Next queue run is 01:47:41+0100,    [status]
server time is 01:47:18+0100.
The directory /var/aegir/platforms/drupal6_other does not contain a      [error]
valid Drupal installation
Building platform: drupal7_other and adding to hostmaster.                  [ok]
Beginning to build                                                          [ok]
drupal-7.43 downloaded.                                                     [ok]
Generated config A Drush configuration file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal7_other.alias.drushrc.php to 440
Task verify was added to the queue. Next queue run is 01:47:41+0100,    [status]
server time is 01:47:20+0100.
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal7_other.alias.drushrc.php to 640
Generated config A Drush configuration file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal7_other.alias.drushrc.php to 440
Drupal sites directory /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/sites is     [success]
writable by the provisioning script
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Generated config A platform configuration file                         [success]
Created directory /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/sites/all/drush.  [success]
Generated config A Platform Drush configuration file                   [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php to 444
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Installing: on              [ok]
platform: drupal7 with profile: standard.
Generated config A Drush configuration file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Created drupal7migratedr database                                      [success]
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2775
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2775
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2775
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Created                                                                [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Generated config A virtual host configuration file                     [success]
Generated config A Drupal settings.php file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Change group ownership of                                              [success]
to www-data
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Generated config A Site Drush configuration file                       [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Error validating client email ``. Please check your user account       [warning]
email. To allow the site installation to proceed, the email
`` has been used instead. Please use the `login`
link to change the site admin email to a proper valid address.
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2775
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2775
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2775
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Login url:                                                             [success]
Generated config A Drupal sites.php file                               [success]
Changed permissions of /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/sites.php    [success]
to 644
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Site Drush configuration file                       [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal7.alias.drushrc.php to 640
Generated config A Drush configuration file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal7.alias.drushrc.php to 440
Drupal sites directory /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites is writable  [success]
by the provisioning script
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Generated config A platform configuration file                         [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php to 644
Generated config A Platform Drush configuration file                   [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php to 444
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Task import was added to the queue. Next queue run is 01:47:41+0100,    [status]
server time is 01:47:30+0100.
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Drush configuration file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Drush configuration file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Site Drush configuration file                       [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Drupal settings.php file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Change group ownership of                                              [success]
to www-data
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2775
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2775
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2775
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Generated config A Drupal sites.php file                               [success]
Changed permissions of /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/sites.php    [success]
to 644
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Drupal settings.php file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Change group ownership of                                              [success]
to www-data
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Generated config A virtual host configuration file                     [success]
Client home directory for admin path /var/aegir/clients/admin exists.  [success]
Client home directory for admin ownership of /var/aegir/clients/admin  [success]
has been changed to aegir.
Client home directory for admin permissions of                         [success]
/var/aegir/clients/admin have been changed to 750.
Client home directory for admin path /var/aegir/clients/admin is       [success]
Created symlink                                                        [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Site Drush configuration file                       [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Downloading module: token to site:                                          [ok]
Project token (7.x-1.6) downloaded to                                  [success]
Migrating: to               [ok]
platform: drupal7_other.
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Drupal settings.php file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Change group ownership of                                              [success]
to www-data
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Drupal settings.php file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Change group ownership of                                              [success]
to www-data
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Drupal settings.php file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Change group ownership of                                              [success]
to www-data
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Deleted mysql dump from sites directory                                [success]
Backed up site up to                                                   [success]
Client backup directory for admin path                                 [success]
/var/aegir/clients/admin/backups exists.
Client backup directory for admin ownership of                         [success]
/var/aegir/clients/admin/backups has been changed to aegir.
Client backup directory for admin permissions of                       [success]
/var/aegir/clients/admin/backups have been changed to 750.
Client backup directory for admin path                                 [success]
/var/aegir/clients/admin/backups is writable.
Created symlink                                                        [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Site Drush configuration file                       [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Drush configuration file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Deploying site from                                                    [success]
Created drupal7migrate_0 database                                      [success]
Successfully extracted the contents of                                 [success]
Changed group ownership of files in                                    [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of private files in                            [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of temp files in                               [success]
to www-data
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Site Drush configuration file                       [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Drupal settings.php file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Change group ownership of                                              [success]
to www-data
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Found database dump at                                                 [success]
Database dump at                                                       [success]
is readable
Generated config A Drupal sites.php file                               [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/sites/sites.php to 644
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2775
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2775
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2775
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Removed dump file                                                      [success]
after restoring from it
Generated config A virtual host configuration file                     [success]
No database updates required                                           [success]
'all' cache was cleared in                                             [success]
Finished performing updates.                                                [ok]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Drupal settings.php file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Change group ownership of                                              [success]
to www-data
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2775
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2775
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2775
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Generated config A Drupal sites.php file                               [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/sites/sites.php to 644
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Drupal settings.php file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Change group ownership of                                              [success]
to www-data
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Generated config A virtual host configuration file                     [success]
Client home directory for admin path /var/aegir/clients/admin exists.  [success]
Client home directory for admin ownership of /var/aegir/clients/admin  [success]
has been changed to aegir.
Client home directory for admin permissions of                         [success]
/var/aegir/clients/admin have been changed to 750.
Client home directory for admin path /var/aegir/clients/admin is       [success]
Created symlink                                                        [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Site Drush configuration file                       [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Generated config A Drupal sites.php file                               [success]
Changed permissions of /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/sites.php    [success]
to 644
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal7_other.alias.drushrc.php to 640
Generated config A Drush configuration file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal7_other.alias.drushrc.php to 440
Drupal sites directory /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/sites is     [success]
writable by the provisioning script
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Generated config A platform configuration file                         [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php to 644
Generated config A Platform Drush configuration file                   [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php to 444
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Task verify was added to the queue. Next queue run is 01:48:41+0100,    [status]
server time is 01:47:41+0100.
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Drush configuration file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Drupal settings.php file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Change group ownership of                                              [success]
to www-data
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
<code>sites/</code> to
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2775
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2775
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2775
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 2770
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Changed group ownership of                                             [success]
to www-data
Generated config A Drupal sites.php file                               [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/sites/sites.php to 644
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Drupal settings.php file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Change group ownership of                                              [success]
to www-data
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Generated config A virtual host configuration file                     [success]
Client home directory for admin path /var/aegir/clients/admin exists.  [success]
Client home directory for admin ownership of /var/aegir/clients/admin  [success]
has been changed to aegir.
Client home directory for admin permissions of                         [success]
/var/aegir/clients/admin have been changed to 750.
Client home directory for admin path /var/aegir/clients/admin is       [success]
Created symlink                                                        [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Site Drush configuration file                       [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Enabling module: token on site:                                             [ok]
The following extensions will be enabled: token
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
token was enabled successfully.                                             [ok]
Removing:                  [ok]
Task delete was added to the queue. Next queue run is 01:48:41+0100,    [status]
server time is 01:47:44+0100.
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Drupal settings.php file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Change group ownership of                                              [success]
to www-data
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Drupal settings.php file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Change group ownership of                                              [success]
to www-data
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Deleted mysql dump from sites directory                                [success]
Backed up site up to                                                   [success]
Client backup directory for admin path                                 [success]
/var/aegir/clients/admin/backups exists.
Client backup directory for admin ownership of                         [success]
/var/aegir/clients/admin/backups has been changed to aegir.
Client backup directory for admin permissions of                       [success]
/var/aegir/clients/admin/backups have been changed to 750.
Client backup directory for admin path                                 [success]
/var/aegir/clients/admin/backups is writable.
Created symlink                                                        [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Site Drush configuration file                       [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Generated config A Drupal sites.php file                               [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/sites/sites.php to 644
Deleted symlink                                                        [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Removing platform: drupal7_other.                                           [ok]
Task delete was added to the queue. Next queue run is 01:48:41+0100,    [status]
server time is 01:47:45+0100.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/contact directory  [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/contextual/images  [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/contextual         [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/file/tests         [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/file/icons         [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/file directory     [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/color/images       [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/color directory    [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/rdf/tests          [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/rdf directory      [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/taxonomy           [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/overlay/images     [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/overlay directory  [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/dblog directory    [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/dashboard          [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/openid/tests       [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/openid directory   [success]
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/locale/tests       [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/locale directory   [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/trigger/tests      [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/trigger directory  [success]
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/block/tests        [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/block directory    [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/path directory     [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/php directory      [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/profile directory  [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/statistics         [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/book directory     [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/field_ui           [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/system/tests       [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/system directory   [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/poll directory     [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/shortcut           [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/syslog directory   [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/blog directory     [success]
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/simpletest/lib     [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/simpletest/tests   [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/simpletest/files   [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/simpletest/src     [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/simpletest         [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/menu directory     [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/comment directory  [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/image/tests        [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/image directory    [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/help directory     [success]
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/update/tests       [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/update directory   [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/node/tests         [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/node directory     [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/search/tests       [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/search directory   [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/user/tests         [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/user directory     [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/filter/tests       [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/filter directory   [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/toolbar directory  [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/aggregator/tests   [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/aggregator         [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/tracker directory  [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/translation/tests  [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/translation        [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/field/tests        [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/field/theme        [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/field/modules      [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/field directory    [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules/forum directory    [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/modules directory          [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/includes/database/sqlite   [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/includes/database/pgsql    [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/includes/database/mysql    [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/includes/database          [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/includes/filetransfer      [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/includes directory         [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/scripts directory          [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/misc/farbtastic directory  [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/misc/ui/images directory   [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/misc/ui directory          [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/misc directory             [success]
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/profiles/testing/modules   [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/profiles/testing           [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/profiles/standard          [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/profiles/minimal           [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/profiles directory         [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/sites/all/drush directory  [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/sites/all/modules          [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/sites/all/libraries        [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/sites/all/themes           [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/sites/all directory        [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/sites/default directory    [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/sites directory            [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/themes/stark directory     [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/themes/garland/color       [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/themes/garland/images      [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/themes/garland directory   [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/themes/seven/images        [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/themes/seven directory     [success]
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/themes/engines directory   [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/themes/bartik/css          [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/themes/bartik/color        [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/themes/bartik/images       [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/themes/bartik/templates    [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/themes/bartik directory    [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other/themes directory           [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7_other directory successful.      [success]
Installing: on platform:          [ok]
drupal6 with profile: default.
Generated config A Drush configuration file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
Command provision-install needs a higher bootstrap level to run - you    [error]
will need to invoke drush from a more functional Drupal environment
to run this command.
The drush command 'provision-install' could not be executed.             [error]
The directory /var/aegir/platforms/drupal6 does not contain a valid      [error]
Drupal installation
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal6.alias.drushrc.php to 640
Generated config A Drush configuration file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal6.alias.drushrc.php to 440
The directory /var/aegir/platforms/drupal6 does not contain a valid      [error]
Drupal installation
Drush could not bootstrap this platform. Please check the platform       [error]
directory exists and is readable.
Migrating: to platform:           [ok]
Command provision-migrate needs a higher bootstrap level to run - you    [error]
will need to invoke drush from a more functional Drupal environment
to run this command.
The drush command 'provision-migrate @platform_drupal7' could not be     [error]
The directory /var/aegir/platforms/drupal6 does not contain a valid      [error]
Drupal installation
Task install was added to the queue. Next queue run is 01:48:41+0100,   [status]
server time is 01:47:48+0100.
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal7.alias.drushrc.php to 640
Generated config A Drush configuration file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/.drush/platform_drupal7.alias.drushrc.php to 440
Drupal sites directory /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites is writable  [success]
by the provisioning script
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Generated config A platform configuration file                         [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php to 644
Generated config A Platform Drush configuration file                   [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
/var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all/drush/drushrc.php to 444
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms exists.                            [success]
Platforms ownership of /var/aegir/platforms has been changed to        [success]
Platforms permissions of /var/aegir/platforms have been changed to     [success]
Platforms path /var/aegir/platforms is writable.                       [success]
Task verify was added to the queue. Next queue run is 01:48:41+0100,    [status]
server time is 01:47:51+0100.
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 640
Generated config A Drush configuration file                            [success]
Changed permissions of                                                 [success]
to 440
The directory /var/aegir/platforms/drupal6 does not contain a valid      [error]
Drupal installation
PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function conf_path() in /usr/share/drush/includes/ on line 792

Fatal error: Call to undefined function conf_path() in /usr/share/drush/includes/ on line 792
Drush command terminated abnormally due to an unrecoverable error.       [error]
Error: Call to undefined function conf_path() in
/usr/share/drush/includes/, line 792
The external command could not be executed due to an application         [error]
Removing:                        [ok]
Task delete was added to the queue. Next queue run is 01:48:41+0100,    [status]
server time is 01:47:53+0100.
The directory /var/aegir/platforms/drupal6 does not contain a valid      [error]
Drupal installation
Drush command terminated abnormally due to an unrecoverable error.       [error]
Error: Call to undefined function conf_path() in
/usr/share/drush/includes/, line 792
The external command could not be executed due to an application         [error]
Removing platform: drupal6.                                                 [ok]
Task delete was added to the queue. Next queue run is 01:48:41+0100,    [status]
server time is 01:47:53+0100.
The directory /var/aegir/platforms/drupal6 does not contain a valid      [error]
Drupal installation
Removing platform: drupal7.                                                 [ok]
Task delete was added to the queue. Next queue run is 01:48:41+0100,    [status]
server time is 01:47:54+0100.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/contact directory        [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/contextual/images        [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/contextual directory     [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/file/tests directory     [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/file/icons directory     [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/file directory           [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/color/images directory   [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/color directory          [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/rdf/tests directory      [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/rdf directory            [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/taxonomy directory       [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/overlay/images           [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/overlay directory        [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/dblog directory          [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/dashboard directory      [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/openid/tests directory   [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/openid directory         [success]
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/locale/tests directory   [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/locale directory         [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/trigger/tests directory  [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/trigger directory        [success]
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/block/tests/themes       [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/block/tests directory    [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/block directory          [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/path directory           [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/php directory            [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/profile directory        [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/statistics directory     [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/book directory           [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/field_ui directory       [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/system/tests directory   [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/system directory         [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/poll directory           [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/shortcut directory       [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/syslog directory         [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/blog directory           [success]
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/simpletest/lib/Drupal    [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/simpletest/lib           [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/simpletest/tests/themes  [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/simpletest/tests         [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/simpletest/files         [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/simpletest/src/Tests     [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/simpletest/src           [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/simpletest directory     [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/menu directory           [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/comment directory        [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/image/tests directory    [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/image directory          [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/help directory           [success]
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/update/tests/themes      [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/update/tests directory   [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/update directory         [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/node/tests directory     [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/node directory           [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/search/tests directory   [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/search directory         [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/user/tests directory     [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/user directory           [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/filter/tests directory   [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/filter directory         [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/toolbar directory        [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/aggregator/tests         [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/aggregator directory     [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/tracker directory        [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/translation/tests        [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/translation directory    [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/field/tests directory    [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/field/theme directory    [success]
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/field/modules/number     [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/field/modules/options    [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/field/modules/list       [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/field/modules/text       [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/field/modules directory  [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/field directory          [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules/forum directory          [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/modules directory successful.    [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/includes/database/sqlite         [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/includes/database/pgsql          [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/includes/database/mysql          [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/includes/database directory      [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/includes/filetransfer directory  [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/includes directory successful.   [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/scripts directory successful.    [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/misc/farbtastic directory        [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/misc/ui/images directory         [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/misc/ui directory successful.    [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/misc directory successful.       [success]
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/profiles/testing/modules         [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/profiles/testing directory       [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/profiles/standard/translations   [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/profiles/standard directory      [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/profiles/minimal/translations    [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/profiles/minimal directory       [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/profiles directory successful.   [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all/drush directory        [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all/modules directory      [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all/libraries directory    [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all/themes directory       [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/all directory successful.  [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites/default directory          [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/sites directory successful.      [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/themes/stark directory           [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/themes/garland/color directory   [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/themes/garland/images directory  [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/themes/garland directory         [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/themes/seven/images directory    [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/themes/seven directory           [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/themes/engines/phptemplate       [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/themes/engines directory         [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/themes/bartik/css directory      [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/themes/bartik/color directory    [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/themes/bartik/images directory   [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/themes/bartik/templates          [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/themes/bartik directory          [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7/themes directory successful.     [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/drupal7 directory successful.            [success]
Removing platform: openatrium.                                              [ok]
Task delete was added to the queue. Next queue run is 01:48:41+0100,    [status]
server time is 01:47:55+0100.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/modules/contact directory     [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/modules/color/images          [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/modules/color directory       [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/modules/taxonomy directory    [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/modules/dblog directory       [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/modules/openid directory      [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/modules/locale directory      [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/modules/trigger directory     [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/modules/block directory       [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/modules/blogapi directory     [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/modules/path directory        [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/modules/php directory         [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/modules/profile directory     [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/modules/statistics directory  [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/modules/upload directory      [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/modules/book directory        [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/modules/system directory      [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/modules/poll directory        [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/modules/throttle directory    [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/modules/syslog directory      [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/modules/blog directory        [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/modules/menu directory        [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/modules/comment directory     [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/modules/help directory        [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/modules/update directory      [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/modules/node directory        [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/modules/search directory      [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/modules/user directory        [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/modules/filter directory      [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/modules/ping directory        [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/modules/aggregator directory  [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/modules/tracker directory     [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/modules/translation           [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/modules/forum directory       [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/modules directory             [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/includes directory            [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/scripts directory             [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/misc/farbtastic directory     [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/misc directory successful.    [success]
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
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Deleting                                                               [success]
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Deleting                                                               [success]
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Deleting                                                               [success]
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directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
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Deleting                                                               [success]
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Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/profiles/openatrium/themes    [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/profiles/openatrium           [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/profiles/default directory    [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/profiles directory            [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/sites/all/drush directory     [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/sites/all directory           [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/sites/default directory       [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/sites directory successful.   [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/themes/pushbutton directory   [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/themes/bluemarine directory   [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/themes/garland/color          [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/themes/garland/images         [success]
directory successful.
Deleting                                                               [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/themes/garland/minnelli       [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/themes/garland directory      [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/themes/chameleon/marvin       [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/themes/chameleon directory    [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/themes/engines/phptemplate    [success]
directory successful.
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/themes/engines directory      [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium/themes directory successful.  [success]
Deleting /var/aegir/platforms/openatrium directory successful.         [success]
Running tests failed                                                     [error]
'provision-tests-run' failed. Leaving vm in place for forensic analysis.
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE